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τι είναι τούτο πάλι που το ξετρύπωσες? το gamespot δεν βρίσκει τπτ!

Διαφώτισέ μας...


Ti na piasei to gamespot mbrosta sto insomnia :P



Announced on Xbox 360 and PC' date=' NecroVision is a FPS news-generation, being held during the First World War and mingling men with vampires and demons in all kinds. A small innovation thus, compared to the rather basic sets of wars, which we knew until now on the small last of Microsoft.


Year 1916. Young recruits join the English army in order to take part in this “adventure”, which will plunge them in the hard reality of the war. The things do not occur really as envisaged, since the soldiers will see themselves confronted with demons, vampires, geniuses dangerous, and certain combatants will become even one of between-them, by receiving the assistance of the forces of darkness.


“I am certain that this frankness will be one of the best FPS to be appeared for 2006”, said Jakub Oszczepalinski, Manager of the Public relations of The Farm 51.




Forza insomnia... χεχε

Spicy παιχνιδάκι φαίνετε για να ειδούμε τουλάχιστον αν δεν μπορούμε να παίξουμε crysis (που δεν θα παίζετε) να χαλαρώσουμε με κάτι άλλο.

  • 1 χρόνο αργότερα...

NecroVisioN is a next-gen First Person Shooter that starts in the rage battlefields of World War I and leads player to much darker and brutal underground world of vampires and demons.


The year is 1916. Young American joins UK Army to experience an adventure of his life and soon realizes that greater evil is hiding beneath the Great War storm. He has to face the underground world of vampires, demons, evil genius creatures and even become one of the demons to rescue the human and vampire kind from forces of darkness.


NecroVisioN is a next-gen first-person shooter taking place in a variety of locations from battlefields of World War I to much darker and brutal underground world of vampires and demons. Sceneries range from realistic to dream-like, opponents from enemy troops to fantasy creatures – old fashion look and style of the game is going to remind the world setting from the Lovecraft's horrors and seamlessly mix the war shooter elements into it. Player will fight enemies using environments, powerful and evil artifacts, vampire technology, and authentic WWI era weapons.










  • 9 μήνες μετά...

NecroVisioN Hands-on

The three captials in the title mean that it's serious business.


The history of World War I has been well-documented. Franz Ferdinand was assissinated, the Allies and Central Powers rose up and started shooting at each other and then came the undead hordes that rose from the molten underbelly of the Earth's crust. Also, there were vampires and demons. Clearly 1C and developer The Farm 51 have no need for high fantasy when clearly history provides plenty of ammo for a shooter...




Εμένα μου φαίνεται μουφίτσα... Πολλές μουφίτσες έχουμε τελευταία. Νυφίτσες δεν έχουμε :P Δεν ξέρω... η ιδέα των τεράστιων τεράτων δε με φτιάχνει. Ζούμε στον 21ο Αιώνα...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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