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Line][Age Chronicle 5 "Oath of Blood"


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Chronicle 5 Goals Presentation

Presenter: NC Soft Studio E&G Head of Production - Han Jaehyuk



*Greater Support for Soloing

According to (Korean) player demand, various game elements will be added to allow for easier soloing with less downtime.

* Additions to Clan System

Recognizing that clan-based politics is one of Lineage2's greatest attractions, much more will be added to clan functionality. Some of these include:


o Clan Skills

o Clan Items

o Clan Ranks: Count, Baron, Knight etc.

This clan rank system will be a part of a greater hierarchy of Lord/Lady ,King/Queen, Emperor/Empress and this will form the basis of territorial wars and national wars which will be added in the future.


* New Territory


o The space between Dwarf town and Orc town will be filled, finishing the Elmore lands.

o A new dungeon for the highest level players will be added

o Conquer-type Raids added. These raids will require you to fight subservient mobs in order to see the raid boss. (note: isn't this 4 sepulchers?)

o New mobs with increased AI



Blue marks the area where the new area will be located

* Greater Balance between classes

Elimination of PvP superclass. The classes will be counterbalanced in a RockPaperScissor way. Certain classes will be stronger against some classes over others. (note: necros)

* Raid Boss Frintessa

The main Raid Boss of C5. Frintessa is the illfated prince of the empire. His main weapon is a giant organ (musical kind ^.~) which summons mobs. Players will have to determine the proper tactics based on the music he plays. (note: lol)

Frintessa can be expected to be more difficult than any of the current Raid Bosses.



Area where Frintessa will spawn.





Frintessa and Follower of Frintessa Concept Art




Chronicle 5 Q&A



* Q: How will the bot problem be solved

A: Bots are continuously being dealt with already. We compile a banlist every few weeks. Better alert methods of sensing 3rd program use is being looked into.

* Q: Any plans to change the clan war system?

A: Greater protection for Clans lvl3 and under. Higher clan levels (past lvl5) will be introduced in C5 and rewards will be added to clan wars.

* Q: Plans to fix Olympiad explot issues?

A: There will be a patch soon to fix the various exploits.

* Q: Bot/Farmer raid parties are a huge issue, especially for quest raid bosses. What are your plans for this?

A: Other than the continued effort to clean out bots, raid mobs will be smarter and harder to take down using bots. (note: I don't believe)

* Q: Too many PKers running around thanks to Sin Eater. Comments?

A: We don't think this is a serious issue but we'll look into it.

* Q: Gatehopping / peacezone hopping issues, specifically the north bridge in Giran. Comments?

A: We've been thinking of ways to stop gatehopping but we haven't come up with anything. We'll continue to investigate.

* Q: Any changes to the rare boss jewllery stats? I.E. B Grade Ant Queen gives +2 Accuracy Jewellery, wheras the A Grade Core ring gives +1 accuracy.

A: No changes are planned. New rare item will be added with the new raid boss.

* Q: Various difficulties in raiding, such as sharing chat and ninjalooters. What's being done?

A: We're gonna make it so the raid channel is easier to use, and make drops exclusive to those in the raid channel.

* Q: The higher level soul crystals are too hard to get. Comments?

A: We'll make them easier to get over time.

* Q: Any plans on a vendor system that lets you sell items offline?

A: Giran will probably explode if we tried to do this -_-. We've looked at an auction system but we can't ignore the plus sides of player-to-player vending and its effect on economics. No changes planned in this area atm.

* Q: Any news on combining the less populated servers?

A: We've done polls on this subject and the result was inconclusive. There's too many issues surrounding castle and clanhall ownership etc. and the players couldn't come to an agreement so the idea's been abandoned. (note: this is applicable to korean servers only)



Line][Age Chronicle 5 Oath of Blood
















































Chronicle 5 Maps






Source: NCSoft Korean


(note: dear people from official/warcry/whateverelse forums reposting this information, please clarify that C5 is NOT the last chronicle of Lineage2. NCSoft will be releasing a NEW STORYLINE and there is NO cause for panic! ty)


Hello, this is Lineage2.


Thank you for your endless interest and support of LineageII: The Chaotic Chronicle.


Since its introduction with Prelude, the game has progressed through four large updates - Chronicle 1: Harbingers of war, Chronicle 2: Age of Splendor, Chronicle 3: Rise of Darkness, Chronicle 4: Scions of Destiny.


We now bring you the last chapter of the Chaotic Chronicle, Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood.


Recognizing that you, the players, are at the center of Lineage 2 history and its future to come, we've done our best to bring your feedback to life in this chronicle.


Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood is the final episode of the Chaotic Chronicle and carries much significance as a stepping stone to the coming future of Lineage2.


Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood completes the main territory and develops the clan system, aiming to polish the existing game world while solidifying the basis for the next age.


Finalization, in a way, means a new beginning.

Please give your continued love and support for Lineage II's Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood.


Thank you.


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