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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

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Όταν τρέχεις πιο γρήγορα από σφαίρα, είσαι πιο δυνατός από ατμομηχανή και πηδάς πιο ψηλά από κτίρια, τότε δεν θα έχεις αργό multiplayer. :P

Μιλάμε, ένα superman mod ή κάτι τέτοιο θα είχε πολλή φάση. :D

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Multiplayer Interview από Gamespy



GameSpy: Will there be vehicles, and if so, do you imagine them to be very fast and loose vehicles with off-the-wall uses like in the Battlefield series, or will they be taken a bit more seriously, like in Halo matches?



Lagel: There are definitely vehicles, and they are serious investments for players who choose to utilize them. They are not meant to be disposable, but part of your achievement in the game.

Οχήματα! Yay! :D


GameSpy: With Crysis being a semi-realistic blend of near-future sci-fi and modern military, will there be persistent stats and ranks like in Battlefield, or will each match essentially be stand-alone? Can you talk about why you made the decision on whether to have persistence or not?



Lagel: Each match will be stand-alone. The decision as to why we don't have persistent statistics is simple: many, if not all, of the open PC statistics can be cheated in one way or the other. We are very aware of how cheating happens in PC online games, and do not want to provide a feature until we can figure how it can be deemed reliable and trusted.


No stat tracking! Επίσης yay! :D

Εμένα δεν μου άρεσε! Πολύ γρήγορο για τα γούστα μου.... :P Πολύ quake και ut θυμίζει.. :PpP


Prepei na exei speed-up i stoli. De nomizo oti ginetai sinexos. Afou to leei re paidia


The suit has three different modes - strength, speed and armour


"You can increase the speed to actually dodge bullets or enemies. You can increase your strength to pick up heavy weapons, to punch harder, to actually punch trees to break them if you want... If you increase your armour, you can become a walking tank."


Esi apofasizeis ti tha kaneis. Kai auto einai to pio endiaferon. Dinei megisto variance se skill sto multiplayer. Osoi exoun low accuracy to bazoun sta podia :D

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Osoi exoun low accuracy to bazoun sta podia :D


Ή πάνε στην μούρη του άλλου με το speed, βάζουν strength και βαράνε μπουκέτο. :-P


Btw, έχει και 4ο mode που είναι το Cloak (αν διάβασα καλά). Αλλάζει το χρώμα της στολής σαν χαμαιλέοντα για να καμουφλάρεσαι. Απ'ότι είχα δει στο εφέ, κάπως έτσι έμοιαζε, αντί για το "γίνομαι διάφανος", μπορεί να κάνω λάθος, μια φορά το είδα. Όλο ξύλο και εκρήξεις βλέπουμε. :-P

Για να δω και τα σημερινά του Privateer.


Stealth onomazetai alla de blepo na einai kai idiaitera xrisimi. edo exei epeksigisi kai ti xrisi tou kathe mode.


The speed mode is effective for zipping around and making quick escapes from a firefight. Although it can be a little too fast at times, its effective for cutting down distance between you and your desired target in a short period of time, especially when you wish to go for the glory kill and punch someone to their death. Armor is a great all round mode perfect for firefights. This will most likely be the bread and butter of all Crysis multiplayer. It regenerates at a rather rapid pace and can soak up several hits before running out of energy. Stealth mode is great for snipers, although anyone making any effort to look for a stealthed player will spot them easily. Stealth mode will run out extremely quickly though if you move around too much, which adds yet another angle to the eternal problem for snipers. Should I move yet? Strength mode is extremely handy for manipulating yourself into that really high ledge to snipe, or simply bashing some ones face in as humiliating blow. A seasoned player with enough practice could easily use the suit modes to gently nudge the odds to their favor.



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Στο τελευταίο βίντεο του Privateer εκεί που δείχνει τα modes στην οθόνη, πρέπει να γράφει cloak, τα γράμματα δεν μοιάζουν για stealth, γι'αυτό το έκανα edit.


Άντε να βγάλουν κάτι να παίξουμε! :D

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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