privateer Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 13 Απριλίου 2006 GirlsofCS is an online gaming community and nude pinup gallery. We are out to empower female gamers by eliminating the negative online stereotypes towards them. Online gaming has typically been dominated by men, but that is changing. By keeping our community mature, we hope to encourage more female gamers to enjoy their games with us. GirlsofCS members will have access to our private VoIP server, Counter-Strike Source Game Servers, and exclusive content through our website. We plan on providing the no-bull gaming community that gamers have dreamed of since the internet began.
chris12 Δημοσ. 14 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 14 Απριλίου 2006 We are out to empower female gamers by eliminating the negative online stereotypes towards them. Είναι γνωστό ότι οι γυναίκες παίζουν πασιέτζα και tetris κατά 99%. Αυτό ο χώρος είναι αποκλειστικά για γυναίκες user?
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
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