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Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3, Devil May Cry 3 και επίσημα στο PC


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Ubisoft sent out a press release announcing that it has signed an agreement with Capcom to distribute Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3 and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition video games for the PC. Ubisoft will distribute Capcom's games in North American and European territories beginning in February 2006 with the release of Onimusha 3: Demon Siege.

  • Απαντ. 30
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Mipws ennoeite to safedisk v4 protection re pedes poy to exoyn spasei mesw daemon tools??? an oxi tote ti to idiaitero exei afto to starforce protection kai den spaei?????? kai se poia games yparxei idi???

Mipws ennoeite to safedisk v4 protection re pedes poy to exoyn spasei mesw daemon tools??? an oxi tote ti to idiaitero exei afto to starforce protection kai den spaei?????? kai se poia games yparxei idi???



Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, King Kong.......




Parte xampari oti h antigrapsio telos re pedia...kante to koumanto sas kai parte 1-2 games to mina.

Pedia to 90% ton games pou exo einai antigramena...alla teliose to paramy8i,apla to starforce opos eipes kapios filos den spai giati ginete update sinexos..3.7 se 3.8 klp..kai min ksexnate pos to exi ftiasi omada h opia itan master sta spasimata..rosiki diladi.

Gia tou logou tou ali8es koitakste na deite sta en logo site posa spasmena games kikloforisan to teleuteo dimino..zitima na einai 5.

Tora osoi den 8eloun na to katalavoun apla den 8a ksanapeksoun kainourio game..


File oti kleidwnei panta xekleidwnei afto einai nomos. etsi legane kai gia ta windows xp otan prwtovgikane kai eixane tin "energopoihsh" twn windows ektos toy serial no alla ela poy spasane. arga h' grigora loipon tha vgei kai gia afto toy eidoys kleidwmatos antikleidei min anisixeis.


Ma kala akoma kollate me to Starforce?!?Einai toso aplo ti crack tou pou einai geloio pia....ksekolate ena unplug einai kai to polu polu k ena start fileaki...sovara tora den vlepo to kollima sas....kai oso gia sena Homor, nai 1-2 games ton mina?lol...ti les tora...ante esy agoraze ta emeis palu oxi....gia ta ta 1-2 games gia mena opos k gia pollous einai mia week to polu...


Ενώ όσοι έχουν Serial ATA δίσκο και nforce τσιπάκι με τους official drivers μπορούν να χαίρονται τα "νόμιμα" αντίγραφα των Starforce protected παιχνιδιών τους άνετα χωρίς περιττά unplug των dvd.


Υ.Γ. Prince of Persia rox :lol:

Υ.Γ.2 Το Onimusha είναι και στη δική μου "κατοχή". Πως γίνεται να βγει τώρα; :roll:


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