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Μετατροπη DVD σε DIVX


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Γνωριζετε καποιο προγραμμα που να κανει αυτοματοποιημενα τη μετατροπη με ποιοτητα που θα επιλεγω εγω αλλα να μπορω να εχω υποτιτλους και AC3/DTS ηχο? Ενα προγραμμα που να τα κανει ολα τελος παντων!!!





Welcome to the official AutoGK homepage!


This site is a homepage for THE tool for DivX / XviD backup utility. With support of DVDs, MPEG2 (such as DVB captures and transport streams), MPEG1 sources along with AVI/DV sources encoding into your favourite MPEG4 format was never as easy as now!


Program features support of:

- DVD/VOBs(unencrypted from hdd), MPEG2, MPEG1, transport streams (including multi-program ones) and AVI/DV input sources

- XviD or DivX(5/6) output formats

- AC3, DTS, PCM, MPA input audio tracks

- AC3, DTS, MPA, CBR/VBR MP3 output audio tracks

- two audio tracks in AVI

- external (vobsub) or internal (burnt-in) subtitles (with support of forced subs)

- HDTV input/output resolutions(upto 1920x***) and frame rates (50/60fps)

- automatic crop and resize based on compressibility of the source to achieve best results

- automatic detection of input source: PAL, NTSC, FILM, HYBRID

- automatic deinterlacer and IVTC

- automatic split into CD-sized chunks for main video and external subs




ok paidia euxaristo. Na rotiso kai kati allo tora. Einai dinaton na exo ipotitlous se perisoteres apo mia glosses? ginete se ena standalone divx player na epilego an tha emfanizontai i oxi? pos akribos grafetai to diskaki oste na ginete auto.

Euxaristo ek ton proteron...


den exo alla skeftomai na paro kapoia stigmi kai epeidi tora exo ksekinisei na ftiaxno tis tainies mou thelo na ta kano opos prepei. Kai kati allo ti rithmiseis na balo sto autogk gia na bgei oso to dinaton kaliteri i tainia? de me peirazei na bgei kai 1.5GB i taineia..


Απλά παίξε με το target quality μιας και δεν σε ενδιαφέρει το μέγεθος. Στο default κάνει καλή δουλειά, αλλιώς δοκιμάζεις σε μεγαλύτερα values.


[edit] Με πρόλαβε ο "ειδικός" [/edit]


de me enthousiase to 75. ekana mia ekato ( 2ores kai 11 lepta) kai bgike arketa kali.Ara tha pekso konta sto 100. pantos na bgei idia poiotita me to dvd apokleietai etsi? Akoma kai sto 100 eixe mia diafora..


Σε τι monitor εκανες την αναπαραγωγη?

Υπαρχει μεγαλη διαφορα μεταξυ TFT monitor και οθονης τηλεορασης...

Ατελειες που πιθανον να ειναι εμφανεις απο αποσταση 1 μετρου στην TFΤ, θα ειναι εντελως αδιορατες σε μια οθονη τηλεορασης απο μεγαλυτερη αποσταση...

Απο το 75-80% και πανω η βελτιωση στην ποιοτητα ειναι μικρη ενω το μεγεθος ανεβαινει σε μεγαλυτερο βαθμο...


Με λιγα λογια, δοκιμασε να δεις πως φαινεται πρωτα στην τηλεοραση...

...και ριξε μια ματια στις ρυθμισεις συμβατοτητας με standalones, που εχει το AutoGK...


ok tha to dokimaso. sinexizo omos tis apories. eno sto autogk epilego external subtitles only autoi grafontai kai sto video. pos tha ginei na mou tous bgazei ksexorista tous ipotitlous alla na min tous kanei eggrafi kai pano sto video?


Απο που το βλεπεις αυτο??

Αν βλεπεις διπλους υποτιτλους στο preview, ειναι απολυτα φυσιολογικο...

Στο τελικο video, θα ειναι ενταξει...


oxi sto teliko video to blepo. den mporo na katalabo. ipotithetai oti me auti tin epilogh de tous bazei. mipos de prepei na tous epilekso katholou sto kentriko menu? Na leei diladi no subtitles?


[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] AutoGK 2.27

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] OS: WinXP (5.1.2600).2

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Job started.

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Input file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Output file: C:\Documents and Settings\Giorgos\Desktop\DUPLEX.avi

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Output codec: DivX

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Audio 1: English AC3 6ch

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Subtitles 1: Greek pan&scan

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Format: .AVI

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Target quality: 90%

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Custom audio settings: Original

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Started encoding.

[3/5/2006 12:49:38 πμ] Demuxing and indexing.

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Processing file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Processing file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_2.VOB

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Processing file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_3.VOB

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Processing file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_4.VOB

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Processing file: D:\DVD MOVIES\DUPLEX\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_5.VOB

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Source resolution: 720x576

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Found PAL source.

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Source aspect ratio: 16:9

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Color correction enabled.

[3/5/2006 12:51:47 πμ] Analyzing source.

[3/5/2006 12:55:08 πμ] Source has percentage of interlacing in motion areas: 0,00

[3/5/2006 12:55:08 πμ] Source is considered to be progressive.

[3/5/2006 12:55:08 πμ] Output will contain 128306 frames

[3/5/2006 12:55:08 πμ] Preparing subtitles.

[3/5/2006 12:56:52 πμ] Compressing subtitles.

[3/5/2006 12:56:54 πμ] Running single pass encoding.

[3/5/2006 12:56:54 πμ] Writing the following script to C:\Documents and Settings\Giorgos\Desktop\agk_tmp\DUPLEX_movie.avs







movie = mpeg2source("C:\Documents and Settings\Giorgos\Desktop\agk_tmp\DUPLEX.d2v")

cropclip = autocrop(movie,mode=0,wmultof=4,hmultof=4,samples=10,aspect=0,threshold=34,samplestartframe=0,leftadd=0,rightadd=0,topadd=0,bottomadd=0)

fixed_aspect = 1.42222222222222

c_width = width(cropclip)

c_height = round(height(cropclip) / fixed_aspect)

input_par = float(c_width)/float(c_height)

input_par = (input_par > 1.4) || (input_par < 1.25) ? input_par : (4.0/3.0)

out_width = 720

out_height = round(float(out_width) / input_par)

hmod = out_height - (floor(out_height / 16 ) * 16)

out_height = (hmod > 4) ? (out_height + (16 - hmod)) : (out_height - hmod)

new_aspect = (float(out_width) / float(out_height)) / fixed_aspect






[3/5/2006 2:47:22 πμ] Duration was: 1 hour, 50 minutes 27 seconds

[3/5/2006 2:47:22 πμ] Speed was: 19,36 fps.

[3/5/2006 2:47:22 πμ] Job finished. Total time: 1 hour, 57 minutes 44 seconds


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