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MSI 7800GTX problem


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kalhspera,exw thn parapanw karta k sto 3dmark05 bgazw score peripou 6500-6900

den einai xamhlo? exw dokimasei akoma k yperxronismo ,ets wste na dw score panw apo 7000 alla mataia

ti mporei na ftaiei?

enoeitai oti drivers exw tous teleuaious ktl


to systhma mou


intel p4 640 3.2GHz

M/B asus P5LD2

2x512 kingston DDR2 @533

PSU Herolchi 550w

WD 120gb 7200RPM


please guys help giati exw spasei to kefali mou k den 3erw ti na kanw,oxi oti einai kana terastio problhma (afou to systhma einai sta8ero kata ta alla)alla 8a h8ela na parw ta megista apo ayta pou exw plhrwsei hdh.



sto parakato link tha dis pos to score tis 7800gtx se 1024x768

kai me ths default rithmishs einai 7741, an eipologisoume

oti to test egine me cpu amd 64 4000+, eno h dikia sou einai p4 3.2 tote

katalabenhs pos diskola tha pas parapano.....

eisai sta fisiologika lipon. mhn anxonese ..paikse oso prolabeneis!




a ...kai kati pou parelpsa an exeis anixta ta anisotropic kai antialising(x8 kai x4 antistixa) tote to score einai 6957

diladi to diko sou....

paizi kai auto...


euxaristw gia tis apantiseis activex

to test to trexw me tis default rithmiseis se 1024x768 me anisotropic kai antialising

sto off dhladh.

enta3ei to 3erw oti oi AMD apodidoun kalytera apo tous intel sta games alla 1000+

bathmoi den einai kapws polloi?


an anoi3w dhladh anisotropic kai antialising bgazw score ~5500


ME amd 3700, MSI K8n Neo 4FI, 1GB Ram Crossair 2x512 και Albatron 7800gt μου έβγαλε 7498 με όλα στο default. Μόνο απο το μενου της nvidia έβαλα image settings > High performance.


Πες μου τι άλλα παιχνίδια έχεις στο σύστημά σου, να δούμε αν λειτουργεί σωστά. ΄Ενας κούκος δεν φέρνει την άνοιξη.


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