Daredevil Δημοσ. 13 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 13 Ιουνίου 2006 HDDunlock.com is currently offering their tool for free (only 1 day left tho) that allows to unlock harddrives (including some Xbox drives) without requiring the HDD-key: HDD Unlock Wizard is a user-friendly application which allows you to easily unlock IDE and SATA Hard disk drives. This tool will remove an unknown User or Master password and your hard drive will be ready for use. While unlocking, HDD Unlock Wizard will erase and re-certify the drive. If you need unlocking which is safe to your data, please use A-FF Repair Station. Unlocking of a 80GB HDD takes approximately 25 minutes. HDD Unlock Wizard supports: * Unlocking of desktop drives * Unlocking of Xbox drives * Unlocking of 2.5-inch laptop drives What is a HDD Lock? All hard disk drives have the possibility to set a hardware password, thus making the drive completely inaccessible unless a correct password is provided. When you set a password on your notebook, the notebook locks the drive as well. XBox gaming consoles and some desktop computers can also lock hard disk drives. If you forget the original password, there is no way to use the hard drive anymore. HDD Unlock Wizard removes any password and makes the drive useable again, thus saving you time and money. They are currently offering free unlocks (instead of $9.95 for sub-80gb drives), but there's only 1 day left, so be quick! The Wizard will first check if your drive is compatible with this tool, but it has a pretty long list of compatible drives. I saw the 2 widely used seagate drives (ST310211A and ST310014A) on the list, however I don't see the WD80ED-28xxxx drives. Official Site: http://www.hddunlock.com Download: here
Narayan Δημοσ. 14 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 14 Ιουνίου 2006 Για τους Seagate είναι χρήσιμο του utility επειδή θέλει ιδιαίτερη διαδικασία το ξεκλείδωμά τους, οι WD ανοίγουν και χωρίς αυτό. Επίσης δεν βλέπω να δουλεύει με τους Seagate που έχουν κωδικό που τελειώνει σε "ACE".
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