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Απ'ότι είδα στο IGN (http://pc.ign.com/articles/754/754196p1.html), για multiplayer λένε:


"Multiplayer wasn't being shown at the event, but after we got one of the Crytek guys in a headlock he told us a few details about the multiplayer experience. The game will support up to 32 players in two modes: Deathmatch and Power Struggle. Power Struggle divides players into two teams, each with a base such as a submarine or aircraft. Once you capture a factory you can start manufacturing weapons and vehicles. The goal is to destroy your enemies' base, but to do so you'll need to develop a secret weapon and Crytek isn't saying what it is, yet."


Ενώ από το preview του Gamespy (http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/ea-crytek-title-untitled-project/754395p1.html):


"Not content with this level of destruction, Sterling then declared his own personal war on nature and started shooting down trees. Not everything in Crysis' levels will be destructible, but you can do a fair amount of hedge-trimming if you've got the ammo to spare. By the time he was done, the level looked quite a bit different from when we started, which, we have to admit, felt a bit satisfying."


Μου άρεσε πάντως και το "Using the bio-suit's strength setting, it's possible to throw enemies several stories into the air (try as we might, we kept missing the helicopter)" :P

Απ'ότι είδα στο IGN (http://pc.ign.com/articles/754/754196p1.html), για multiplayer λένε:


"Multiplayer wasn't being shown at the event, but after we got one of the Crytek guys in a headlock he told us a few details about the multiplayer experience. The game will support up to 32 players in two modes: Deathmatch and Power Struggle. Power Struggle divides players into two teams, each with a base such as a submarine or aircraft. Once you capture a factory you can start manufacturing weapons and vehicles. The goal is to destroy your enemies' base, but to do so you'll need to develop a secret weapon and Crytek isn't saying what it is, yet."


32 !!!! :razz: Kalo akougetai!!! kai prwtotipo!!!! Na eixe Lean k Prone 8a itan teleio me tetoies zougles (eidika an ena paixnidi me tetoies pistes den exei prone xanei poli se multiplayer)


Twra oson afora tin diskolia kai to farcry egw 8imamai oti oso anebaine to epipedo oi ox8roi antilabanontousan to pou eisai an kai esi mporei na eixes 15 dentra kai 30 8amnous mprosta sou kai den fainwsouna oute apo doriforo.... parola auta se blepane...


Protimo to Ai na diskoleuei se sxesi me to poses 8eloun gia na psofisoun i me tin beltiwsi sto simadi tous para auto to afisiko tou na se briskoun dia mageias....(akoma kalitera 8a itan to na itan pragmatika pio e3ipnoi alla auto ante se kanena GoW na to deis kai se kanena Halo)

  • Moderators

Απ'ότι παρατήρησα σε μερικά βιντεάκια, πρέπει να έχει prone, γιατί σε 2 από αυτά, στην αρχή όπως ανεβαίνει φαίνεται που "πέφτει" και σέρνεται για λίγο.


Btw, από το Gamespot preview (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/crysis/news.html?sid=6163885&mode=previews ):


" We played hide-and-seek with the North Koreans, leaping onto rooftops and sniping down on them. The artificial intelligence showed some imagination. We saw the enemy soldiers try to use cover, and in one instance a soldier leaped over a fence to try to get out of our line of fire. "


Άρα το AI ήταν ανοιχτό σίγουρα.


"Another way is to find a missile launcher in a building and use it to down the chopper. The problem was that in the demo we played, the designers purposely disabled the missile guidance system, which meant that the gunship could dodge many of the incoming missiles. Still, we were able to eventually score a hit by running beneath the helicopter and shooting up, minimizing the distance and the amount of time the pilot had to avoid the shot."


Άρα και οι πυραύλοι μας θα είναι και τηλεκατευθυνόμενοι. :P Κανένα Ion Cannon δεν θα μας δώσουν?


In case you're worried about how well Crysis will perform on your new rig, it looks like it runs pretty smoothly at 2048x1536 assuming you have a Core 2 Duo and (single) 8800GTX running on Vista.


In an earlier article, it was reported that Crysis was running at 60+ fps for most of the time at CES 2007. In this new article, Jack Mamais tells techspot that the game is running at a resolution of 2048x1536. Judging by the HUD size in the images below, this seems like it's true.Combine that information with the fact that most of the code is still unoptimized, and you can easily understand how well Crysis will run. Take note that Crysis was running in DX10 at CES 2007, so could Microsoft's claim of 6 to 8 time the performance be true? If you read some of the earlier news items or read the techspot link posted below, you'd also know that Crysis was running an unknown core 2 duo processor and a single 8800GTX.




Καλά μόνο το theinquirer είχε πει ότι τρέχει με 60fps το παιχνίδι. Από τα videos δεν μου φάνηκε να τρέχει με 60fps (άντε με λίγες εξαιρέσεις όταν δεν υπήρχε πολύ γραφικό). Βέβαια δεν έχουμε ακόμα direct feed οπότε παίζει και να ισχύει αλλά damn.........2048x1536 σε μονή 8800GTX και έτρεχε έτσι καλά; Αυτά να τα βλέπουν άλλοι developers (βλέπε nUbisoft) που τα παιχνίδια τους δεν φτάνουν στον γραφικό τομέα ούτε στο ελάχιστο το Crysis και έχουν περισσότερα "κολλήματα"


Στην foto φαίνονται μέσα στο PC 2x7950GX2 κάρτες. Επίσης αν παρατηρήσετε στο monitor θα δείτε εικονίδια του Media Player (καλά κανείς δεν παρατήρησε πάνω δεξιά τα ελαχιστοποίηση/μεγιστοποίηση/κλείσιμο εικονίδια; :P). Με λίγα λόγια,αυτό δεν είναι actual gameplay screenshot καθώς επίσης και το PC αυτό δεν υπήρχε στην CES2007 (μιας και είναι γνωστό ότι το Crysis έτρεχε σε μονή 8800GTX σε DX10 mode) :P

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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