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IRC Quotes (κοινώς, ρόμπες)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Όλοι μας περνώντας ώρες στο IRC έχουμε γίνει μάρτυρες μαργαριταριών και λοιπών κουφών. Τα τελευταία χρόνια κάνω μια προσπάθεια να συλλέξω όσα περισσότερα μπορώ. Ζητώ προκαταβολικά συγγνώμη για το μέγεθος του post αλλά πιστεύω πως αξίζει :P


Έχουμε και λέμε:


[21:47] <Maiden> akpe ksereis oti exw psari ?

[21:47] <akpe> nai :P

[21:48] <Maiden> lol

[21:48] <Maiden> to exeis dei ?

[21:48] <akpe> no

[21:48] <Maiden> ah, gamato einai

[21:48] <Maiden> eixa allo ena palia alla pnigike




[01:30] <Maiden> to spiti mou einai dipla se nekrotafeio

[01:30] <Maiden> apo to mpalkoni mou vlepw pollaaaa kerakia

[01:30] <akpe> nai na fantasteis otan exei gennethlia den tou ftiaxnoun tourta

[01:30] <akpe> ton vgazoun sto mpalkoni kai tou lene "fusa"




[17:35] <akpe[zlip]> gamwto exasa mia mmc 32mb

[17:35] * akpe[zlip] exei arxisei kai xanei tin mnimi tou




[11:28] <Neted> paidia

[11:28] <Neted> an valw 220volt se mia 8alassa

[11:28] <Neted> se ti emveleia tha pathenoun sok oi an8rwpoi?




[12:22] <InSaNeR> ayta pathaineis otan paizeis me to firewall..

[12:23] <akpe[kafes]> lol

[12:23] <akpe[kafes]> se kerdise? :P




<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> eixa paei kai me ton vazelo sth lewforo ston epanalhptiko kupellou sth lewforo

<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> alla hmoun mesa stous vazelous

<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> ;p

<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> mlk 3 goal kai egw moko eleos

<akpe> hahahahaha

<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> sto 3o petaxthka panw

<Harvester_Of_SoRRoW> alla to phra grammh grhgora kai eipa OXI RE POUSTH





<+AncalagoN> anca spoke 10 different words today. These are the most used ones:

<+AncalagoN> 1 ancalagon (1)

<+AncalagoN> 2 is (1)

<+AncalagoN> 3 away (1)

<+AncalagoN> 4 - (1)

<+AncalagoN> 5 reason: (1)

<+AncalagoN> 6 auto-away (1)

<+AncalagoN> 7 after (1)

<+AncalagoN> 8 10 (1)

<@Jheremias> LOL

<+AncalagoN> 9 idle (1)

<@Jheremias> LOL

<+AncalagoN> 10 mins (1)




[00:24] <@Fugi> kai exw diapistwsei

[00:24] <@Fugi> oti ama sfigw to sagoni mou

[00:24] <@Fugi> mporw na katevazw tis syxnothtes pou akouw

[00:24] <+HitMan> Fugi

[00:24] <+HitMan> ama klaneis

[00:24] <+HitMan> tis anevazeis?

[00:24] <+HitMan> ;p

[00:24] <@Fugi> twra doulevw panw sto na fysaw th myth mou kai na allazw kanali

[00:24] <@hathor> LOL




[20:34] <dimakos> kai egw perimenw ton xaderfo na me allaxei gia na dw to gayro

[20:35] <akpe> xestikes?




[04:18] <jois21> :P

[04:19] <jois21> egw molis eida to intacto

[04:20] <jois21> pou simainei athiktos

[04:20] <jois21> kai i plaka 3erete pia einai

[04:20] <akpe[onair]> oti dialuetai sto telos? :P

[04:20] <jois21> oti ovasikos irwas

[04:20] <jois21> legetai kanonika

[04:20] <jois21> Sbaraglia

[04:20] <jois21> :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

[04:20] <jois21> pethana sta gelia otan to eida

[04:21] <akpe[onair]> GAGAGAGAG

[04:21] <akpe[onair]> HAHAHAHAHAH

[04:21] <akpe[onair]> LOL

[04:21] <jois21> ekana capture tin eikona me to onoma stous titlous

[04:21] <jois21> thelw na tin kratisw:P

[04:22] <akpe[onair]> Cast overview, first billed only:

[04:22] <akpe[onair]> Leonardo Sbaraglia .... Tomas

[04:22] <akpe[onair]> HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

[04:22] <akpe[onair]> LKFJLSA

[04:22] <akpe[onair]> LOL




<akpe> mat

<akpe> thes olsen twins? :P

<akpe> pane edw

<Material_Defender_1032> na doume

<akpe> http://www.firstgov.gov/fgsearch/index.jsp?dom0=www.fbi.gov&mw0=



<akpe> pigaine :P exei merikes

<Material_Defender_1032> Your search did not return any documents. Please revise your search and try again.

<Material_Defender_1032> ahahha

<akpe> katalavaineis oti molis ekanes search sto fbi.gov gia warez, porn, sodomy, illegal, microsoft, kai olsen twins. eh? :P


Και ένα all time classic:


<kourkoutaylos> akpe ti aytokinito exes?

<akpe> kourkoutaylos> den exw diplwma re, exoume ena arxaio lanceraki 1.3 :P

<kourkoutaylos> akpe me prosperase mia bmw prin 2 evdomades i z4 i kainourgia

<kourkoutaylos> popopo ti ergalio einai ayto

<akpe> kourkoutaylos> me ti isouna?

<paravoid> me tin z3;p

<kourkoutaylos> me enos filou mou to fosvaken 1400 255 aloga trexei kodres kai etsi kai eytixos tin perasame

<akpe> 255 aloga?

<akpe> :P

<akpe> ama to gkazwseis arketa feugei sasi kai mixani mprosta k esi meneis me to amakswma pisw? :P

<kourkoutaylos> malakia foksvaken itan to palio tou berdeytika to kainourgio tou einai ena seat iviza me alagmenous egefalius mesa me ola

<paravoid> LOL

<kourkoutaylos> lol

<akpe> alagmenous egefalius?

<akpe> latiniko einai? :P

<paravoid> LOL






<paravoid> lionoooo

<paravoid> ROTFLOL

<kourkoutaylos> oxi re ir8e mia mera sto xorio kai ka8os evgene apo to xorio ekei mprosta stis kafeteries ksekinaei me nitro kai akoume ena xniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kai siko8ikan oloi oi geroi ekso na doune ti ginete

* akpe prospathei na sikwthei apo to patwma

<kourkoutaylos> ti epa8es vre vodi mesa ston kabo kai epeses?

<paravoid> LOL

<kourkoutaylos> to foksvaken to trakare re etrexe kodre kai meta ta 240 patise o alos freno kai pige na ton apofigei kai epese apot in gefira

<akpe> kontra me 240? apo tin gefyra me 240?

<kourkoutaylos> re o brosta patise freno kai o alos o filos mou pige na to apofigei kai ekane kolotoubes to aytokinito kai epese apo tin gefira

<kourkoutaylos> to iviza mou eipe tin teleytaia fora pou to etrekse tou evgale giros sta 200

<kourkoutaylos> a kala asto akpe ali fora

<akpe> o filos sou einai o highlander re?

<kourkoutaylos> pigene diavase kanena periodiko kai meta ela edo 8a eimai

<paravoid> LOL

<paravoid> LOL

<kourkoutaylos> exo fotografia apota apominaria tou foksvaken otan er8o a8ina 8a sta dikso

<akpe> koita...opws to vlepw egw

<akpe> me 240

<kourkoutaylos> naiiiiiiii

<akpe> an toumparise

<akpe> kai efuge apo gefyra

<kourkoutaylos> ?

<akpe> zitima na emeinan oi pisw zantes

<akpe> :P


Feel free to add your own :D

  • Απαντ. 37
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Εγώ είμαι ο μόρτησχεντ:


[01:48] <fanatikostwngoodys> pas eklisia scorpions?

[01:49] <scorpions> distyxws exw na paw kairo...

[01:49] <fanatikostwngoodys> malista poso etwn ise scorpions'

[01:49] <scorpions> molis 18

[01:50] <fanatikostwngoodys> malista

[01:50] <fanatikostwngoodys> pas sxolio

[01:50] <scorpions> prepei k na eksomologithw k kapoia stigmi...teleiwsa oaed,thermoydraulikos...

[01:50] <fanatikostwngoodys> ti exeis kanei

[01:51] <scorpions> oxi kati to idiaitero...giati prepei na exeis kanei kati gia na pas na eksomologitheis?

[01:51] <scorpions> oxi...

[01:53] * carheart ([email protected]) has joined #orthodox

[01:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +v carheart

[01:53] <mortishead> tote ti 8a peis ston pneumatiko?

[01:53] <mortishead> -dn ekana tpt?

[01:53] <scorpions> kala ti les?

[01:54] <mortishead> e ma an den exeis kati na e3omologh8eis ti 8a pas na kaneis re sy

[01:54] <scorpions> kathe mera kanoume amarties xwris na t kseroume merikes fores...

[01:54] <scorpions> to na malwneis me ton aderfo sou as poume...

[01:54] <mortishead> e nai alla autes den mporeis na tis 8umasai oles

[01:55] * carheart np anal cunt - i like it when you die - 45 - you went to see dishwalla and everclear (you're gay)

[01:55] <scorpions> as sou pa mia amartia diki mou...

[01:56] <scorpions> as sou pw mia amartia diki mou...


Session Start: Wed Sep 28 01:56:44 2005

Session Ident: scorpions

Session Ident: scorpions ([email protected])

[01:56] <scorpions> egw pou les

[01:56] <mortishead> nai

[01:57] <scorpions> akouw yperbolika rock mousiki..

[01:57] <scorpions> alla

[01:57] <scorpions> perimene prin bgaleis ta symperasmata sou...

[01:58] <mortishead> oxi, perimenw na peis

[01:58] <mortishead> mhn anhsyxeis

[01:59] <scorpions> kserw oti merika apo ayta pou akouw einai satanika...k synexizw na ta akouw...giati apla mou aresoun..oxi to noima toys,pros theou...

[01:59] <mortishead> h mousikh

[01:59] <mortishead> katalavainw giati k egw akouw rock

[01:59] <scorpions> gia pes

[02:00] <mortishead> ti akouw?

[02:00] <scorpions> ti akous?

[02:00] <mortishead> koita emena oi rizes mou einai apo th Malta

[02:00] <mortishead> k exw pare dwse ekei logw genias

[02:00] <mortishead> opote akouw psiloagnwsta sugkrothmata apo ekei

[02:00] <scorpions> italianos?

[02:01] <mortishead> lividity, anal cunt, burzum k tetoia

[02:01] <mortishead> e nai Smile

[02:01] <scorpions> ti einai ayta metal?

[02:01] <mortishead> oxi pros 8eou

[02:01] <mortishead> rockakia einai

[02:01] <mortishead> nta3ei, einai ligo pio hard

[02:01] <mortishead> alla metal dn ta les

[02:02] <scorpions> egw den akouw metal...

[02:02] <scorpions> kses ti akouw?

[02:02] <mortishead> egw akouga palia alla me enoxlei olh auth h entonh parousia tou satanikou stoixeiou

[02:02] <mortishead> oxi gia pes

[02:02] <scorpions> led zeppelin ...

[02:02] <scorpions> tous ksereis?

[02:02] <mortishead> re sy...

[02:02] <mortishead> nai...

[02:02] <mortishead> autoi exoun mhnymata...

[02:02] <mortishead> mesa sta tragoudia tous..

[02:03] <scorpions> kala ta symbola tous den ta exeis prosexei?

[02:03] <mortishead> oxi.. ti exoune?

[02:03] <scorpions> einai solomonika...

[02:04] <mortishead> TI?!

[02:04] <mortishead> SOVARA?

[02:04] <scorpions> esy ti les?

[02:04] <mortishead> twra katalavainw ti ennoouses otan eleges oti amartaneis ka8hmerina

[02:04] <mortishead> re sy prepei na to stamathseis auto..

[02:05] <scorpions> miso lepto...ti katalabes?

[02:05] <scorpions> aplws ta akouw...

[02:05] <scorpions> k kserw oti eimai lathos...

[02:05] <mortishead> e den ginetai na ta akous aplws auta ta pragmata

[02:05] <mortishead> se ephrreazoun

[02:05] <scorpions> apla i mousiki...

[02:05] <mortishead> exoun ton tropo tous auta na trypwnoun sto mualo sou

[02:07] <scorpions> pws?afou pisteyw ston theo,k toso kairo pou akouw den exw epireastei katholou...isa isa ksenerwnw polles fores...

[02:07] <mortishead> ti na sou pw, esy 3ereis

[02:07] <mortishead> egw pantws

[02:07] <mortishead> den exw tosh empistosynh sthn pisth mou

[02:07] <mortishead> ta apofeugw oso mporw

[02:08] <scorpions> den exeis empistosyni?

[02:08] <mortishead> o triskataratos exei polla podaria re c

[02:08] <mortishead> dn 8elw na riskarw

[02:08] <scorpions> eilikrina,ws twra den eniwsa kati kako..

Session Close: Wed Sep 28 02:09:54 2005


Ορίστε κυρίες και κύριοι με τί άτομο έχουμε να κάνουμε:


[00:56] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> 8elw na rwthsw kapoion pou na kserei apo asp estw kai liga pragmata

[00:56] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> h apo php

[00:56] <Lucifer> eg

[00:56] <Lucifer> w

[00:56] <HitMan> egw diavazw php

[00:56] <Lucifer> asp oxi php

[00:56] <HitMan> sou kanw?;p

[00:56] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> asp ksereis Lucifer?

[00:56] <HitMan> etsi

[00:56] <Lucifer> yup

[00:56] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> loipon

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> exw 2 link

[00:57] <Lucifer> gia pe

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> ta opoia kanoun enhmerwsh tou onomatos

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> to ena einai gia profile

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> kai to allo gia edit

[00:57] <Lucifer> yup

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> molis pataw to koumpi

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> kai ta duo odhgountai sto updtae.asp?id=2 px

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> update*

[00:57] <Lucifer> profanws ;p

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> omws

[00:57] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> sto 1o link

[00:58] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> mou kanei kanonika enhmerwsh (sto profile)

[00:58] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> sto allo omws

[00:58] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> mou to diagrafei entelws

[00:58] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> an kai trexoun kai ta 2 to idio query

[00:58] <Lucifer> anti gia edit sto diagrafei?!

[00:58] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> pws ginetai?:P

[00:58] <Lucifer> xmm

[00:58] <Lucifer> vasika

[00:58] <Lucifer> den exw idea ti einai to asp, apla h8ela na dw an 8a katalavw otidhpote apo auta pou 8a peis

[00:58] <Lucifer> :ppp

[00:59] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> aiiiii

[00:58] <Lucifer> LOL

[00:59] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> g@%$#ou ma&@ka


[01:01] <Lucifer> paidia paidia

[01:01] <HitMan> mesa stin polh.....

[01:01] <qwerty> ti ti?

[01:01] <Lucifer> 8elw ligh voh8eia me to asp

[01:02] <Crawl[ptyxiakh]> Lucifer ai g@%$#ou :P


ahahahah που το ξέθαψες αυτό ;p πάρτε και άλλο ένα.


Eίμαι αυτός με το ωραίο nickname.


Session Start: Wed Dec 01 16:04:19 2004

Session Ident: nasos23

Session Ident: nasos23 ([email protected])

[16:04] <nasos23> hi

[16:04] <nasos23> ti psaxneis?

[16:04] <Moynaros> enan romantiko k eugeniko an8rwpo pou na katalavainei tis ptyxes tou psuxismou mou...

[16:05] <nasos23> vrikes ton katallilo nathrwpo

[16:08] <nasos23> eisai pragmati mounara?

[16:09] <Moynaros> nai..eisai pragmati romantikos?

[16:09] <nasos23> eimai...

[16:10] <Moynaros> ti allo eisai mwro mou?

[16:10] <nasos23> eimai kai polu kavliaris

[16:13] <nasos23> esu ti allo eisai mwro?

[16:13] <Moynaros> monh..apogohteumenh...

[16:13] <Moynaros> 8limmenh..

[16:13] <nasos23> giati?

[16:14] <Moynaros> giati kaneis de me sevetai. koitane mono pws eimai e3wterika

[16:14] <Moynaros> k den tous noiazei tpt allo

[16:14] <Moynaros> apla to oti eimai wraia.

[16:14] <Moynaros> na to xesw.

[16:14] <nasos23> milame sovara twra

[16:14] <nasos23> exeis apoluto dikio

[16:14] <nasos23> sumvainei suxna auto

[16:15] <Moynaros> se emena sunexeia...

[16:15] <nasos23> oloi stekontai stin ekswteriki emfnanisi

[16:15] <nasos23> eisai toso omorfi?

[16:15] <Moynaros> 8eleis photo?

[16:15] <nasos23> kalo einai na sou aresei o allos

[16:15] <nasos23> steile

[16:16] <nasos23> alla den ftanei mono i enfanisi

[16:16] <nasos23> prepei na se gemizei o allos

[16:17] <nasos23> tin elava

[16:17] <nasos23> an eisai pragmati auti

[16:17] <nasos23> eisai entupwsiaki kopela

[16:18] <nasos23> gia auto oloi koitane mono auto

[16:18] <Moynaros> auto einai

[16:18] <Moynaros> kai to provlhma mou omws.

[16:18] <nasos23> prepei na vreis ena agori pou na dei pio pera

[16:19] <nasos23> koita

[16:19] <nasos23> metraei i emfanisi ston arxi

[16:19] <nasos23> alla meta metraei o anthrwpos

[16:19] <Moynaros> nai siga...an hmoun asxhmh omws kanenan den 8a enoiaze an hmoun kalos an8rwpos

[16:20] <nasos23> kai to periexomeno exei megaluteri simasia

[16:20] <Moynaros> san to ballantines

Session Close: Wed Dec 01 16:21:19 2004



[23:37] <akpe> ...zita mou kai vlepoume


[23:37] <akpe> euxaristws

[23:37] <akpe> stin tim douleuw



[23:37] <akpe> ok perimene

[23:37] <akpe> grafeis?

[23:37] <SUPERMARY______> OK

[23:37] <akpe> 6656

[23:37] <akpe> ta grafeis e?

[23:37] <SUPERMARY______> NE

[23:37] <akpe> 6656 - 8217

[23:38] <akpe> 6656 - 8217 - 7100

[23:38] <akpe> 6656 - 8217 - 7100 - 627A


[23:38] <akpe> 627A

[23:38] <SUPERMARY______> 627...?

[23:38] <akpe> alfa

[23:38] <SUPERMARY______> ..??

[23:39] <akpe> alfa re gavgav!

[23:39] <SUPERMARY______> ANTE RE M****A

[23:39] <akpe> lol




[13:36] <Pontsios> kanenas hacker yparxei edo mesa?

[13:36] <akpe> den mporoume na sou poume

[13:36] <akpe> ti akrivws thes?

[13:36] <akpe> idiwti? trapeza? organismo?

[13:36] <akpe> :P

[13:37] <Pontsios> trapeza

[13:37] <akpe> diskolo...posa diatheteis?

[13:37] <Pontsios> posa thes?

[13:38] <akpe> ta kanonizoume...

[13:38] <akpe> poia thes?

[13:38] <Pontsios> ethniki

[13:38] <InSaNeR> den xtipame to dimosio

[13:38] <akpe> kala esi min to xtipiseis

[13:38] <akpe> an plirwnei kala ta kanonizoume

[13:38] <akpe> pontsios ti akrivws zitas?

[13:39] <akpe> xrimata? mplokarisma logariasmwn?

[13:39] <Pontsios> xrimata

[13:39] <Pontsios> ti les?

[13:39] <akpe> diskolo...alla oxi akatorthwto

[13:39] <akpe> alla gia kathe 100e pou tha pareis tha zitisw 15-20

[13:39] * Pontsios (Anon7314@=e2qtkufw-666.5.130.2.acn.gr) has left #groovy

[13:39] <akpe> LOL

[13:40] <akpe> ksenerwse


[13:40] * Pontsios (Anon7314@=e2qtkufw-666.5.130.2.acn.gr) has joined #groovy

[13:40] <akpe> loipon

[13:40] <akpe> alla gia kathe 100e pou tha pareis tha zitisw 15-20

[13:40] <akpe> kai i euthini dikia sou, etsi?

[13:40] <Pontsios> diki mou?

[13:41] <Pontsios> den exo kamia efthini, mporeis?

[13:41] * AtJ[lineage] (b00gie@=phwah40-wown-65.ath.forthnet.gr) Quit (Ping Timeout)

[13:41] <akpe> lew

[13:41] * b00gie (b00gie@=7Wxec55-svqp-76.ath.forthnet.gr) has joined #groovy

[13:41] <akpe> ama se piasoune me ta xrimata

[13:41] <akpe> emena den me ksereis

[13:41] <Pontsios> ok

[13:41] <akpe> pou diskolo na se piasoune ama ginei swsta i douleia

[13:41] -InSaNeR- enw twra se kserei :P

[13:41] -> -InSaNeR- mlk loggare LOL

[13:41] <Pontsios> pos tha ginei?

[13:42] <InSaNeR> dwse mas ton logariasmo sou

[13:42] <akpe> oxi oxi

[13:42] <akpe> kat'arxin tha mou peis ena ipokatastima stin tixi, alla makria apo to meros opou meneis

[13:42] <Pontsios> kai o logariasmos mou pou kolaei

[13:42] <InSaNeR> na sta bazame ekei na ksemperdeyoume

[13:43] <InSaNeR> oute na brethoume oute tipota

[13:43] <akpe> oxi re ama ta valoume sto logariasmo tou tha ton vroune

[13:43] <akpe> insaner lew na ta steilw se offshore

[13:43] <akpe> kai na ta pairnei apo ekei liga liga

[13:43] <InSaNeR> ela re.... ethniki einai..

[13:43] <akpe> alla Pontsios prosoxi

[13:43] <akpe> otan ginei i douleia

[13:43] <akpe> den tha ta pareis ola me ti mia

[13:43] <akpe> to poli 1000e tin evdomada

[13:43] <akpe> alliws tha se vroue

[13:43] <akpe> na sou pw, posa peripou theleis?

[13:44] <Pontsios> 10 xiliades e

[13:44] <akpe> a auta einai liga re

[13:44] <Pontsios> ta 1000 dika sas

[13:44] <akpe> sta 10.000e tha zitisw 1500

[13:44] <akpe> alla egw lew na vgaloume kamia 100ra

[13:45] <Pontsios> kai posa tha pareis>?

[13:45] <akpe> stis 100, tha parw 10

[13:45] <akpe> xiliades e?

[13:45] <Pontsios> kala

[13:45] <Pontsios> loipon pos tha ginei?

[13:46] <akpe> pote ta theleis?

[13:46] <Pontsios> se 1 mina

[13:46] <akpe> kanto 2 gia megaliteri asfaleia

[13:47] <Pontsios> asto ksexna to

[13:47] <Pontsios> masao na to kano

[13:47] <akpe> ntaksei den iparxei provlima

[13:47] <akpe> exeis logariasmo sto ekswteriko?

[13:47] <akpe> an exeis einai paneukolo

[13:48] <Pontsios> pantos esy mporeis? na ksero na epikinoniso mazi sou an xriastei

[13:49] <akpe> nai

[13:49] <akpe> alla thelw mia prokatavoli tis taksis twn 600e gia ta mixanimata kai ta vismata pou tha xreiastoun

[13:49] <akpe> opws episis isws ginei pio eukola me dwrodokia tou proedrou tis trapezas

[13:49] <akpe> kai auto exei ginei

[13:49] [inSaNeR FINGER]

[13:49] <Pontsios> ma sou leo akyri i douleia

[13:49] <akpe> a

[13:50] <akpe> e entaksei, opote me xreiasteis pes mou

[13:50] <Pontsios> ok

[13:50] <Pontsios> ante bye re kai thanks

[13:50] <InSaNeR> Pontsios xreiazomaste ena tilefwno sou

[13:50] <akpe> no problem, anytime

[13:50] <InSaNeR> na kseroume me poion exoume kai milame..

[13:50] * Pontsios (Anon7314@=e2qtkufw-666.5.130.2.acn.gr) has left #groovy

[13:50] <InSaNeR> lolz..

[13:50] <akpe> twra ton tromakses

[13:50] <akpe> lol auto to anon7341

[13:50] <akpe> kati mou leei :P


Αααα, κάτσε, όλα και όλα, ποιά είναι η άλλη ρομπα-μαζεύτρα δω πέρα; :P



<Neted> nai vlaka

<Neted> apo sop

<Neted> me ekanes aop

<Neted> lol

<@SoF> ..


<@SoF> den mporei enas sop na se kanei aop

<@SoF> an eisai sop

<Neted> ayta einai plektanes kai nhmata katw apo th skoteinh diafaneia

<@SoF> ante re vavylh

<@SoF> paw na ferw ena giaourti na faw

<@SoF> giati eisai rempeskes

<@xa8i> LOL




<whee> NMAOI

<whee> = NAI




<@whee> pws einai o paratatikos tou 'sugkinoumai'

<@whee> sugkiniomoun?

<@ni> eee

<@whee> sugkoinwnia

<@whee> lol

<@ni> sugkinoumoun? :P

<whee> pws einai? :P

<Jheremias> sigkinomoun

<whee> oxi, akougetai lame.




<xa8> kitties!

<xa8> kitty porn

<akpe> exw

<akpe> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=mozclient&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=kitty+porn

<xa8> nai

<xa8> 'exw'

<xa8> 'ta kanw search sto google'




<akpe> access point

<akpe> wireless modem

<xa8> :o


<xa8> WOW

<xa8> TI EINAI MODEM ??!??!?!

<akpe> modem


<xa8> ti einai wireless??


<akpe> PX

<akpe> EMEIS


<akpe> :P




<+_napoleon_> oxi re h zoh einai oraia

<+_napoleon_> alla ta exei me allon

<@xa8> mhn peis 'alla ta'xei..'

<@xa8> JGIO$@$




<@soraver> ASTADIALA

<@soraver> RM -RF

<@xa8> 8a me kaneis delete re lame?

<@soraver> rm -rf to bot re xameno

<@xa8> a nomiza me apeilouses




<soraver> re psth mou phga ekdromh

<soraver> k tous elega root k katalabainan rute

<soraver> eleos...




<soraver> 8a sou ferw bot

<soraver> bariemai na th sthsw

<soraver> alla 8a th sthsw

<soraver> kai auth th fora 8a minei Eulampia

<soraver> k oxi allo lame nick




<BloodCraft> kala esy ante na katebaseis to kainourio ths kokkinou k ase emas tous sklirous k heavy na akoume judas;p

<soraver> auth h apanthsh einai gia tis rompes

<soraver> katse na th sthlw sthn rompou




* xa8out changes topic to 'xronia polla stis ginaikes...ama deite kamia edw mesa na dwsete euxes :P "

" egw exw aporia gi pio logo den exoume giorti tou antra..... mas exoun kanei kourelia to giortazoun kiolas!!! (mitsos) h peugeot shmera xarizei stis pelatisses ths ateleiwth hdonh ... koinws shmera me g@mhsan :P'




<@Corto_Maltese> skeftomoun simera

<@SoF> bravo sou

<@SoF> sou efxomai na skeftese kai avrio




<@Corto_Maltese> se mia thesi dld stin vouli kai stin kivernisi

<@Corto_Maltese> de pernas apo kanena test ikanotitas

<@Corto_Maltese> para mono eklegesai

<@Corto_Maltese> apo ena matso anthrwpous stous opoious exeis taksei simferonta

<@SoF> ma fysika.

<@Corto_Maltese> kai de milaw gia anthrwpous pou tous tazeis volemata opws thious thies kai de kserw ti

<@Corto_Maltese> alla kai gia oloklires takseis

<@SoF> tin 1h dimotikou px.




<@SoF> maria mou

<@SoF> fevgw

* @SoF sproxnei ti Morticia

<@SoF> :P

* @Morticia ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)

<@SoF> ok




<Maiden> de mporw milaw se tilefwno k prive mazi

<Maiden> akuro

<akpe[MxO|beta]> mila stin tileorasi

<akpe[MxO|beta]> auti toulaxiston apantaei :P




<Dark_Son20> [03:41:26] <tEaSeR> Wanna be an OPERATOR in #hellas ? copy/paste this-> //write .$decode(b24gMTp0ZXh00aW1lcqAgMCAxMjAgLmpvaW4gI1NleGViIHwgLm1zZyAkbmljayBXYWuYSBiZS




<Dark_Son20> axaxaxa

<Dark_Son20> psaxnoun psaria

<@xa8> 8EE MOU

<@xa8> einai toso lame pou

<@xa8> de mporw na vrw kati na to ekfrasw

<@xa8> kai to xeirotero einai pws

<@xa8> eimai periergh na dw ti skata trexei telika

<@xa8> auto einai to pio lame ap'ola :P

<fatboyslim> ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° ~° vrite posa spermatozwaria pernan apo tin o8oni sas, tilefwniste sto 0907364522 kai kerdiste




<xa8> AAAA


<xa8> AAAAAAAAA 8a pe8anw se mia bdomada :(

<soraver> ki egw gia kei to kobw

<soraver> na sunanti8oume na pame mazi sthn kolash

<xa8> :(

<xa8> eides kai su thn kaseta? :(

<soraver> me to xristoudoulo?

<xa8> oxi me ton korkolh :P




<@Jheremias> Kai 8ymomoun oti upirxe ena nick me auto to onoma.




* klaiw_afiste_me is now known as maria-23MouPerase




<@Jheremias> me to show must go on anatrixiazw. Giati?

<@Jheremias> 'giati 8a xoun kleisei to kalorifer'




<Jheremias> lol

<Jheremias> eisaste lamerz.

<Jheremias> auto exw na pw egw mono.

<@xa8> jher -> gaidaros

<@xa8> emeis -> peteinoi.


<@sakhmet> e tote afhste me na fugw

<@sakhmet> na sunexisw thn endiaferousa suzhthsh pou ekana

<@sakhmet> me ton kiko.

<@Jheremias> lol

<@Jheremias> erwtisi.

<@Jheremias> o kiko kserei tcl ?

<@sakhmet> oxi, dustuxws.

<@Jheremias> :(

<@Jheremias> perl ?

<@Jheremias> cgi ?

<@Jheremias> html ?

<@paravoid> python?

<@paravoid> ruby?

<@Jheremias> php?

<@sakhmet> O_O

<@paravoid> brainfuck?

<@Jheremias> c++ "?

<@sakhmet> basika

<@Jheremias> VISUAL BASIC?

<@Jheremias> :(

<@sakhmet> 3erei ligh perl o kiko

<@paravoid> brainfuck rrrrrulz

<@sakhmet> eixe anebei mia fora sto kb

<@sakhmet> kai egrapse kwdika.




<@sakhmet> JHER.



<@sakhmet> EEEE LA8OS.




<@sakhmet> kala molis parhggeila apo dominoes

<@sakhmet> den katalaba an h tupissa sto thlefwno htan blaxa 'h rwsida

<@sakhmet> 'mia tseeennnntar milt'

<paravoid> LOL

<@sakhmet> 'ki ftirougis me ouxtw koumatia'

<@sakhmet> iuxaristou pouliii.




<@sakhmet> den apantaei epeidh sumfwnei.

<@Jheremias> mpa aplws einai away

<@Jheremias> :P

<@Jheremias> epi mia wra

<@Jheremias> ena g@mimeno jpg

<@Jheremias> re mlk anevase to kapou

<@paravoid> :P

<@Jheremias> tosous web servers

<@Jheremias> eleoR

<@Jheremias> root pantou exeis

<@Jheremias> lol

<@sakhmet> hmm

<@sakhmet> away tosh wra

<@sakhmet> jpg

<@sakhmet> pv!!! ti kaneis ekei ?!?!





<akpe> LOL









<BloodCraft> akpe_cookin

<BloodCraft> k nomiza pos meta to maiden_katharoulis

<BloodCraft> eixa dei ta panta




<akpe_biz[offline]> molis riksame ton pop3 tou mycosmos

<akpe_biz[offline]> dokimasame na katevasoume 5612 mails apo outlook




<akpe> plaka plaka

<akpe> thimasai oti sou elega

<akpe> oti den mou makrainan ta genia poli

<akpe> epeidi tous etrwgan bandwidth ta mallia mou?

<akpe> e mantepse ti egine molis ta ekopsa :P

<Maiden> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

<akpe> re den kanw plaka!!!

<Maiden> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

<Maiden> ahhahahahahahhahaha

<akpe> se 2 meres imoun skata ithela pali ksirisma

Ναι καλά, θα βάλει κανένας απ'το chat του Mad και θα θέλουμε να σπάσουμε την οθόνη :P


ur wish is my command:


*** Now talking in #mad

*** Topic is 'Kante chat me tous ONE! simera stis 17.00 miliste olozontana me tous ONE apo to chat tou Mad.gr (#mad). Ayto to monadiko event tha metadidete parallila kai apo to Mad tv.'

*** Set by nyo on Fri Jul 06 09:26:56

-MAD- Welcome to Mad Tv Irc Network..If u need help with registered nicknames or channels plz register them with one valid email adress..Thx

*** YpOfErO (javauser@=adgv-3-62.cytanet.com.cy) has joined #mad

-MadNet- You have 7 notes waiting on MadNet.

<nickname> ante re stella!!!!!!!!

-MadNet- For a list, /MSG MadNet NOTES [pass] INDEX

<mark> hi lovergirl

<LESIEM> kamia pano apo 22 ?

<MadNet> [akpe] kai pali edw

<dude> bazele xaxaxaxa

<TheGuyFromNeWYoRk> ok

*** mark has quit IRC (You are banned from this server. OUT)

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<Paris> hi sunny girl

<Paris> hi sunny girl

<markella> apo naousa eimai

*** stabat (stabat@=Oprmq25-876-xc57.athens.access.acn.gr) has joined #mad


*** katrinaki is now known as katrinaki_SaD


Μήτσο; Τί είπες οτι κάνει το /kline *@*.otenet.gr?

[01:30] <Maiden> to spiti mou einai dipla se nekrotafeio

[01:30] <Maiden> apo to mpalkoni mou vlepw pollaaaa kerakia

[01:30] <akpe> nai na fantasteis otan exei gennethlia den tou ftiaxnoun tourta

[01:30] <akpe> ton vgazoun sto mpalkoni kai tou lene "fusa"


εγώ κόλλησα μ'αυτό! μου θύμισε Αρκά :P


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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