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Wireless network me 2 pc


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exo duo desktop pc kai thelo na ftiaxo ditkio gia na exoun kai ta dio internet.


sto ena exo sundesei to netmode opou tha mpenei sto internet



Tora i erotisi einai h exis:


Ti xreiazome gia na blepei to ena pc to allo.


Brika auta to usb stick tis netgear (NETGEAR 54Mbps USB 2.0 (WG111) )

h tis kartes NETGEAR 54Mbps PCI (WG311)


an balo auta sta duo pc ginete sindesei point to point, auto basika thelo na matho h prepei na exo access point?


pezei kai xoris access point.sto pc me to netmod tha ginei internet connection sharing kai oi 2 kartes wireless tha pexoun se ad hoc mode gia na blepei i mia karta tin alli san access point.meta tha kaneis sharing tin sindesi tou netmo kai tha pexei ;)

pezei kai xoris access point.sto pc me to netmod tha ginei internet connection sharing kai oi 2 kartes wireless tha pexoun se ad hoc mode gia na blepei i mia karta tin alli san access point.meta tha kaneis sharing tin sindesi tou netmo kai tha pexei ;)
poulinos eisai sigouros gi ayto pou les giati se mena poly apla kati tetoio den epaize dokimasmena, kai fysika eixe kai poly pio xalia shma

Filtatoi telika tha pao me ton klasiko tropo giati kai emena den mou aresei auth h sundesmologia, kai afou yparxoun diafonies


NETGEAR 54Mbps ACCESS POINT (WG602) gia ton server

kai gia ton client

NETGEAR 54Mbps PCI (WG311)

sunoliko kostos 85 €


Πολύ ωραία! Και εγώ το καλοκαίρι σκέφτομαι να αγοράσω ένα access point και μια ασύρματη κάρτα δικτύου για να συνδέσω 2 υπολογιστές μου ασύρματα και να μοιράσω την DSL μου στο 2ο PC του σπιτιού.


85 ευρώ είναι μια καλή τιμή. Τα σέταρες εύκολα; Σε τι απόσταση έχεις το access point με τον υπολογιστή που έχει την καρτούλα;


File mou sto telos tis ebdomadas tha paralabw ta pragmata giati exei eleipsi to plaisio apo access point! mallon to sabatokiriako tha exo nea. Parolla auta ena alla asurmato duktio pou exo steisei me 7 pcs kai mia adsl 384 douleuan ola mia xara kai to internet kai to topiko diktio.

Neotera to sabatokuriako!!!!

poulinos eisai sigouros gi ayto pou les giati se mena poly apla kati tetoio den epaize dokimasmena, kai fysika eixe kai poly pio xalia shma


to exo dei na pezei .dio kartes wireless.i mia eblepe tin alli kai itan sharing i sindesi tou netmod kai epeze mia xara.

Το έχετε συνδέσει πάνω σε adsl router το access point; Εγώ αυτό θέλω να κάνω. Ποια είναι η συνδεσμολογία;

analoga to access point.an to access point einai aplo access point exei mono mia ethernet opote bazeis ekei to adsl router kai pezei mia xara.se access point opos to wrt54g iparxei ipodoxi internet i wan pou ekei mpenei to adsl router.auti ine i sindesmologia.einai eukolo dioti o dhcp dinei ta stoixeia.an anti gia tin wan i tin internet kaneis to lathos kai to baleis se mia lan pali tha pexei alla tha se diskolepsei poli dioti ine san patenta.tora gia tin apostasi ine sxetiko poso pianei to kathena.ine ti toixoi pernane ktl ktl.

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Loipon pedia , problima!!!

Agorasa telika to NETGEAR 54Mbps ROUTER-ACCESS POINT ADSL (WGR614)



kai NETGEAR 54Mbps PCI (WG311)




To problima einai to eksi pos sundeo 2 pc ta parapano mixanimata kai ena netmode parea?



1) A pc + netmode (usb) me share internet connection + router se ethernet (to pc xoris gateway) kai o router subnet kai ta duo

B pc mono thn kartoula, me ip subnet kai gateway to to A pc


Apotelesma diktuo douleuei tzami fenete h gateway sto deutero pc stis sundeseis diktiou san connected alla internet tzifos.



2) To router exei mia thira gia internet opote sundeo ekei to A pC me xoris gareway kai o router subnet

kai sto b pc m e gateway tin router




KAmia idea re pedia!!!!!!!

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

A file euxaristo gia to endiaferon kai lathos diko mou pou den dimosieusa thn lish. Ti eixe ginei

1) gia na ginei koinoxroisth sundesh sto internet (px ISDN) prepei to mixanima pou exei to internet na exei LAN ip gia na leitourgisei.

2) den eixa apenergopoihsei to dchp ston router opote san default gateway eblepan ton router kai otan tou eixa dosei gia na min ginete conflig auto den epetrepe sto na sundethei sto diktio gia ti ip range ksekinage apo - 192.162.0.x opote htan san na mhn leitourgouse o

3) to mono paralogo pou otan edina karfotes ip se pc1 ( h pc2 ( h analoga kai ston router den douleue to internet eno to ikonidio sto pc2 tis sindeshs fenotan alla internet no

4) ithiko didagma enas dchp anoixtos (mporei auto na htan kai to basiko lathos mou)


Euxaristo olous!!!


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