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XBOX 360 Topic v1

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Euxaristw Exoskeletor alla se ayta ta til milas me e3w apo ellada! Kapoio til 8elw gia na milisw me microsoft hellas. To eixa to til alla den to briskw....


Kati allo

Ebala palia paixnidia sto 360 kai enw to Halo 2 kai to SplinterCCT ta paizei kanonika den leitourgoun sto live alla mou bgazei minima na sindesw to 360 me kalodio component i scart giati to vga cable den ipostirizei pal50!!!!

Episis to GhostRecon2 den paizei ka8olou alla leei oti 8elei update omws otan paw na kanw update bgazei to idio minima!!! Ti backward compatibility einai touto?

  • Απαντ. 8,2k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Here is the fix if you using VGA cable.


1. Unplug VGA cable and plug in the component/composite that came with your 360.


2. Plug this in to a TV and make sure the switch is flipped to TV


3. Turn your 360 on.


4. Go to System blade, Display > PAL Settings and set it to PAL-60.


5. Save the settings, Turn your 360 off.


6. Plug your VGA cable back in and play

Here is the fix if you using VGA cable.


1. Unplug VGA cable and plug in the component/composite that came with your 360.


2. Plug this in to a TV and make sure the switch is flipped to TV


3. Turn your 360 on.


4. Go to System blade' date=' Display > PAL Settings and set it to PAL-60.


5. Save the settings, Turn your 360 off.


6. Plug your VGA cable back in and play[/quote']


privateer Auto einai gia ta paixnidia pou ipostirizoun pal60 alla to vga cable sto GR2 den ipostirizei 50pal pou xreiazetai gia na pai3ei... Ayto pou pare8eses parapanw xreiazetai na to kaneis px an katebaseis to demo tou outfit to opoio 8elei pal60 gia an pai3ei.


Se euxaristw pantws! :)


ena tromero glitch sta graphics tou graw mou etyxe seimera stin prwti pista treis fores.... xa8ikan ola textures ektos apo ta dentra kai tous ex8rous kai ola ta alla ginane maura. Kala pame....meta apo ligo epanil8e

ena tromero glitch sta graphics tou graw mou etyxe seimera stin prwti pista treis fores.... xa8ikan ola textures ektos apo ta dentra kai tous ex8rous kai ola ta alla ginane maura. Kala pame....meta apo ligo epanil8e

emena wolfidis den mouxei ginei pote auto..me ksenizei auto to gegonos..

HD?ti HD?VIdeos?


Tha diavazi HD diskakia lene me ena extra drive pou tha kikloforisi gia ta palia xbox360 eno sta kainourgia tha iparxi to kainourgio drive.Malon gia ta videos ine den ksero.


ara eine san na mas leei h microsoft. to xbox360 to ebgala sta grigora mono kai mono gia na bgalo leyta apo osous biastoun na to paroun..hd den epeze, ta palia paixnidia den ta pezei kala.. poly biazete poia ayth h microsoft. Na do ti tha exei kerdisei sto telos

ara eine san na mas leei h microsoft. to xbox360 to ebgala sta grigora mono kai mono gia na bgalo leyta apo osous biastoun na to paroun..hd den epeze, ta palia paixnidia den ta pezei kala.. poly biazete poia ayth h microsoft. Na do ti tha exei kerdisei sto telos

pios toxei pei auto?den paizei HD to xbox360?plaka kaneis k gw ti paizw?o filos parapanw isws taxei mperdepsei me to eperxomeno HD-DVD add-on pou tha bgalei i MS

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