spkr Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 se diaforous allous "pleyer" pou ekana test eixa treles apolies kai kanena ma kanena de mou edose piso flat sima oti nanai itane ta apotelesmata pou eperna piso. apo oti fainetai den dokimases to u3 ths iaudio. ama psaxteite ligo sta forum tha deite oti to u3 se poiothta hxou bazei katw to nano. Gia auto kai einai kai panakrivo sxetika me to nano alla oti plhrwneis pairneis. Yposthrizei kai FLAC. Merikes photos pou ebgala egw http://spookerman.tripod.com/photos/ edw sthn agglia mono oi asxetoi pairnoun ipod DEN MPORW NA KATALAVW GIATI PREPEI NA EXW PROGRAMMA GIA NA BAZW MP3 STO PLAYER MOU. DEN PA NA EINAI AUTO ITUNES H PROGRAMMA TRITOU.
geovard Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 apo oti fainetai den dokimases to u3 ths iaudio.ama psaxteite ligo sta forum tha deite oti to u3 se poiothta hxou bazei katw to nano. Gia auto kai einai kai panakrivo sxetika me to nano alla oti plhrwneis pairneis. Yposthrizei kai FLAC. Merikes photos pou ebgala egw http://spookerman.tripod.com/photos/ edw sthn agglia mono oi asxetoi pairnoun ipod DEN MPORW NA KATALAVW GIATI PREPEI NA EXW PROGRAMMA GIA NA BAZW MP3 STO PLAYER MOU. DEN PA NA EINAI AUTO ITUNES H PROGRAMMA TRITOU. Έχεις κάνει έρευνα καί είδες ότι όσοι αγοράζουν ipod είναι άσχετοι? Φίλε spkr μιλώντας έτσι μού θυμίζεις το γνωστό' Εμείς εις τας Ευρώπας!'
spkr Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 me to asxetoi thelw na pw oti epeidh ta ipod AKOUGONTAI perissotero o aplos kosmos paei kai pairnei auta. Yparxei poly kalytero kai akribotero hardware ekei exw gia autous pou to theloun.
clairvoyant Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 πάντως φίλος μου που αγόρασε ένα iAudio (δεν θυμάμαι μοντέλο, ήταν με 20gb δισκό i think και τιμή κοντά στα 300Euro) ο ήχος του ήταν αστείος. Βάζαμε τα ίδια τραγούδια στο δικό του και στο iRiver μου και η διαφορά ήταν αισθητή με χαρακτηριστική ευκολία. iPod δεν έχει τύχει να ακούσω. Όταν προσπαθούσα να αποφασίσω τι mp3 player να πάρω ήμουν ανάμεσα σε Apple iPod και iRiver και τελικά διάλεξα ένα μοντέλο της τελευταίας διότι για τα ίδια χρήματα έπαιρνα ένα μηχάνημα με εξαιρετικό ήχο και πολύ περισσότερα χαρακτηριστικά. Πάντως είχα δει το nano από κοντά και ήταν σκέτη... γλύκα!
spkr Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 den xerw ti paizei me ta alla iaudio alla fantazomai pws den ekanes to lathos na akouseis me ta akoustika pou synodeuoun thn syskeuh giati nai etsi o hxos einai asteios.
macpt Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 re spkr exeis poli plaka prospatheis na me vgeleis xazo? re sou leo i diafora einai terastia kai me to u 3 ite to thelis ite oxi. esi krata to tenekedaki sou kai goustare kai ase emas na apolamvanoume to ipod giati eimaste "xazoi" kai mas aresei i piotita ston ixo. ante kai me ena gramofono!!!!!!!!
macpt Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 kai kati akoma poso asxetoi mporei na einai oloi oi mousikoi paragogoi kai texnikoi ixou stin agglia kai exoune oloi ipod?
spkr Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 re spkr exeis poli plaka prospatheis na me vgeleis xazo? re sou leo i diafora einai terastia kai me to u 3 ite to thelis ite oxi. esi krata to tenekedaki sou kai goustare kai ase emas na apolamvanoume to ipod giati eimaste "xazoi" kai mas aresei i piotita ston ixo. ante kai me ena gramofono!!!!!!!! poly amfivallw oti den tha plhrwses 300eurw gia na testareis apla ena iaudio u3. Den pisteuw ta legomena sou. Mporei na testares alla mp3 ths plakas alla sigoura den testares u3. Kai an ontws testares deixe mas screenshots.
spkr Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 re file exeis idea oti to ipod shuffle exei kalytero hxo apo to nano??? Gia psaxou ligo sto net.Diabase kamia selida.Nano kai prasina aloga. des ti leei o kosmos "So how's the sound quality? I'll leave that to the sound experts, since I seem to be one step short of tone-deaf. Even so, I think the quality is absolutely phenomenal. It was definitely clear. I drove across Charlotte listening to the FM tuner, and decided I no longer have much need for a car stereo system. Although I do listen to some AM stations frequently, the FM tuner and digital audio files is suitable for most of my needs. Given a plug-in to my car's sound system, I would literally no longer need a car stereo system. The sample audio file is called "Friends and Lovers", though it has nothing to do with the country song I knew growing up. Still, the file is pretty cool, and definitely offers an impressive sample of what the U3 is capable of. Other users have proclaimed the superiority of the U3 over the iPod in the iAudio forums. So I am not alone in my belief that the quality is pretty darned good." http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/50793/ kai merika reviews edw http://cnet.boston.com/Cowon_iAudio_U3_2GB_black/4852-6490_7-31589099.html kai ena review akoma "Everybody knows how great the Nano is as far as navigating it..as far as the screen, How Cute it is...However I HATED the sound so much..I actually sold it at a $100 loss to a friend just 2 weeks after buying it. Actually the Nano sounds fine, UNTIL you add any bass, or eq with bass. It is NOT my headphones as I've used Etymotic 4's..Koss Portapros, and nice Sennheiser phones. As soon as you add eq that also adds bass you'll hear a tiny bit of distortion EVEN at the lowest volume.It's not terrible,...but somebody should LISTEN to this thing. Forget about I-Tunes, Forget about the pretty screen..forget how cute it is. The sound is AWFUL(with eq)..and 4 that reason mine is now sold. I got a lesser known brand Iaudio U3 player and it sounds 100 times better overall plays video, has FM, records. Nothing will match the GREAT navigation of the Nano...but almost any flash player WILL sound better...I also own an Iriver, and Sony Flash mp3 player..Both truly sound WAY better than THE ipod! Apple really ought to fix this eq problem...and nobody notices this??? " apo edw
macpt Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 kai pios sou eipe oti plirosa gia na ta testaro den eimai kai toso malakas na agorazo tenekedakia. apla epesan sta xeria mou apo diaforous den ksero an to katalaves alla eimai texnikos ixou. ego apla sou leo pos exei i pragmatikotita dipla sta ipod ola fenonte tenekedakia kai otan leo ipod enoo shuffle nano foto video clasic. esi krata to tenekedaki sou kai mi me prizeis den eimai ipoxreomenos na apologoume giati ta ipod exoune toso megali diafora apo "players" tipou u3 zen kai de simazevete.
Super Moderators billdanos Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 re file exeis idea oti to ipod shuffle exei kalytero hxo apo to nano??? Gia psaxou ligo sto net.Diabase kamia selida.Nano kai prasina aloga. des ti leei o kosmos "So how's the sound quality? I'll leave that to the sound experts' date=' since I seem to be one step short of tone-deaf. Even so, I think the quality is absolutely phenomenal. It was definitely clear. I drove across Charlotte listening to the FM tuner, and decided I no longer have much need for a car stereo system. Although I do listen to some AM stations frequently, the FM tuner and digital audio files is suitable for most of my needs. Given a plug-in to my car's sound system, I would literally no longer need a car stereo system. The sample audio file is called "Friends and Lovers", though it has nothing to do with the country song I knew growing up. Still, the file is pretty cool, and definitely offers an impressive sample of what the U3 is capable of. Other users have proclaimed the superiority of the U3 over the iPod in the iAudio forums. So I am not alone in my belief that the quality is pretty darned good." http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/50793/ kai merika reviews edw http://cnet.boston.com/Cowon_iAudio_U3_2GB_black/4852-6490_7-31589099.html kai ena review akoma "Everybody knows how great the Nano is as far as navigating it..as far as the screen, How Cute it is...However I HATED the sound so much..I actually sold it at a $100 loss to a friend just 2 weeks after buying it. Actually the Nano sounds fine, UNTIL you add any bass, or eq with bass. It is NOT my headphones as I've used Etymotic 4's..Koss Portapros, and nice Sennheiser phones. As soon as you add eq that also adds bass you'll hear a tiny bit of distortion EVEN at the lowest volume.It's not terrible,...but somebody should LISTEN to this thing. Forget about I-Tunes, Forget about the pretty screen..forget how cute it is. The sound is AWFUL(with eq)..and 4 that reason mine is now sold. I got a lesser known brand Iaudio U3 player and it sounds 100 times better overall plays video, has FM, records. Nothing will match the GREAT navigation of the Nano...but almost any flash player WILL sound better...I also own an Iriver, and Sony Flash mp3 player..Both truly sound WAY better than THE ipod! Apple really ought to fix this eq problem...and nobody notices this??? " apo edw Άραγε όσοι κρίνουν τα ipods τα έχουν βάλει στα αυτιά τους ποτε??? Έχω το nano 4gb black και: 1. Η ποιότητα του ήχου είναι άψογη! 2. Τα default ακουστικά είναι πολύ καλύτερα από τα ακριβότερα των 50 euro+ 3. Την ευχρηστία των menus και του itunes δεν τη βρήκα πουθενά αλλού (έχει δοκιμάσει κανείς το software από τα ...sony??? ) 4. Ποιότητα κατασκευής, μέγεθος, βάρος, ΚΟΡΥΦΑΙΑ! 5. Τα περιφεριεακά φανταστικά! Μπαίνω σπίτι, το βάζω στο dock, φορτίζει και συγχρόνως με το remote control ακούω τη μουσική από τα ηχεία του mini home cinema. Είναι λογικό ο καθένας να θέλει να υποστηρίξει κάτι που αγόρασε (και καλά κάνει!) αλλά να μην φτάνουμε σε υπερβολές και κριτικές από τον κάθε "πικραμένο" στο internet! Κάποιος που έχει οργανωμένη τη μουσική του θα εκτιμήσει αφάνταστα το itunes! Κάποιος που τα έχει χύμα πεταμένα στο pc του και το μόνο που ξέρει να κάνει είναι drag and drop, είναι λογικό να μην καταλάβει τη διαφορά! Με το itunes έχεις ακριβώς τη μουσική που έχεις και στο pc/laptop με την ίδια δομή κλπ, στο ipod σου! Και μιας και μίλησες για το U3 δες και ένα άλλο review: http://www.mp3.com/cowon-iaudio-u3/hardware/100/reviews.html Επίσης σχόλια απο το cnet για το u3: "We don't like: Pricey; does not yet support DRM-protected tracks; video playback limited to 15 frames per second; interface is difficult to navigate; cheap plastic shell; mediocre FM reception; no auto-preset option for FM stations; requires two different desktop utilities; screen is too tiny for photos and video; for £20 more, you could buy a 30GB video iPod" Και μετά δες και το scrore του nano: http://www.mp3.com/apple-ipod-nano-4gb/hardware/35/summary.html
spkr Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Επίσης σχόλια απο το cnet για το u3: "We don't like: Pricey; does not yet support DRM-protected tracks; video playback limited to 15 frames per second; interface is difficult to navigate; cheap plastic shell; mediocre FM reception; no auto-preset option for FM stations; requires two different desktop utilities; screen is too tiny for photos and video; for £20 more' date=' you could buy a 30GB video iPod" [/quote'] auto to review einai outdated kai ta perissotera apo auta ta provlimata exoun lithei me to kainourio firmware. To mono pou den exei lythei (isws na mhn lynetai ) einai ta 15fps video.
Super Moderators billdanos Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 auto to review einai outdated kai ta perissotera apo auta ta provlimata exoun lithei me to kainourio firmware. To mono pou den exei lythei (isws na mhn lynetai ) einai ta 15fps video. Άλλαξε και η πoιότητα κατασκευής με το νέο firmware?
spkr Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 h poiothta kataskeuhs einai teleia an exaireseis to joypad to opoio sthn arxh exei periergo feeling alla to synhthizeis. Einai poly sympaghs syskeuh. Ama piaseis ena tha katalaveis. to oti einai akribo einai ena meion alla prin mia ebdomada ematha oti erixan tis times san apanthsh sthn ptwsh timwn tou nano.
macpt Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2006 telia kataskevi? XA XA XA!!!!!!! to allo me ton toto to ksereis?
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