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Afou apo oti kserw ta win Xp teliki ekdosi den exei erthei akoma stin ellada. pou sto kalo ta brikate re paidia?? confused.gif" border="0 An pantos einai katebasmena apo internet, tote egw prosopika den tha empisteuomoun na balw ena "spasmeno" leitourgiko.


E vevaia osa de ftanei i alepou....Ta XP pou exw egw xreiazontai opws kai ta 2000 sou MONO cd-key kai oxi energopoiisi kai saxlamares. episis AN ekanes ton kopo na diabaseis tipota einai basismena ston Kernel twn Win2000. Mexri twra de mou exei bgalei oute mia mple o8oni, oute mou exoun kollisei pote. Kai asxoloumai POLLES wres ti mera...Esy perimene na blackcomb na ta baleis sto 64-bit epeksergasti pou exeis gia na ton ekmetalleyontai plirws ta programmata. Pote eipame pires Itanium????<BR>Kai to kserw oti einai to PROGRAMMA windows. Apla esy otan milas stous filous les: Ebala to Windows 2000.Einai poly kalo.na to balete ki eseis. ??? 'H les : Evala ta Win2000. Einai poly kala. Na ta balete ki eseis.


re paidia oloi exoume ta xp<BR>kai to plus kai ola ta alla.<BR>siga to katorthoma. ego exo 6cd XP things<P><BR>Me thn nvidia mou (geforce) ti na kano??<BR>poios drivers na balo?<P>Kai me thn live 5,1 ti kanoume?<BR>ebala tous drivers kai to mhxanhma ekane 1 lepto poio poly gia boot<P>basika h live me noiazei frown.gif" border="0


E vevaia osa de ftanei i alepou....<P>"Ta XP pou exw egw xreiazontai opws kai ta 2000 sou MONO cd-key kai oxi energopoiisi kai saxlamares."<P>To ksero. Fisika exeis tin corporate edition . Ego eimai official beta tester kai akoma stin final version xriazotan activation.<P>"episis AN ekanes ton kopo na diabaseis tipota einai basismena ston Kernel twn Win2000."<P>Ma fisika kai to ksero oti ta xp stirizonte ston kernel ton win2k.. i akoma kalitera ston NT kernel .<P>"Mexri twra de mou exei bgalei oute mia mple o8oni, oute mou exoun kollisei pote. Kai asxoloumai POLLES wres ti mera..."<P>To b0x mou einai rock stable me ta win2k kai kanis den amfisvitise tin statherotita ton winXP.Sigoura oxi pio polles ores apo emena .<P>"Esy perimene na blackcomb na ta baleis sto 64-bit epeksergasti pou exeis gia na ton ekmetalleyontai plirws ta programmata. Pote eipame pires Itanium????"<P>O kernel tou blackcomb tha ginei recompile gia 32bit cpu. Kai poli apla otan vgei to blackcomb tha exo 64bit cpu. Kai den einai mono o itanium pou perimenoume 64bit cpu.<P>"Kai to kserw oti einai to PROGRAMMA windows." <P>Den fenete na to katexis omos...<P>"Apla esy otan milas stous filous les: Ebala to Windows 2000.Einai poly kalo.na to balete ki eseis. ??? 'H les : Evala ta Win2000. Einai poly kala. Na ta balete ki eseis."<P>To proto , opos leo kai to linux , to unix ktlp...


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mandos:<BR><STRONG>re paidia oloi exoume ta xp<BR>kai to plus kai ola ta alla.<BR>siga to katorthoma. ego exo 6cd XP things<P><BR>Me thn nvidia mou (geforce) ti na kano??<BR>poios drivers na balo?<P>Kai me thn live 5,1 ti kanoume?<BR>ebala tous drivers kai to mhxanhma ekane 1 lepto poio poly gia boot<P>basika h live me noiazei frown.gif" border="0</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Gia th geforce vale latest detonators. Gia th live proteinw na valeis tous drivers pou vazoune ta xp (exei vgei kai update sto windows update) gia kalytero hxo..twra ama se kaine oi applications pou exoune oi drivers ths creative sto cd:\i386\drivers.cab tha vreis to devldr32.exe h kapws etsi. Perna to mia kopia se ena opoiodhpote folder. Kane install tous drivers apo to cd h opoious eixes telws padwn kai bootare safe mode. Pata ctrl-alt-del kai kleise to devldr32.exe. Perna to devldr32.exe pou htane sto drivers.cab panw apo auto pou yparxei sta windows (kane ena search kai tha vreis location, system32 nomizw alla den eimai poly sigouros). Boot se normal mode kai voila. Den tha paei kai volida alla poly pio grhgora apo prin smile.gif" border="0


Gia na apantisw ston eksypnakia sto idio yfos...<P>"Ego eimai official beta tester kai akoma stin final version xriazotan activation."<P>Swwwpaaaa..Ki egw eimai official pirate kai den xreiazomai activation...<P>"Ma fisika kai to ksero oti ta xp stirizonte ston kernel ton win2k.. i akoma kalitera ston NT kernel ."<BR>De lew.OLA ta ksereis esy...to mono pou de ksereis profanws einai to oti molis egrapse twn Win2k kai oxi "TOU win2k" opws mas eleges parapanw...A! Episis grafoume "sitizontai" otan milame sto B pli8intiko...alla 8a to ikseres ki ayto...<P>"To b0x mou einai rock stable me ta win2k kai kanis den amfisvitise tin statherotita ton winXP.Sigoura oxi pio polles ores apo emena ."<BR>Den eipa oti den einai sta8era ta WIN2K.(PALI EVALES PLH8YNTIKO EDW!) Isa isa. Twra to box pou exeis den einai x-box etsi? smile.gif" border="0 Kai oute to oti pio polles wres asxoleisai esy...Gi ayto egw exw filous.....<P>"Den fenete na to katexis omos..."<BR>Esy pou to katexeis giati to egrapses 2 fores "TA WIN2K" kai oxi "TO Win2K"???????? E???<P>"To proto , opos leo kai to linux , to unix ktlp..."<BR>Min aporiseis an ma8eis oti se koroideyoun oi "filoi" sou! smile.gif" border="0<P>Xwris pareksigisi ola ta parapanw ta lew gia plaka! Min pairneis tipota sta sovara.OK? smile.gif" border="0)))


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Myung:<BR><STRONG>ego giati niotho meionektika pou exo akoma ta 98?<BR>pIII-450hz 256rm<BR> confused.gif" border="0 confused.gif" border="0</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>file mou den tha prepei na noiwtheis katholou meiwnektika.Me to systhma pou exeis ayth th stigmh tha prepei na kathese apo mia gwnia kai na gelas me emas pou eimaste olh thn wra sthn tsita kai vazoume ston ypologisth mas o,ti kainourgia paparia vgainei gia na kerdisoume ligo se apodosh,kai overclocking kai kainourgious drivers kathe mera kai diaforetika leitourgika(egw exw 3 leitourgika ston ypologisth mou ayth th stigmh)Pistevw pws gia to systhma pou exeis me win98se ie6 kai kapoia updates apo to site ths microsoft,tha petyxeis thn kalyterh statherothta.<BR> mad.gif" border="0 mad.gif" border="0 mad.gif" border="0 mad.gif" border="0 mad.gif" border="0


Myung me to sistima pou exeis mporeis xalara na pas se win2k.oso gia to an einai stathera ta win98 mh trelathoume g:PP h pithanothta ta 98 na mhn kollhsoun estw mia fora to triimero einai idia me afth na vroume kana gremlin sth toualeta mas smile.gif" border="0 kai ama dokimazeis kai programmata apo net einai asta na pane.akoma kai otan de pernas tipota ena reinstall gia na mh pw format mia fora to dimhno einai aparaitito.win2k rulez.to sistima sou pistevw ta trexei eparkws.opote an thes statherothta ekei pas.oso gia ta xp mh nomizeis oti einai kalitero na ta valeis twra apanw.opws hdh arxises na vlepeis kai sy oi prwtes asymvatothtes oson afora drivers kai syskeves arxisan na vgainoun sthn epifaneia.astous allous na ta dokimasoun , perimene na vgoun oi drivers gia tis siskeves sou kai meta ta dokimazeis.


ela re Myung min niotheis etsi, ego me 1,2g win98 exo (logo oti den ginontai egkatastasi ta win2k, oups "to, kai logo oti polla programmata pou xrisimopoio theloun na fortosoun vxds stin mnimi :)<P>ps:<BR>gia na min mperdeuoume ta mpoutia mas:<BR>"Ma fisika kai to ksero oti ta xp stirizonte ston kernel ton win2k.. i akoma kalitera ston NT kernel ." ή akoma kalytera sto Unix kernel :P<P>kai<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR><BR>"Ego eimai official beta tester kai akoma stin final version xriazotan activation."<P>Swwwpaaaa..Ki egw eimai official pirate kai den xreiazomai activation...<BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>hahahahahahahahaha kaloooooooooooo


Ααα μπηκα και εγω σημερα στο club των in XP και φυσικα με τα PRO (final) σε Corporate edition. Οι εως τωρα εντυπωσεις ειναι αριστες. Κανενα απολυτως προβλημα, απλα δεν μου εκαναν και τοσο μεγαλη αισθηση μιας και ειχα Win2000 και κατα ενα μεγαλο ποσοσστο σε αυτα βασιζονται. Παντως αυτο που διαπιστωσα ειναι πως θελουν παραπανω μνημη απο 128 μνημη για να τρεξουν με τα visual effects ON. Κατα προτιμηση πανω απο 256ΜΒ για να ειστε σιγουροι...


pantos ego tin doulia mou tin kano<BR>ontos kolaei ana triimero smile.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0 ...malon kolage giati twra evala 256 ke ine kalitera ta pramata <BR>tou petaksa kai to klasiko metatisdiakopes format etsi gia ananeosi<BR>mi sas po oti kseftome na valo kai ta win95!!<BR> smile.gif" border="0 wink.gif" border="0 <BR>Windows Vts 16v pote vgenoun?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>ego giati niotho meionektika pou exo akoma ta 98?<BR>pIII-450hz 256rm<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Ean esy noio8eis meiwnektika, egw ti na kanw me to Pentium sta 200MHz MMX, me 32Mb RAM kai 1.2 Gb HD? Nai yparxoyn akomh tetoia pragmata e3w apo to mouseio!!!!


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