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Geia xara,


Tha perasw sto psito, MONO oi gnwstes na apadisoun parakalw.


Problima : Pithanon vraxikyklwma Motherboard


Ena pcaki mias filhs exei to ekseis problima...

enw douleve kanonika , last week ths ekleise 3-4 fores sta windows.

meta den anave kan...


emena mou to fere o kollitos mou , to parelava. Me to pou vazw last to

psu cable apo baladeza sto psu, to pc anavei , de dixnei tpta to monitor,

doulevoun ta cpu kai chipset fan's amesws kai menei etsi.


Aposyndesa ola ta pc parts kai afairesa oles tis kartes ide cables,ram etc.

Motherboard : nforce2 zenith - Chaintech , kai fora enan athlon 1.7xp .


Logika to pc twra eprepe na sfyraei otan topothetousa to kalwdio sto psu.

PSU : 300 Watt to testara se allo pc kai doulevei kanonika. Adistrofa neo

trofodotiko 350watt syberiferthike omoia.


Shmeiwsh , otan to pc htan anoikto - me ta fans na gyrnane , no signal sto

monitor etc. Vraxikyklwsa to power jumper xwris na ginei tipota, etsi monadikh

lysh na afairesw to kalwdio tou psu gia na stamatisei to pc.


To problima afto de to exw ksanasinadisei, ean kapoios exei adimetwpisei

tetoio problima as kanei reply.


Efxaristw prokatavolika.


epidei file vasilius mou proekipse peripou to idio provlhma me allagh cpu...prwta tha se paw pws distixos sou kaike i mobo k meta tha apodosw thn eythinh sthn karta grafikwn alla afou les oti den sfiraei tote kataligw me sigouria oti paei i mobo ths filhs... :(

an mporouses na dokimaseis allh karta grafikwn isws na eixes kapies elpides oti fteei ayth!


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