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XBOX 360 Topic v1

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Petran? na sou po. exeis paratirisi na xanonte merika frames sto replay tou motogp? eblepa to motogp se ena magazh kai imoun sigouros pos xani frames.

Tespa, oreo to pgr, orea aisthisi ths kinhshs, ta aytokinhta ta akriba, ayta pou eine pano apo 200 kala re pos ta odigis? se kathe strofh feugoun. (what kudos means?)


kudos = speed & style points (χειροφρενα, slip-streaming, προσπερασεις κλπ)

το pgr θελει οχι απλα να οδηγεις γρηγορα, αλλα να το κανεις και με ...στυλ


το moto gp χανει καννα καρε και σε πολυ κλειστες στροφες (>90) με πολυ λιγα χιλιομετρα. εκει ειναι που κανει και το tearing.

παρ'ολα αυτα ειναι 100% playable και γ@μω τα racing. (για μενα καλυτερο απο το pgr)

συντομα θα τροφοδοτηθει το xbox live με ενα update για τα scoreboards, αλλα εχει ζητηθει να κοιταξουν και αυτο το θεμα.


xmm δεν ξερω. καποια ειναι απο ενα διαγωνισμο που εγινε, καποια αλλα ειναι limited edition, καποια αλλα θα βγουνε/εχουνε βγει μαζικα.


σε hal παντως, δες κι αυτο



αν και καλυτερο μοιαζει το αλλο




επισης βρηκα και αυτα







** επισης ενα κρυμμενο βιντεακι (με τον J.Allard) ανακαλυφτηκε προσφατα στο official site του gotham 3.

για να το δειτε, πηγαιντε εδω: http://projectgothamracing3.com/projectgothamracingcom/microsite/usvideo.html

περιμεντε να φορτωσει η παρουσιαση, τρεξτε το αμαξι με τα cursor keys, και μολις πιασει τα 170 μιλια, πατηστε "J"

δειτε το, εχει αρκετη πλακα... (τi τσογλανι αυτος ο "J" :D)

kudos = speed & style points (χειροφρενα' date=' slip-streaming, προσπερασεις κλπ)

το pgr θελει οχι απλα να οδηγεις γρηγορα, αλλα να το κανεις και με ...στυλ


το moto gp χανει καννα καρε και σε πολυ κλειστες στροφες (>90) με πολυ λιγα χιλιομετρα. εκει ειναι που κανει και το tearing.

παρ'ολα αυτα ειναι 100% playable και γ@μω τα racing. (για μενα καλυτερο απο το pgr)

συντομα θα τροφοδοτηθει το xbox live με ενα update για τα scoreboards, αλλα εχει ζητηθει να κοιταξουν και αυτο το θεμα.[/quote']


opote proteineis se opoion aresei to pgr na peksi kai to motogp e?

(to peiratiko faceplate teriazh se polous tora poia :))


α)ναι, το προτεινω.

οποιος εχει live, ας κατεβασει το demo του.

νομιζω οτι τα γραφικα στο moto ειναι πιο ζωντανα απο το pgr.

επισης σαν racing game, το moto καταφερνει (*γνωμη μου) να ειναι πιο ανταγωνιστικο απο το pgr.

και τα δυο υπαρχουν σαν playbale demos στο Live, οποτε ο καθενας μπορει να βγαλει τα συμπερασματα του.



β) dead rising?


a nai ayto elega.

epeza xtes man pgr sto 360 se mia samsung tft hdready 32 intson to pgr kai den hmoun eyxaristimenos re man katholou apo ta grafika logo ths tv.poli pixeliasma pefth. gia na eyxaristithis ena paixnidi prepei na eise toulaxiston 5 metra makria. Proteino thn othoni tou pc mou. mporei na eine 17intses alla pixel de blepo oute me megenthitiko fako. o projectoras prepei na eine poly kalh fash


Sxolia apo ena developer tou motogp gia ta probs tou.



Ok. First, the scoreboard bug. MS and THQ have been tracking this for us since the demo released (we don't have internal QA here for GP). We have a fix and it will be patched, but it needs to go through a certification process first, so it's likely to take a week or two. We're keeping an eye on the problems that are occuring and will try to get online as water tight as possible. Unfortunately these bugs slipped through both THQ's and Microsoft's testing and certification.


The tearing. This occurs when the game drops from 60fps. It's still running well above 30, but because the game drops a frame, you get the tear. It was a case of lock the game at 30 or go with the tear; we wanted the higher framerate as it's more important to GP. I don't find that the tearing puts me off in the slightest, but then I guess that's down to the individual.


The framerate issues are worse online than offline, but I'm genuinely surprised at the level of vitriol here. It's not a constant problem, although I agree it's not ideal either. The game was optimised as far as possible in the time available, and the time available is not something we have control over. The frame rate rarely drops below 30 (and that's been verified with with our tools, in case anyone fancies arguing the point), but it appears more noticeable because of the height it drops from. Again, we could have locked at 30, but no one would have been happy with that. Some tracks are worse than others, Mugello for example is one of the worst offenders whereas Laguna Seca is much smoother.


I'm very happy with the game and will be happier still once the online issues are sorted. I've been playing it for months and I wouldn't have done so if I thought it was shit. A LOT of hard work has gone into this, it's been a fight from the beginning. We'd all have loved to have a Gotham sized team and development period, but GP is a very low budget title and will remain so as long as remains an XBox-only product. To those who are genuinely gutted (and not just spoiling for a fanboy scrap), I can only say sorry that we couldn't bring you the game you wanted. We have a longer development window for the next one so hopefully it'll be more to your liking. To those who've posted positive comments and are enjoying the game, thanks!




Motion blur came in for a great deal of hate in GP3. Combined with the distance to which the camera pulled back it hindered rather than helped. We didn't have the time to put together a better motion blur effect for GP06, but it's in R&D at the moment and will re-appear. In light of how nasty the GP3 blur looked, we thought it was better to have none at all than just tart it up for next gen.


Locking at 30 would have had a negative effect on the way the game handles. It was at 30 for a while and it was considerably more frustrating than the finished game. The hardest part of GP06 was getting it running on a 360 in the first place - we were practically at Alpha before we got final test kits.


We've also had to un-do a lot of wrongness from GP3. That game was begun, and largely developed at another one of our studios before being returned to the original team and at one point it was an absolute mess.

a nai ayto elega.

epeza xtes man pgr sto 360 se mia samsung tft hdready 32 intson to pgr kai den hmoun eyxaristimenos re man katholou apo ta grafika logo ths tv.poli pixeliasma pefth. gia na eyxaristithis ena paixnidi prepei na eise toulaxiston 5 metra makria. Proteino thn othoni tou pc mou. mporei na eine 17intses alla pixel de blepo oute me megenthitiko fako. o projectoras prepei na eine poly kalh fash



προφανως κατι δεν ητανε σωστα συνδεδεμενο/σεταρισμενο στο 360/hdtv

σε μια hdtv, το αποτελεσμα ειναι ισαξιο/καλυτερο απο καποιο μονιτορ.


...ετοιμη και η πρωτη μου customιά 8)



για πρωτο test drive τρεξαμε στο live κοντρα με εναν ..γρηγορο



τον οποιο βλεπετε ...πισω! :mrgreen: αμα θελει ας πει ποιος ειναι..



παντως μαλλον θα αλλαξω το "PetRaN" πανω στο φερινγκ της μηχανης μου, και θα το γραψω αναποδα, οπως στα νοσοκομειακα για το να διαβαζουν πιο γρηγορα οσοι τους ριχνω γυρο και να κανουνε στην ακρη! 8)


oreoes eikones man. koita na deis ti pezete me mena.

Ego exo ayth edo thn tv se 29intses http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=1201&Nav_Section_Id=1201&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=299157&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3

Kai koita pos blepo apo konta to pgr3 sto simio pou dialegis aytokinhto picture1511fq.jpg (eine ligo anapoda trabigmenh h photo)

Prosekse to pixeliasma sthn kolona kai fantasou fenete se mia mikrh photo trabigmenh apo kinhto. sto xbox dokimasa kai ths 3 analyseis.

Ti kano lathos? pes mou poies eine oi sostes rithmisis. esena se ekeino to shmeio sto pgr3 eine teleia h eikona?

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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