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Laptop-linux sumbatothta?


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Geia xara sta linuxuria tou msgboard,

exw ena laptop hewlettpackard pavillion zx5000 enas aptous logous pou den eixa mexri stigmhs linux sto laptop einai pws eimoun me dialup kai to modem tou laptop htan eswteriko kai ws sunh8ws winmodem... ektos autou omws den eblepe me tpt th karta hxou pou einai standar ths motherboard.


telws pantwn twra eimai plewn me dsl opote paei to problhma me to winmodem. kamia idea gia ton hxo?


kai laptop-linux.net

epishs mhn xexaseis na koitaxeis sto wiki tis distro pou se endiaferei :)

akoma kai kataxoriseis gia alla modela (kai allon etairion)

tha vreis fovera xrisima pramata


gia ton hxo: bootare me ena ubuntu live-cd na deis an yparxei symvatothta, na yparxei kapoia lysh tha vrethei (enhmerose me kana post an xreiastei)

me "lspci" thn vlepeis thn karta hxou?


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