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ta spaei!


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Crytek Considers Leaving Germany Over Game Law


Heise is reporting that the largest German game developer and makers of the much-anticipated upcoming title Crysis, Crytek, are considering leaving the country in anticipation of a new restrictive law. "The Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) of the countries had unanimously decided on a production and distribution ban for violent computer games for the first time in the end of May. The responsible Federal Ministry of Family Affairs is presently working on a less drastic draft of a law for the protection of children and youth. Instead of only the previous 'violence glorifying' games, also the 'violence dominated' games should be indexed by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons (BPjM) in the future. These may then no longer be advertised and sold to youths."

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

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Από http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=9676#


"DX10 on Vista up and running


Up in the Electronic Arts offices here at Games Convention 2007, the Crytek boys were in full flow showing off their highly anticipated shooter, Crysis.


One of the big question marks raised over Crysis has been why aren't we seeing the game in its full DX10 glory rather than the DX9 versions we've had so far? As has been reported, sometimes gleefully, elsewhere on the net, Crytek have been having issues with getting a stable version running due to driver difficulties.


But I'm pleased to say that these have now been sorted and Crysis is looking almost as sexy as Kiera Knightley on a waterbed wearing nothing but a knowing smile… no, really, it's seriously sexy.


The much vaunted motion blur is there and Crytek are still fiddling with how much of it will be in evidence but the session we had showed blur when you span around quickly or used you nanosuit's speed function.


Also, for the first time, Crytek were happy to talk specs officially and even went as far as saying that the spec on the back of a copy of Windows Vista is the target spec for the game. For our session though, Crysis was running on an Intel Core2 Duo Extreme with 4Gb memory and two 8800 Ultras in SLi. So I asked why the high spec if Crysis will run on lower spec and was told that they just wanted to show the game off with all the graphical frills turned on, which is fair enough.



When we pressed for confirmation of our earlier story that Crysis will run on a single core CPU with two 6600's, all we were told is that the target spec is the same as for Windows Vista… which I guess would be a confirmation.


So, how does Crysis play with the DX10 stuff turned on? Well, from the previous builds I've played it was very much the same only this time everything seemed less harsh around the edges. No, I don't mean that Crysis is presented in soft focus, what I mean is that the edges of everything are softer and far more natural. Leaves looked more realistic and the hard edges of man made object stood out far less. It's not photo-realistic and Crytek aren't aiming for that, the whole visual feel is more like a cinematic look, and effects such as the motion blur just add to this. "


Και έχει και 3 screenshots στο article. :P


Την Δευτέρα σημαντική ανακοίνωση....μήπως το beta πρόγραμμα; :D :D


Μόλις μας ενημέρωσε η Crytek ότι την Δευτέρα θα γίνει μια σημαντική ανακοίνωση στο Official Site του Crysis.


Υποθέτουμε ότι η ανακοίνωση αυτή θα αφορά το beta πρόγραμμα του παιχνιδιού. Δεν θα πρέπει να ξεχνάμε το γεγονός ότι το Crysis κυκλοφορεί σε περίπου 2.5 μήνες,οπότε τα χρονικά περιθώρια στενεύουν κι η παρούσα χρονική στιγμή φαντάζει ιδανική για το ξεκίνημα του beta προγράμματος.



* Crytek are working overtime polishing the game.

* Will run well and look great on single core CPUs + 6800GT.

* Crysis is designed as a trilogy.

* New IP announcement soon; Possibly multi-platform.

* Demo may come at the end of September; Expect an announcement soon.


Άντε να δούμε τι θα ανακοινωθεί αύριο :D :D

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Αν δεν το έχω πει ως τώρα, το Crysis δείχνει απίστευτα καλό και δουλεμένο από τα screenshots, και τα βιντεάκια. Και το directx10 κάνει αισθητή την εμφάνιση του (υποθέτω ότι αυτή τη θάλασσα δεν τη βλέπεις που να χτυπιέσαι σε dx9).


Mόνη μου ένσταση είναι τα ragdoll physics που χρησιμοποιούνται και εδώ (τουλάχιστο εμένα αυτό μου θυμίζουν) που κάνουν ψεύτικα τα (death κυρίως) animations των χαρακτήρων.


» Crysis Single Player Demo Coming Sept. 25


Electronic Arts has announced that a single player demo for the upcoming Crytek developed first person shooter Crysis will be released on September 25. Here is a snip:


Consisting of the entire first level in Crysisʼ epic single player campaign, “Contact,” gamers will get to finally experience first-hand the stunning visuals, revolutionary Nanosuit gameplay and open-ended level design that make Crysis one of the most anticipated shooters and PC games of all time. The demo is also poised to include a huge surprise from Crytek.


phgh: http://www.firingsquad.com/news/newsarticle.asp?searchid=17124

Αν δεν το έχω πει ως τώρα, το Crysis δείχνει απίστευτα καλό και δουλεμένο από τα screenshots, και τα βιντεάκια. Και το directx10 κάνει αισθητή την εμφάνιση του (υποθέτω ότι αυτή τη θάλασσα δεν τη βλέπεις που να χτυπιέσαι σε dx9).


Θα την δεις έτσι την θάλασσα στο DX9,αφού το συγκεκριμένο screenshot είναι από το DX9 mode του παιχνιδιού ;)

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Θα την δεις έτσι την θάλασσα στο DX9,αφού το συγκεκριμένο screenshot είναι από το DX9 mode του παιχνιδιού ;)


lol. Σοβαρά; E τότε είμαι χαρούμενος για την ταπεινή x1950pro μου :)




den kserw an einai moufa ta arxia kai egw tora to ida. einai 3.5 kai 5 hmeron...


opios tsekari as mas pei to sintomotero ;)

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