titis Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Είμαι στο επίπεδο ''The Arena'' και δεν μπορώ να νικήσω το γίγαντα. Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει; και κάτι άλλο, μήπως ξέρετε πως παίρνει ο πρίγκηπας extra (επιπλέον) ζωή;
privateer Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 1 This boss cannot be weakened conventionally. Striking him will not hurt him so you'll need to blind him permanently in order to defeat him. Around the arena are two ledges to climb up. Access either one and climb up to the top of the arena. STRATEGY: Once the battle starts, move upwards to find the first walkway with the stab squares. Access the stab squares and jump your way to the top. Cross the ledge and make the long jump towards the boss. Just like the Quick/Speed Kills, the dagger will shimmer each time for maximum damage. Press the button for each shimmer to blind the boss's eye. Once the Prince blinds the first eye, he jumps down and it's time for the second eye. Find the second walkway and head up to the top ledge. Jump the beam towards the boss and use the Speed Kills to blind him permanently. Now that it's blind, you can start doing some damage! --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 2 Slash away at his legs like crazy! Use evasive rolls and keep slashing until he finally keels over. After he keels, press the Quick Kill buttons to finally destroy the boss. See how easy that was!
privateer Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Life Upgrade 1 ************** Location: Sewers Once you have changed back to the Normal Prince after being the Dark Prince for the first time make your way out of the pit you are in. Once you reach the tunnel above you will be going down a corridor with sun light glowing on the ground. Go to the third sunlight glow and use the slim Dagger Plate to the Prince's left on the wall here to open the door. Go through the door before it closes and you should see to your left a doorway covered by a curtain. Go into this doorway and follow this path to find Life Upgrade #1. If you just used "The Tunnels" fountain you need to go back through the traps near this fountain and go into the doorway the curtain is hiding in front of you. Follow the path behind it to find Life Upgrade #1 Life Upgrade 2 ************** Location: Lower City Rooftops After you make it to the Lower City Rooftops Save point continue along until you reach a slim Dagger Plate that opens two doors. Go into the door farthest away from the slim Dagger Plate and follow the path behind that door to find Life upgrade #2. Life Upgrade 3 ************** Location: The Temple After you have used the Save Point "The Temple" you will eventually come to a room that you need to drain the water in (right before you reach the next save point). Wall run up the wall near the lowest broken column and jump to the column at the peak of the wall run. Climb all the way up the column and then face the back of the Prince towards the only column you can jump to. Climb all the way up this short broken pillar and jump towards the ledge you see nearby. Climb up onto the ledge and wall run along the wall to the Prince's left. After you go around the curve in the wall Jump to the Pole to the Prince's left. Climb up onto the pole and then climb up onto the pole above the Prince. Jump to the pole you see on the other side of this room. Shimmy to the Prince's right until you line up with the flag you see in front of you and then swing/jump into the hole hole hidden behind the flag. Go to the Prince's left and Wall run along the wall towards the red curtain. Before you reach the bottom of the red curtain jump to the red curtain behind the Prince and slide down to the ground below. Go through the doorway here and follow the hallway to Life Upgrade #3. Life Upgrade 4 ************** Location: The Canal Facing the Fountain for "The Canal" Save Point go to the Prince's right and roll through the small gap in the wall at the bottom of it to go after Life Upgrade #4. Life Upgrade 5 ************** Location: The Palace Entrance After you have used the save point "The Palace Entrance" go up the stairs to the Prince's right. Make your way up the elevator shaft until you reach the second handle you can use. You should see some Dagger Plates on the wall of the elevator shaft near the handle. Hop over the railing and use the Dagger plates to climb up. Jump to the wall behind the Prince and then jump back and forth between the two walls until you reach the wall button on the Elevator Shaft wall. Once the Prince steps on the wall button quickly activate the Eye of the Storm power (Tap L1) and stab the Dagger Plate below the Prince as he falls from the wall button. Quickly drop down and stab the Dagger Plate below and then jump to the balcony with the handle. Quickly run through the door that is farthest away from the handle switch before it closes. Follow this hallway to find Life Upgrade #5. Life Upgrade 6 ************** Location: The Middle Tower After you have used the save point "The Middle Tower" you will start to make your way up the side of the tower. You will eventually be hanging off the edge of a stone ledge with a doorway on it. Instead of climbing up onto the stone ledge drop down to the narrow beam below the Prince. Drop down to the next narrow beam below the one you are now on and then jump to the beam in front of a hole in the wall. Follow this Path to find Life Upgrade #6
gherudos Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 22 Ιανουαρίου 2006 egw to termatisa sxetika eukola kai xwris kanena life upgrade
titis Δημοσ. 24 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 24 Ιανουαρίου 2006 egw to termatisa sxetika eukola kai xwris kanena life upgrade Πως μπόρεσες και νίκησες τον γίγαντα; Τι έκανες;
titis Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 1This boss cannot be weakened conventionally. Striking him will not hurt him so you'll need to blind him permanently in order to defeat him. Around the arena are two ledges to climb up. Access either one and climb up to the top of the arena. STRATEGY: Once the battle starts' date=' move upwards to find the first walkway with the stab squares. Access the stab squares and jump your way to the top. Cross the ledge and make the long jump towards the boss. Just like the Quick/Speed Kills, the dagger will shimmer each time for maximum damage. Press the button for each shimmer to blind the boss's eye. Once the Prince blinds the first eye, he jumps down and it's time for the second eye. Find the second walkway and head up to the top ledge. Jump the beam towards the boss and use the Speed Kills to blind him permanently. Now that it's blind, you can start doing some damage! --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 2 Slash away at his legs like crazy! Use evasive rolls and keep slashing until he finally keels over. After he keels, press the Quick Kill buttons to finally destroy the boss. See how easy that was![/quote'] Κάνω όλα αυτά που λες αλλά δεν μπορώ να τον τυφλώσω.
titis Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 A ρε privateer... τσάμπα γράφεις! Εσύ τι πρόβλημα έχεις;
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