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Pia tft 19" othonh mou proteinete mexri 750 euro???


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gia skeftite ligo giati xalate ta lefta sas stis o8ones TFT...ta kataferan oi etiaries pali na sas mplokaroun.....

gia 8ms plhrwnetai....ma kala den sas exei pei kaneis pws to an8rwpino mati den antilambanetai taxythtes katw ton 250ms...poso mallon ta 16ms....


pantws opios mou pei oti se o8onh pou exei 12ms h 8ms EIDE diafora sthn apokrish...... ti na pw ...8a 8ewrhsw oti einai o Superman!



  • Απαντ. 36
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

re file mhn ta vazeis me mena:0

exw thn sony hx93 me 25ms k den exw antilhfthei gosting pote oute genika provlhma...

k thelw na mou pei kapoios an aksizei h agora ths eizo s1910

h na parw thn dell pou epishs proteinete...


twra desame akoma megalutero mperdema:D

Loipon gia na mathw kapoia pragmata

(mia k eimai psilo skrapas oson afora monitor klp)

k na mporw na sugrinw thelw na mou peite

1)ti frouto esti wide screen monitor?

2)k ti esti Dvi k pws mporw na toekmetaleutw gia kaluterh eikona???


" Shinta " phga sto site http://www.technixx.gr/ k edine diaforetika xarakthristhka apo to site pou mou edwse opws

px 600:1 contrast k 16ms apokrish se sxesh me to site pou mou edwses

pou edine 800:1 k 8ms antistoixa ti paizei poios mas douleuei???

an mporei kapoios na apanthsei stis panw erwthseis

tha tou hmoun eugnwmwn:)


den thelw me thn kamia panw apo 19"-21"!!!(mhn pw 20" kalutera)

den polu exw katalavei ton tropo pou leitourgei to e-bay

alla tha kserw suntoma!!!

Tespa h dell exei kalh poiothta eikona antaksias mias eizo h mpa???

K me xalaei oti thelei 5 kamena pixels gia allagh(me xalase auto:()


Re ti na thn akanw thn 24" na aplwnw mpougada:D its very big for me

19" me 20" exete na mou proteinete kati h oxi den thelw alles luseis

eidika otan ksepernoun ta 700 euro..


PrOSOXH!to review* einai kathara proswpiko xwris poli kalh gnwsh sto thema!!!


k egw ta idia akrivos zhtaw opws akrivos k o sno0py 19''-21'' mexri 700e

aposa diabasa-apokomisa apo tis apopseis k sta site pou parapempsate ton sno0py ->


DELL +paixnidia +tainies ++texnika/xaraktir -paraggelia apo eksoteriko -eggyhsh/fhmh(egw den thn exw akousei tosa xronia oso akougontai alles etaries)


Apple according http://www.rainbow.gr/apple/hardware/cinema_displays.html

-paixnidia -lefta +tainies ++texnik/xarakt +eggyhsh/fhmh +desing


Eizo (8xronia exw F35 san xtes mou fentai)

-paixnidia - lefta -design +texn/xarakt ++eggyhsh/fhmh


Philips widescreen LCD WSXGA 20"

+paixnidia +tainies +lefta +texn/xarakt -diathesimothta sikgekrimenou mondelou(8ms) -hxeia(den kserw alla me xalane :()


diorthwste me pls!!! :D



*o theos na to kanei!


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