ISOLATO Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2006 Kalhspera se ola ta paidia tou forum,8a h8ela thn apopsh sas gia thn parakatw problhma pou exw aythn thn stigmh me thn acn!Agorasa stis 24/2 to Jetpack kai prin apo 4 meres me phran thlefwno oti epitelous h grammh mou apo isdn exei ginei adsl kai mporo na xrhsimopoihshw tis ypheseis ths!Syndew mes thn kalh xara(Fysika me thn boh8eia tou helpdesk ths altec) to router markas FritzBox alla dystyxws emeina me thn xara kai taytoxrona me thn apogohteysh ka8ws den katafera na synde8w! Oi syndeseis pou exw kanei htan panta me thn boh8eia ths altec mesw thlefwnou kai to router synde8hke apo emena kai me tous2 gnwstous troppus me xrhsh dhladh Splitter kai me thn apey8eias syndesh tou thefwnikou kawdiou panw sto router xwris thn xrhsh toy splitter alla dystxyws oute kai esti ekana douleia! TO pronhlma einai to ekshs den anabei to fwtaki tou dsl panw sto router kai me liga logia den mporo na synde8w para mono me thn palia isdn pou exw!H apanthsh apo thn altec einai oti h grammh mou einai nai men enegopihsmenh alla den exei sygxronistei apo ton (P)ote kai etsi den mporo na synde8w!Mexri edw kala,apo edw kai pera arxizei h megalh plaka,mou lene loipon apo thn altec oti epeidh h grammh tou thlefwnou exei bgei sto onoma ths etairias kai oxi sto dikou mou prepei aytoi na enhmerwsoun ton Pote kai epita na epily8ei to problhma mesw tou psfiakou kentoru h syndromh fysika exei arxisei na metraei edw kai 4 meres xwris na exw dsl kai xwris na problepete h paratash ton oson merwn xreiastei telika na mou to ftiaksei o ote ka8ws h altec apo thn meria ths dhlwni oti den einai diko ths problhma!Pes te mou re paidia pou allou ginontai ayta ta pragmata giati den mporo na pistepsw oti se mia xwra pou ypoti8ete oti anhkei stn eyrwpaikh enwsh mproun kapoioi na mas douleyoun etsi kanonika!Dhladh exw plhrwsei ta wrea mou lefta den exw dsl exei arxsei na metrane oi meres ths syndromhs ,8a perimenw ton Pote na kanei thn douleia tou opote to 8hmh8ei kai egw 8a exw xasei ostoso kapoia apo ta lefta pou exw dwsei xwris na mporo na ta parw pote pisw!An exete re paidia kamia idea peite mou giati ew den mpro na bgalw akrh!
greeneye Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2006 ama ebazes kai kamia paragrafo na to diabazame olo (tha to paleyame kapos) kati tha ginotan. eleos vre megale
ISOLATO Δημοσ. 21 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Μαρτίου 2006 sygnwmh re greeneye apla ta eixa parei para poly me tous typous kai oute kane katalaba ot eixa grapsei tosa!Sorry
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