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Halo 2 [PC] {Windows Vista Only/XP Patch post 78}


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  • 6 μήνες μετά...
  • Απαντ. 106
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"First off, the big news is that Halo 2 for Vista is making its public debut at the Leipzig Games Convention on August 24th through 27th. Those of you lucky enough to live in Germany will get a chance to play against each other in a pair of multiplayer maps we picked out for the show. Several of our key team members will also be present, struggling to explain keyboards layouts to German speakers using a combination of grunts, gestures and umlauts. Oh, and I donʼt want to get you North American gamers too excited, but weʼre looking at a possible US show in the near future. Thatʼs Top Secret for now."



Δεν πρόκειται για μια νέα πλατφόρμα,πρόκειται για πολλά λεφτά στην τσέπη του Bill Gates.Βάλτε Linux,να σωθούμε όλοι...


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Q: Why has it taken so long to port Halo 2 to Windows Vista?

A: Bungie Studios and Microsoft are committed to delivering and creating the highest quality experience of Halo 2 on the Windows Vista platform. As such, the development of Halo 2 for Windows Vista coincides with the development of the Windows Vista platform itself in order to ensure the title's uncompromised quality.


Q: Why are you releasing Halo 2 for Windows Vista only?

A: As Bungie Studios and Microsoft are dedicated to delivering a top quality translation of Halo 2 for the PC, their efforts require the use of the best available technological platform for Windows games. Windows Vista will help bring clarity to our customers and help them get more out of their personal computing experience, allowing them to focus on what matters most to them.


Q: Why is Halo 2 for Windows Vista not backwards compatible?

A: To deliver an optimal gameplay experience, Windows Vista will provide a great platform on which to bring to Halo 2. Microsoft and Bungie Studios will provide additional information at a later date.


Q: Is the release of Halo 2 for Windows Vista just a way to force consumers to purchase the new operating system?

A: Absolutely not. Bungie Studios and Microsoft's steadfast commitment to quality determined that the Windows Vista platform would provide the best possible version of Halo 2 for the Windows PC. We will provide you with more details in the future.




Bungie Studios and Microsoft are committed to delivering and creating the highest quality experience of Halo 2 on the...
As Bungie Studios and Microsoft are dedicated to delivering a top quality translation of Halo 2 for the PC, their...
To deliver an optimal gameplay experience, Windows Vista will provide a great platform on which...
Absolutely not. Bungie Studios and Microsoft's steadfast commitment to quality determined that the Windows Vista platform would provide...

xa0xa0xa0x0a0ax0xa0xa0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0ax0xa!!:mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: !!

Τι λένε τα άτομα!?

Εγώ τα σκ@τογραφικά του xbox βλέπω!


pantos den to kovo me tipota to cross-platform... autoi me ta joypads einai idi dead, kammia sxesi me tin akriveia tou mouse+keyb


Παίδες αυτό είναι παράλογο.Δεν νοείται προκειμένου να παίξεις ένα παιχνίδι να μπεις σε τέτοια δυσβάσταχτα έξοδα και σε πολλούς κόπους,μόνο και μόνο για να αναγκαστούμε να εγκαταστείσουμε ένα λογισμικό που να μην θέλουμε και που να μην το αντέχει η τσέπη μας .Μήπως αυτο ψιλοείναι εκβιασμός;;;


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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