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**ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ ΣΤΟΝ ΙΟ W32.Badtrans.B@mm**


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Date: 30/11/2001, Time: 12:48:22, dreamart on DREAMART<BR>The file<BR>C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\wininit.exe<BR>is infected with the W32.HLLW.Bymer virus.<BR>Unable to repair this file.<P><BR>Date: 30/11/2001, Time: 12:48:36, dreamart on DREAMART<BR>The file<BR>C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\wininit.exe<BR>was infected with the W32.HLLW.Bymer virus.<BR>The file was deleted.<P><BR>Eixame ton W32.Badtrans.B@mm virus tora vrikame kai ayton...<BR>Ti einai ayto re pedia?<BR>Tora pou esvisa to wininit.exe tha dimiurgithei kanena provlima?<BR>Molis ixa isixasei apo ton W32.Badtrans.B@mm virus... mad.gif" border="0


ean exeis parei ton io sta xp h sta me<BR>kai exeis idi kai ta dio os se ghost image<BR>otan ta kaneis restore apo to ghost linetai to provlima ;; <BR>mipos agtos o g*******s ios prosvalei kai <BR>ta ghost images ;;<P>Mia MARY L ADAMS moy esteile email sta xp--<BR>den to anixa alla moy ekane proepiskopisi kai meta to esvisa<P>simptomata....<BR>a.den kanei defrag o diskos<BR>b.hathike to user name kai to password<BR>apo ekei poy kano dial gia to internet<BR>kai den xero ti allo tha vro ama pao spiti


Na kai kati kainourio...<P><B>Date: 30/11/2001, Time: 15:16:32, dreamart on DREAMART<BR>The file<BR>C:\WININST0.400\suwin.exe<BR>tried to write to the master boot record of drive C:.<BR>The file was excluded from future attempts to write to the master boot record.<BR></B><P>Ayto pali ti einai?<BR>mou to evgale eno ekana epanegatastasi ta win98...<P>Kathe fora pou anigei to pcaki mou prospathei na trexei to wininit.exe alla den to vriskei!<BR>Mporo na paro ayto to arxei apo ena allo ygeies pc kai na to valo sto diko mou?


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