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Noname Cod 2 Server-Client Pack


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Geia xara se Olous apo tous n0name.


Greetings to All From n0name Clan.



Afto To Pack ftiaxtike me skopo th diefkolynsh opoiou thelei na sthsei-ftiaksei ena LAN server

gia kapoio Tour eite Public kai th rythmish twn clients swsta,grhgora kai efkola kai apotelesmatika.

Pistevoume pws otan yparxei kapoios cod2 server online, tha prepei na einai kai swsta rythmismenos,

alliws einai mish douleia apo ton admin kai mish efxaristish gia tous paiktes. Etsi Vgazoume afto

to Pack-Guide Public.


This Pack was made in order to make things easier for someone that wants to create a LAN server for

a Tour or a Public Server and configure the clients correctly,fast,easy,efficiently.

We Believe that a cod2 server should be configured correctly in order for his existance to take place

and not just being empty... being a half joy for the players and half-job done from the admin.

That's the reason why we release this Pack Guide Public.


Se afto to rar tha prepei na vreite ta akoloutha arxeia:


In this Rar you should find the following Files:








Read Me.txt








Afto to arxeio to topotheteite sto path "X:\..\..\main\players\*\.."

opou X = to gramma ths monadas diskou pou exete egatasthsei to cod2 kai meta akolouthei

to path. Ston ypokatalogo "players" tha vreite ena arxeio to anoigete me to notepad kai

grafete to onoma tou katalogou pou akolouthei, ekei mesa ston katalogo pou akolouthei "*"

topotheteite kai kanete adikatastash to eidh yparxon arxeio.

prokathorismenos dromos = C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\players\


You must put this File at the following path "X:\..\..\main\players\*\.."

where X = the drive disk letter where you have installed cod2 followed by the path.

At the subfolder "players" you should find a file , open it with notepad and type the name

of the folder that follows, in that folder "*" put and replace the existing config_mp.cfg file.

default path = C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\players\





To No FX mod arxeio rythmisewn.To anoigete kai allazete opoia parametro thelete wste na tairiazei

stis apaithseis-gousta sas.Apenergopoiei/Energopoiei ta EFE se opoiadhpote pista, mporeite na

dialeksete poia efe thelete na apenergopoihsete kai se poies pistes.Afto tha exei ws apotelesma

mia afkshsh twn fps sas se pistes opws H matmata.


The No FX mod cfg file. You open it and change any parameter you want in order to fit your

requirments-taste.Disables/Enables special FX in any map you want, you can pick which FX you want

to disable and in which maps.This will have as a result a major FPS boost in maps like matmata.





To arxeio rythmisewn enos search and destroy server. Afto to cfg periexei oles tis edoles kai

rythmiseis enos sd server. Allazete opoies rythmiseis thelete symfwna me tis anages sas.


A search and destroy configuration file.This cfg contains all the commands and settings of a

sd server.You alter whatever setting you want, according to your needs.




Afto to cfg periexei oles tis rythmiseis tou pam mod. Opws sta posa rounds na ginete Hmixrono,

Poso xrono na exei to kathe round ktl.


This cfg contains all pam settings. Like in how many rounds there should be a halftime,how much

time should each round has etc.



//Read Me.txt

To arxeio pou diavazeis twra


The File you are currently reading




Afto to arxeio tha to xrhsimopoihsete MONAXA ean thelete enan server pou den elenxei ta cd-keys

eite aftos einai cracked eite dioti ton thelete se ena WAN.Tha kanete epikolhsh afto to arxeio

kai adikatastash sto akoloutho dromo : "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc"


This file should be used ONLY when you want to create a server that will not check for valid

cd-keys, whenever it is cracked or because you want a WAN cod2 server.You will paste this file

and replace the existing one on the following path : "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc"




Afto einai to PAM2 mod. .


This is PAM2 mod.



Afto einai nofx mod.


This is nofx mod.



Ola ta arxeia plyn tou txt,tou hosts kai tou config_mp.cfg ta topotheteite to sto main dir tou server.


All the files except this txt,the hosts file and the config_mp.cfg, should be placed in server's main dir.



Noname clan - 20/01/2006





Download Noname Cod2 Server - Client Pack From The Following Link :


More Info/One Night Cups @ http://www.callofduty.gr


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