Προς το περιεχόμενο

World in Conflict


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 139
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Και μερικά screenshot τραβηγμένα πριν από λίγο από τη ΒΕΤΑ :mrgreen: Κάντε click πάνω τους για να τα δείτε στο πλήρως μέγεθος τους.






Το game είναι κάτι μεταξύ RTS και FPS :) τρομερά γραφικά πολύ καλο gameplay η camera όλα τα λεφτά !!!!


Οποιος έχει vista και dx10 κάρτα γραφικών ας το δοκιμάσει μιας και η BETA υποστηρίζει DX10 !!!!


Τα παραπάνω είναι με DX9 πάντως :)


Ξαναπάω να λιώσω όλο το βραδυ :mrgreen:


Με αντέγραψαν. :) Δεν πειράζει. Eγώ το έχω πάρει από animated gif και το έκανα εικόνα. Τελικά μετράει πολύ αυτό το κινεζάκι.


Σε 1280x960 + 8xCSAA + 16xAF + Max Settings (σε DX9) τα αποτελέσμα είναι τα ακόλουθα:


Minimum Framerate: 30


Average Framerate: 38


Maximum Framerate: 72



Edit: Και είναι απλά πανέμορφο :D




World in Conflict Beta Client Patch
Patch #001 - 2007/07/19


Bug fixes:
- Clan servers now up and running, clan matches enabled
- Improved default graphics settings
- Mouse is now frame rate independent also in DX10
- Font now renders correctly on XT2900 cards in DX10
- Fixed problems with non-working Replays
- Fixed problem with disappearing smoke
- Fixed crash on alt-tab in the loading screen
- Fixed crash in VOIP
- Stopped vote from console
- All players listed as infantry in role-selection is fixed
- Several other crash fixes

Nvidia drivers for World in Conflict beta available:
Note that for the series 8 GeForce cards there is now an updated beta driver
especially for World in Conflict located at http://www.nzone.com
Remember to ONLY use the beta drivers for DX10. In all other cases, use the
latest RETAIL drivers.

DX10 issues on ATI cards:
The DX10 features in World In Conflict are still being developed and tweaked.
The features have not yet been optimized for all cards and the current results
are not fully representative of either the final game or the performance of
all cards. We are currently working with ATI to resolve several issues
appearing when enabling DX10 on an ATI card.


Please note that World in Conflict is automatically updated through Massgate.
Those of you experiencing issues preventing you from logging in can download
the patch manually from here:


For more information or help, visit beta.massgate.net or email [email protected]





to paixnidi einai apisteyto,to dokimasa xtes kai den lew na ksekollhsw! einai poly balanced kai den yparxei kapoia eidikothta apo tis 4 ( armor,air,support,infantry) pou na yperterei. oles an paixtoun swsta einai poly dynates.


epishs exei to grhgorotero load pou synanthsa ever se paixnidi kai kata to gemisma ths pistas kai kata th syndesh stous master servers,to in game server browser ktl.


an kai beta pros to paron den exw synanthsei h' akousei kapoio bug.


proswpika tou bazw 11/10.


**Ghostrider pes in game nick na se balw friend! :-)) !!


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