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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Μία συνέντευξη στην οποία ο Jean-Francois Dugas δίνει μερικές πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες μεταξύ άλλων και για το τεχνικό μέρος.


Like one of my technical guru colleagues, Danny Oros, would say: the Xbox360 unified memory architecture and multiple CPU cores allow us to dynamically create stunning effects which were never before possible, such as our realistic water effects and dynamics. Plus, the CPUʼs ability to use and render floating-point precision procedural (dynamic) textures and data pushes the quality of these effects and surfaces even further, so every little perturbation and detail can be rendered in its highest precision. With the multiple CPU cores in the console, it also makes it possible to perform tasks in parallel, such as solving AI, physics, and calculating the denser amount of 3D objects over a larger view distance, for a richer game-play and visual experience. Obviously, weʼre only starting to explore the full potential of the console.
Predator characters are roughly 5,000 polys compared to around 2,000 for Evolution. All the vehicles and weapons have at least double the number of polys and use 1024 textures, versus 128 for Xbox.

Almost all of the objects in the Predator environments use 512 textures instead of 128 for Evolution.

Depth of view is now closer to 2 km versus an approximately 200m depth found in Instincts.

In a nutshell, everything has been considerably beefed up on 360 while keeping a constant fps with tons of enemies on screen.













Κατι που βλέπω στα διάφορα screenshots που κυκλοφορούν για το BTF2 MC είναι η χαμηλή ποιότητα των textures, οχι τόσο των bots αλλά όλων των άλλων... όπως και στο PC με όλα στο High quality και στο παιχνίδι και στην κάρτα τα textutres δεν έχουν "καλή" ποιότητα...


αν συγκρίνεις δηλ HL2 (καλα αν το συγκρίνεις με το Lost Coast νομίζεις ότι τα screenshots του 360 απο BTF2MC ειναι του xbox1 ) με BTF2 βλέπεις μεγάλη διαφορά στην ποιότητα στις υφές...


Next-Gen DVD Copy-Protection Debacle

Hollywood screws 3 million HDTV owners, sucks in general.


February 24, 2006 - In perhaps the greatest disservice to the general consumer market yet perpetrated by players in the electronic entertainment industry, it has been revealed that next-generation DVD technologies (HD-DVD and Blu-ray) will only function with monitors and HDTVs with HDMI or DVI connections.


What does that mean to you? If you purchased an HDTV more than a couple of years ago, chances are you are using Component Video (the red, green, and blue plugs) to connect HD sources to your TV. Component Video is an analog transmission, which means that it can't work with the absurdly stringent AACS copy-protection Hollywood has insisted be integrated into the new formats. Thus, no HDMI input on your TV, no hi-def DVD for you. If you don't have a compatible TV, you'll either receive a massively downgraded sub-720p resolution version of the content, or what the studios are suggesting, a warning screen followed by nothing.



Και μια περίληψη ... όχι ότι υπάρχει ελπίδα βέβαια, αλλά τέσπα.


Microsoft's latest gadget is stumbling in more ways than one.

Supply problems, mediocre software sales, and even hardware flaws are making some gamers think twice.

But there's hope--here's what Microsoft needs to do to make the Xbox 360 the leading next-gen console.


#1 Redesign the Xbox 360 hardware by early 2007

Rather than release a niche-targeted external HD-DVD drive, Microsoft needs to redesign the 360 itself as quickly and efficiently as possible.


#2 Release the ultimate game--a crown jewel for the Xbox 360

As of early 2006, the Xbox 360 still doesn't have its own Halo 2. Sure, Perfect Dark Zero and PGR 3 have neat graphics and slick online modes, but we've seen games like those before.


#3 Lock down Grand Theft Auto 4 as an Xbox 360 exclusive

Sony's deep, dark secret is that the PS2 was suffering from an identity crisis before Grand Theft Auto 3 came along.


#4 Turn the Xbox 360 into the MMO console

It's a well-known fact that the Xbox and Xbox 360 excel at first-person shooters.

Microsoft should focus its energy on convincing publishers to hop onto the Xbox 360 MMO bandwagon.


#5 Embrace lower game costs and digital game distribution over Xbox Live

The trickiest commandment, but also the most important. Disc-based games are on their last legs, soon to go the way of the Atari Jaguar and the 32X.

Και μια περίληψη ... όχι ότι υπάρχει ελπίδα βέβαια' date=' αλλά τέσπα.


[b']Microsoft's latest gadget is stumbling in more ways than one.

Supply problems, mediocre software sales, and even hardware flaws are making some gamers think twice.

But there's hope--here's what Microsoft needs to do to make the Xbox 360 the leading next-gen console.[/b]


#1 Redesign the Xbox 360 hardware by early 2007

Rather than release a niche-targeted external HD-DVD drive, Microsoft needs to redesign the 360 itself as quickly and efficiently as possible.


#2 Release the ultimate game--a crown jewel for the Xbox 360

As of early 2006, the Xbox 360 still doesn't have its own Halo 2. Sure, Perfect Dark Zero and PGR 3 have neat graphics and slick online modes, but we've seen games like those before.


#3 Lock down Grand Theft Auto 4 as an Xbox 360 exclusive

Sony's deep, dark secret is that the PS2 was suffering from an identity crisis before Grand Theft Auto 3 came along.


#4 Turn the Xbox 360 into the MMO console

It's a well-known fact that the Xbox and Xbox 360 excel at first-person shooters.

Microsoft should focus its energy on convincing publishers to hop onto the Xbox 360 MMO bandwagon.


#5 Embrace lower game costs and digital game distribution over Xbox Live

The trickiest commandment, but also the most important. Disc-based games are on their last legs, soon to go the way of the Atari Jaguar and the 32X.

autos pou ta grapse auta einai insider tis sony??koita na milage gia konsola tis sega na pw ok.alla epeidi milaei gia tin ms k to xikouto pes tou "palia sto texas"..prwiniatika gelasame pali...dld ti na pei kaneis gia ta probs tis sony k na ti krinoume apo twra oti tha apotixei.merikoi mesa se 2,5 mines exoun krinei mia konsola pou tha paei mia xara.

giati dld ksexnane oti:

1.eftase ta 2,5m konsoles

2.logw mikrou stock den poulise poli parapanw

3.giati de mas leei posa games ana konsola pwlithikan,opws k posa periferiaka

4.dld mas leei oti to xbox live apetixe otan apodedeigmena itan o pio epitiximenos tomeas tou 360.

5.pios tous eipe oti tin ms tin trwei toso polli na prowthisei to HD-DVD,otan i sony kaigetai me to blu-ray.an ithele toso na prowthisei auto to format,gnwrizoun polloi kala ti prowthisei mporei na kanei k eidika pws mporei na piasei to hollywood apo tin kali

toulaxiston i Lynch poupe oti to ps3 kostizei 900$ epese 100$ eksw,k tous brizan,auto tha to paroun ws anekdoto?

merikoi mesa se 2,5 mines exoun krinei mia konsola pou tha paei mia xara.

Το άρθρο σου δεν έλεγε αποτυχία το xbox360 σε σχέση με το xbox1 , αλλά για το τι πρέπει να κάνουν, αφού φαίνεται αποτυχία η μέχρι τώρα προσπάθεια να γίνουν "leading next gen console"!!!

(Το τελευταίο βέβαια ακούγεται αστείο ,αλλά λόγος να γίνεται.)


Αν και ακόμα και σε σχέση με το xbox1 δεν είναι όλα ρόδινα, αφού οι μέχρι σήμερα πωλήσεις είναι μάλλον λίγο χαμηλότερες σε σχέση με του πρώτου xbox.

Aλλά ακόμα και οι εκτιμήσεις της Microsoft για τους επόμενους μήνες δεν ξεπερνάνε και πολύ τα αντίστοιχα νούμερα του xbox1, χωρίς μάλιστα τον μεγάλο ανταγωνισμό από GC και Ps2 που είχε ο προκάτοχός του .

RE PEDIA TI PRAGMA INE AUTO? me mia prohiri matia pou erixa ida oti ton Martio kai genika meta ton Martio kikloforoun oles oi pehnidares mazemenes... pos tha ta agorasoume ola auta ?


αστα ababa.. παντως εχω ενα φιλο τραπεζιτη που βγαζει καλα δανειακια :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

μακαρι να φτασουμε να τον χρειαζομαστε :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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