thapostol13 Δημοσ. 4 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Μαρτίου 2006 Καλησπέρα σε όλους. Ερώτηση κρίσεως...:neutral: Έχει κανείς δοκιμάσει να επιστρέψει το laptop αυτό της FSC(:evil: ), ή κάποιο από τα m1437, m1439, m4438 τα οποία και παρουσιάζουν το γνωστό (...) πρόβλημα lagging? Υπήρχε ανταπόκριση θετική, αρνητική, ουδέτερη? Αν κάποιος το έχει κάνει ας δώσει κάποια hints. Αλλίως θα πρότεινα να μαζευτούμε όσοι έχουμε τέτοιο πρόβλημα για μια ομαδική διαμαρτυρία και προσπάθεια επιστροφής χρημάτων. Είναι καιρός που η Fujitsu απλώς παίζει μαζί μας και δεν κάνει κάτι απτό για να διορθώσει την κατάσταση. Πιστεύω πως είχε αρκετό χρόνο μέχρι τώρα και δεν έκανε κάτι (από Νοέμβριο του 2005 και ίσως και από πιο νωρίς ήταν γνωστό το πρόβλημα). Όλες οι απόψεις, προτάσεις και γνώμες δεκτές. Φιλικά ,Θέμης.
thapostol13 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Η Fujitsu απλώς μας είπε με λίγα λόγια να πάρουμε τα @@ της... Με μία ανακοικοίνωση το λιγότερο εξευτελιστική για τους πελάτες της όπως μπορεί να δείτε στο παρακάτω linkφρόντισε να μας πει οτι το πρόβλημα που εμφανίζεται είναι κάτι φυσιολογικό που μπορεί να εμφανίζεται και σε άλλους υπολογιστές. Οπότε δεν πρόκειται να βρεί κάποια λύση και απλώς πρέπει να ζήσουμε με αυτό:evil:. Για όσους δεν έχουν φορητό Fujitsu-siemens: Είστε τυχεροι. Μην παίζετε με την τύχη σας αγοράζοντας κάποιον φορητό της. Σε όσους έχουν κάποιον προβληματικό φορητό: Επικοινωνείστε το συντομότερο με την εταιρεία που τον αγοράσατε, γνωστοποίστε τους το πρόβλημα και προσπαθείστε να τον επιστρέψετε. Φιλικά, Θέμης.
wizard1 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Η Fujitsu απλώς μας είπε με λίγα λόγια να πάρουμε τα @@ της... Με μία ανακοικοίνωση το λιγότερο εξευτελιστική για τους πελάτες της όπως μπορεί να δείτε στο παρακάτω linkφρόντισε να μας πει οτι το πρόβλημα που εμφανίζεται είναι κάτι φυσιολογικό που μπορεί να εμφανίζεται και σε άλλους υπολογιστές. Οπότε δεν πρόκειται να βρεί κάποια λύση και απλώς πρέπει να ζήσουμε με αυτό:evil:. Εμένα κάτι ανάλογο μου είπε κάποιος από γνωστό e-shop απ'όπου παραλίγο να αγοράσω το 3438, όπως ανέφερα και στο φόρουμ της FSC. Δηλαδή ότι σιγά το πρόβλημα και πως ενώ στη συγκεκριμένη σειρά όντως κάποια μοντέλα παρουσιάζουν αυτό το πρόβλημα, ο 3438 είναι μια χαρά :neutral: Ευτυχώς που βρήκα εκείνο το θέμα στο φόρουμ..
thapostol13 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Wizard είσαι ένας από τους τυχερούς. Εγώ τον αγόρασα αρχές Δεκεμβρίου και δεν είχα διαβάσει για το πρόβλημα αν και παρακολουθούσα τακτικά το notebookforums. Για κακή μου τύχη δεν πρόσεξα το thread για το συγκεκριμένο προβλημα. Τώρα θα έχει τρέξιμο αλλά ελπίζω να καταφέρω κάτι καλό. Θέμης.
Trelius Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 wizard σου έγραψα και στο forum της FSC για να σε προλάβω. Για να μην τα γράφω πάλι "My friend wizard I'm from Athens too. Do not buy, I repeat DO NOT buy an ACER too. Here in Athens Fujitsu-Siemens and Acer laptops have the same service company called ALMAN. I am the owner of 2 FSC Amilo laptops. The M7405 and unfortunatelly the M3438G. It is the worst service ever, believe me. I will tell you 1 thing, before they take my laptop (M3438G still in warranty) they made me sign a paper which says that if the do not find a problem I must pay 65 Euros for their time. UNBELIEVABLE I must also tell you that you do not have an alternative option because ALMAN is the only service point in Athens, not even FSC themselves. Later I will post a further message to tell all of you the full story about my Amilo M3438G and the service provided to me."
wizard1 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Μαρτίου 2006 Δυστυχώς με 1500€ δεν υπάρχει κάτι ανάλογο σε Dell κτλ..
lykman Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2006 Αλλος ένας με lag στο laptop... (m3438G) H ανακοίνωση της FSC ήταν το λιγότερο εξευτελιστική για εκείνη! Φαντάζομαι ότι δεν πρόκειται να γίνει τίποτα, και θα καταλήξουμε να γράφουμε σε όλα τα φόρουμ και όπου αλλού μπορούμε, ενημερώνοντας πιθανούς αγοραστές FSC προιόντων, να την αποφύγουν... Κρίμα τα 1600€ και τα hitech / multimedia χαρακτηριστικά του φορητού, παρέα με 17άρα και mobile επεξεργαστή...
thapostol13 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2006 Εδώ και μια βδομάδα περίοπου έχω στείλει email στο περιοδικό RAM για το πρόβλημα με links και όλα τα σχετικά. Ζήτησα την γνώμη και συμβουλές καθώς και να μιλήσουν οι ίδιοι με την Fujitsu Hellas μπας και καταφέρουμε τίποτα. Πάντως ακόμα δεν έχω λάβει καμία απάντηση. Ευελπιστώ να κάνουν κάτι... Αν έχετε τίποτα γνωστούς τεχνικούς υπολογιστών ζητήστε συμβουλές και post. Θέμης.
Trelius Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 13 Μαρτίου 2006 Σας γράφω την πονεμένη μου ιστορία με την Fujitsu και το συγκεκριμένο laptop. Την έγραψα στα αγγλικά γιατί την έκανα post στο forum της Fujitsu. Let me tell you my story about my M3438G here in Athens, Greece. Please read it because youʼll probably find similarities at your local support or learn some things before you go to them. Iʼll start from the beginning. I bought on January 2005 a FSC Amilo M7405 1200 Euros. The laptop was very good and still is, I must admit. Till now I had no problem with it. Based on this, I decided to buy another FSC as a desktop replacement. I was informed about the arrival of Amilo M3438G in Greece in June 2005. Excited about the specifications of the specific laptop: 1.7 centrino, 1 GB RAM, Geforce 256 MB, 2 x 80 GB HD etc. and my satisfaction with the other Amilo I already have, I bought it in July 2005 at the price of 2000 Euros. At the beginning, I didnʼt notice anything strange (never had such a fast pc before to compare) and didnʼt pushed it e.g. Games or graphics, just daily work. The first thing that made me suspicious was that my antivirus suite Trend-Micro PC Cillin Internet Security 2005 took a lot of time loading at startup. The startup icon in taskbar, freezed saying “Loading..” for aprox. 2 minutes and then the network and other icons came up. First thing, I updated the drivers of Amilo from FSC website. Nothing changed. Then, I contacted Trend-Micro and they told me ʽthatʼs strange, please download and try our latest product version 2006”. Again nothing changed. I thought “Damn there must be some incompatibility with the software and the hardware, I will have to change the antivirus I bought, grrrrr!!!”. Then I realized “Wait a minute, my other Amilo M series laptop works perfect despite the trash I have installed on it. (Now I have something to compare it)”. While I was trying to figure out whatʼs happening another problem came up. All of a sudden, the USB2 (Hi-Speed) devices are no longer recognized. I tested 1 USB stick and 1 WD Passport external HD on all the USB ports and I got the same message "This device can perform faster. This device is not connected to a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port etc. etc.” I said to myself “OK. We know the story all these years we interfere with computers, my windows are messed up. I must install them from scratch”. I used FSC Recovery CD, installed Windows formatting also the disk and installed all drivers from FSC Drivers DVD 31 (the number matters as you will further see). Without doing anything else (e.g. connecting to the internet), I plug the USB devices. Same problem. “What the f** is going on? I bought the laptop working and they include recovery disks that do not recover it to its initial state??” Then I tried for my second problem. I installed the 2005 version antivirus and the same problem still there without any other software and without its updates. Do not bother to ask me about the 2006 version… problem still there. Then I connected to the internet and updated the drivers and still nothing. I started searching in forums and sites for my USB problem. I saw that many people had the same problem but no one managed to fix it. I also read about the lagging issue and realized that my odyssey with this laptop has just started. I said that my duty as a simple user was done; itʼs time for support to take over as my warranty is still valid (6 months passed). I started searching for the technical support centers in my country. First one was a company called ALMAN (Fujitsu & Acer laptops and LG TFT monitors service). I tried to avoid it because a friend of mine bought a LG TFT monitor zero-pixel warranty and in 1 month changed 3 monitors with dead pixel, the second time they gave him a used one. I tried to contact the other companies and as someone said correctly before: 1. ALMAN (in the worst position in the world) 2. Informatics (official service but they say that they repair only Amilo pro and Lifebook) 3. PC Systems (no parts and they are about to close because of economic shortage) 4. Pan Systems (nobody knows if they exist) So no alternative option, ALMAN only. But before I go, I thought that a smart thing to do is to write down every serial, every number and information in Bios and save the report from windows SYSINFO application. I also used Sisoft Sandra Benchmark to log the performance of the laptop before the service and after. We must all do that so that we can see later what they fixed and what they say that they fixed. Guess what? Another great conclusion raised. All the results of the benchmarks were equal or less with my other Amilo laptop which has the half specifications of M3438G. We are talking about poor performance. 2 days later, the technician called me to collect my laptop because everything was fixed. I asked what did he fixed and replied “Nothing. I just used the recovery CD and the drivers DVD and everything is fine. It also successfully passed the diagnostic tools of Fujitsu-Siemens which are in DOS environment”. “Are you kidding me? I did the same thing 5 times” I replied. Anyway, after a small discussion we figured out that the difference was that he used Drivers DVD 35 instead of 31 that was included in the laptop package. He also told me that finally he didnʼt use SiSoft Sandra as it is not supported by FSC as reliable one for conclusions concerning the condition of the laptop. I replied “And the FSC tools are reliable? Especially in DOS mode? What about windows? Performance and compatibility inside Windows? Anyway if you say itʼs ok Iʼll come and take it”. When I arrived there, they did me a favour not to charge me, writing down that it was drivers issue and not windows restore. “BUT, IT WAS DRIVERS ISSUE!!! You drive me crazy”, I said. After a few phone calls involving me, the lady at the reception and the technician I avoided the charge (what a miracle). I tested the USB before I leave and asked for drivers DVD 35 or to copy it to my laptopʼs hard disk so I can finally leave. The answer was “No we canʼt give it. You must contact the local Fujitsu-Siemens to get it”. (What an unending nightmare) Before talking with FS, I benchmarked again the laptop. The performance was the expected one this time. I checked the logs and here are the main differences: Processor (Before) Model Intel® Pentium® M processor 1.86GHz Speed 800MHz Performance Rating PR960 (estimated) Processor (After) Model Intel® Pentium® M processor 1.86GHz Speed 1.87GHz Performance Rating PR2240 (estimated) Peripherals (Before) USB Controller/Hub Intel® 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658 USB Controller/Hub Intel® 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659 USB Controller/Hub Intel® 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A USB Controller/Hub Intel® 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B Peripherals (After) **The same 4 above + 1 ** USB Controller/Hub Intel® 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C Conclusions: - THE CPU WAS WORKING AT 800Mhz AS I BOUGHT IT. - THE USB2 DRIVER EXISTED IN AN EARLIER DRIVERS DVD THAN THE ONE INCLUDED IN THE BOX. By the way, I frequently run DeskUpdate for my other Amilo from FSC website and returns that no new drivers exist. Guess what? When I executed it from drivers DVD 35 it found a new driver for the touchpad. Another conclusion coming from both situations: - THE FSC ONLINE DeskUpdate IS NOT WORKING WELL OR IT DOESNʼT HAVE THE LATEST DRIVERS. Next day, on the phone again with FS this time. Me: “I have a USB problem that the service fixed it with drivers and I want them bla bla bla…”. FS guy: “The drivers are available at the website” Me: “Why is it obvious that I must have an internet connection? I bought a LAPTOP and I want to restore my windows in my car or on a train and I expect it to work. And even if I connect with a 56k modem how am I supposed to download InstantOn (50mb) for example?” FS guy: “Why didnʼt you ask the drivers from ALMAN?” Me (trying not to explode): “They told me bla bla…” “.. and I also know that there is a lagging issue” FS guy: “Give your serial no. to learn what happened with ALMAN and I heard it also about the lag. I will learn more and Iʼll inform you tomorrow” Me: “Donʼt have it with me right now. I will phone you tomorrow” Next day, another guy on the phone from FS. Me: “I called to give my serial” FS 2nd guy: “What exactly is the problem?” Me: “Why do I have to tell the damn story for the 4th time? Why canʼt you communicate with each other and with the service company? Why canʼt you record my problem and provide service as professionals?” FS 2nd guy: “Sir, you are rude. Iʼm trying to help you” After a small fight and telling my problem again: FS 2nd guy: “You can come and weʼll give you a copy of DVD 36 that we have here or we can send it with a courier” Me (furious): “I wonʼt lose another day from my work for you, find the DVD 35 that fixed my problem and send it to me with a courier. What about the lag?” FS 2nd guy: “OK, sir weʼll do that. What do you mean lag?” (this guy was ignorant too or he was acting that he was) Me: “Look at the forum at your website and call me back when you learn what I mean” Another day passed. (as you can see I can write a novel book about this story) FS 2nd guy: “Sir, we sent the DVD with a courier. Concerning the lag, it seems to be a problem that Fujitsu-Siemens is looking at it in Germany. No solution yet is our official answer” Me: “I KNOW THAT!! Too many months passed without a solution. I paid 2000 euros for a laptop that “seems to be” problematic and its value drops down dramatically without any return of investment. I am talking to you about replacement or money return” FS 2nd guy: “I am not responsible for something like that. I will inform my director to look it up and heʼll call you back today or tomorrow” 3 days later, I call again. Me: “I want to talk with the director that he supposed to call me about bla bla…” FS call centre lady: “I will inform him and heʼll call you today” 1 MONTH PASSED AND STILL WAITING… ** Sorry if I tired you with this story but some people will find it very interesting (I hope) **
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