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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Arcade: Domino Master


Content: Domino Master

Price: 800 Microsoft Points

Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions

Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE)] Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 2-4, HD (High Definition). Upgrade now to unlock the full-featured, multiplayer Domino Master game! Play against friends and family, or challenge the world on Xbox LIVE. The full version also includes achievements, leaderboards, and LiveVision support! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts.'>http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts.



Arcade: Feeding Frenzy 2


Content: Feeding Frenzy 2

Price: 800 Microsoft Points

Availability: Not available in Hong Kong, Singapore or Taiwan.

Dash Text:[ESRB: E (EVERYONE) COMIC MISCHIEF] Local Multiplayer 2-4, HD (High Definition). Chomp your way through an underwater mystery! Play solo or with friends to dodge predators and eat your way up the food chain to save the sea in this Feeding Frenzy sequel. Play wild, wacky Party Games. Stay alive in Time Attack! Sixty spectacular levels, brand-new fish and underwater scenes await! There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

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Δεν του είχα δώσει τόση σημασία έως τώρα, αλλά το παιχνίδι φαίνεται να είναι πολύ καλό τελικα! Αυτό που βλέπω πάντως μ'αρέσει.

Αυτά τα price cuts που γίνονται στην Ευρώπη ( και ειδικά το προηγούμενο, το μεγάλο, που έφερε το arcade στα 200 ευρώ) γίνονται περισσότερο για αντιστάθμιση τιμής ανάμεσα στις 2 ηπείρους λόγω ισοτιμίας δολλαρίου-ευρώ. Οπότε ψιλοαναμενόμενο ήταν η μείωση τιμής στην Αμερική αργά ή γρήγορα να περάσει και στην Ευρώπη.;)


Δεν γίνεται βέβαια και ακριβής αντιστοίχιση στην ισοτιμία ( όπως δεν γίνεται και το αντίστοιχο στην ισοτιμία στερλίνας ευρώ- 130 στερλίνες αντιστοιχούν σε λιγότερο από 165 ευρώ) αλλά ΟΚ....


Η μείωση αυτή της τιμής πάντως είναι πολύ καλή.B)

Αν ξεκολλήσουν τα μυαλά τους κάτι κολλημένοι Ισπανοί, Γάλλοι που θέλουν SONY και καλά το playstation, μπορεί και να τα πάει καλύτερα στην Ευρώπη. Δύσκολο έργο πάντως.



ναι ενώ στο Ελλάντα....καθόλου κόλλημα με sony....


τα πρωτα βιντεακια απο το νεο need for speed.




και 2 λεξεις ακομα: Bugati Veyron!! Δεν ειναι στα βιντεακια , αλλα ειδα μια υποτιθεμενη λιστα με τα αμαξια και ηταν μεσα...αντε να δουμε


Demo: Mercenaries 2


Content: Mercenaries 2 Demo

Price: Free

Availability: Not available in Germany

Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) LANGUAGE,USE OF ALCOHOL,USE OF TOBACCO,VIOLENCE] Itʼs your chance to destroy anything and everything – Mercs style! Check out the new Mercenaries 2 Demo!

Size: 1.22 GB


Demo: Fracture


Content: FRACTURE Demo

Price: Free

Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions

Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) ANIMATED BLOOD,MILD LANGUAGE,VIOLENCE] Defend the world against a genetically modified enemy force and unleash the power of terrain-deforming weapons and technology. Download the Fracture demo now!!


DLC: Burnout Paradise Bikes


Content: Burnout Paradise Bikes

Price: Free

Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions

Dash Text: [ESRB: E10+ (Everyone 10+) LANGUAGE,VIOLENCE] Hold onto your handlebars; Motorbikes have hit the streets of Paradise City. In this second free update, weʼre giving all Burnout Paradise owners the chance to explore the city on two wheels. Thereʼs plenty of fun to be had along the way either offline, or while Freeburning online with your friends; so grab the free download and start pulling those wheelies!

Peter Moore Interview: Part One

"We knew we could win" - when Dreamcast was a contender...



Peter Moore Interview: Part Two

How Steve Ballmer wanted Moore to buy Nintendo - and other tales from within the Microsoft empire.


Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξη από τον Moore...αξίζει να την διαβάσετε.:-)


Τα επόμενα 2 μέρη της συνέντευξης :

Peter Moore Interview: Part Three

Why Rare are a spent creative force... and other shocks from the Xbox backroom...



Peter Moore Interview: Part Four

From Xbox to EA. Was Moore forced out by the Red Ring of Death? Here's his take on the manufacturing meltdown that cost Microsoft billions...



EDIT : Και το τελευταίο μέρος της συνέντευξης :


Peter Moore Interview: Part Five

Where is EA Sports going? And do videogame shops have a future? Moore tells all...


Edge: Resident Evil 5: Evolution of Horror




By now you may well have taken part in discussions concerning the fact that Resident Evil 5 retains the control system from Resident Evil 4 more or less unchanged. At the same time, you probably havenʼt forgotten that Resident Evil 4 was one of the best games of the last generation, and has arguably yet to be surpassed as a thirdperson actioner.


After all, controls are only as good as whatʼs been built around them. And our most recent experience with Resident Evil 5 has done a lot to reassure us that the seriesʼ essential attributes outside of the joypad are well represented, along with some significant additions to the formula that alter the feel of what youʼre facing. The most obvious is the number of the infected. The first area of two weʼve played through is relatively open (though slightly more enclosed than Resident Evil 4ʼs Ganado village) and filled with enemies. At times, up to 15 infected will be running at you, and concentrated use of blockades, fences and gaps, combined with base fleeing, is the only way to stay ahead and gain enough time for a few pinpoint headshots.


The other significant change is the addition of Sheva. Fighting through such crowds with AI assistance is a completely new dynamic for the series, and it splits the attention of the seemingly insurmountable numbers of enemies, opening gaps where you might not expect them, and allowing you to set up traps relatively easily. It also means that your progression (a constant, given the continual threat of being overwhelmed) has to always take into account her position: youʼll need her help, and sheʼll need yours. The command function isnʼt yet as fully featured as we hoped to see, but will eventually allow you to influence her actions more directly.


There are moments during this extended battle when youʼll be surrounded, cut off from your partner, and standing still to shoot seems like a suicidal option, since the limitations of the control scheme come into play. Itʼs certainly true that it can feel clunky, mainly thanks to aiming speed, but strategy will allow you to prevail against the hordes. Though it may seem a little like trying to make a silk purse from a zombieʼs ear, the nuances of the control system at least add to the panic as two infected split from different sides of the mob and charge you.


Aside from these basics, there are all the series staples you might expect. Crates and explosive barrels return, with the latter packing significantly more oomph. A slightly slimmer version of RE4ʼs chainsaw-toting Ganado pops up at one stage, and will happily slice through his compatriots to get to you, while a hulking monstrosity with an axe is destined to end many unwary playersʼ lives. Add in some neat cinematic touches, such as Chrisʼ communication with a helicopter pilot, and the hope is that the tight pacing and twists of Resident Evil 4 can be carried over into a more expansive setting. In short, Resident Evil 5 is going to be like Resident Evil 4, but bigger, much better looking, and with many more enemies. Which isnʼt a bad prospect.


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