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Stranglehold GameInformer Scans


Unreal engine 3.0


Chow Yun Fan is lending both his likeness and voice to the project, although his in game character looks younger than the actor does today, to reflect the short period of time between Hard Boiled and Stranglehold. The first thing that viewers will notice in Stranglehold is the incredible detail in the visuals. Midway has chosen to utilize Epic’s powerful Unreal Engine 3 for Stranglehold, and the results speak for themselves. The character models are amongst the most realistic yet seen in a game. This is really the next generation of gaming, taking full advantage of the graphical horsepower behind its engine. Chow Yun’s character model is distinctly recognizable, and the other characters look similarly realistic. Their skin is particularly impressive, lacking the plastic-like sheen seen in several early Xbox 360 titles. Also scheduled for PLAYSTATION 3 and PC, Midway promises that the characters will look equally beautiful on all three systems.


Of course, it takes more than character models to make it look great, and Stranglehold’s environments are stunning. Like Woo’s films, each area is packed fully with details to add to the mood. For example, one fight takes place in a multi-level Hong Kong teahouse. The restaurant features all the objects you would expect, including tables and chairs, but it’s the little things that create the illusion. Tabletops are littered with bottles and plates of food, lanterns hang from the ceiling, pictures hang from the walls, and potted plants dot the room. Attention to detail in this area is what makes it look like something straight out of Woo’s movies, and as any fan knows, these crowded locales only stay in their pristine state for a short time. Once guns come out, the destruction begins.


Its (Stranglehold) biggest feature is what the team calls “Massive Destruction” or Massive D.


Heroic violence films are filled with objects getting blown to pieces, and thus Stranglehold can be no different. Over the course of a shootout, nearly everything in an area will be blown to bits. In the teahouse, table splinter, bottles shatter, food flies off plates, and light streams through bullet holes in windows. Individual tiles can be shot off walls and floors, and bullets leave crater in brick. Dust fill the air as things get destroyed, stuffing flies out of punctured seat cushions, and wood breaks apart into slivers. After a gunfight is over, the damage remains, leaving behind piles of ruble for the player to wade though.


After witnessing a demo of how fully destructible Stranglehold’s environments are, we have no doubt that players will spend time blowing things up just for the heck of it. As much fun as it is to cause random chaos, there‘s more to the game’s massive destruction than simply emulating the look of the John Woo Movie. It actually figures into the gameplay. If the player is taking cover behind a pillar, the enemies’ rounds will chip away at it until it’s no longer a suitable hiding place. You can kick up tables for cover, but they’ll break into several pieces after a few rounds, forcing you to look for a new safe zone. You can use the destructible environments against you enemies, as well, Some objects, like large neon signs, can be shot off walls, causing them to crush the enemies underneath. Perhaps the most impressive example, though, is one of the levels that we were shown during our visit.


Stranglehold will feature a variety of areas based on authentic Hong Kong location, including a rickety shanty town comprised of homemade structures of scrap wood and metal. With such delicate building materials, the team is striving to make this level one of the highlights of the game’s Massive D system. Not only will the gunfights in this level cause whole walls to collapse, but you’ll even be able to blast floor out from under your enemies, watch entire structures collapse, and even crash through a floor to a lower level. By switching up the types of environments the player blast his way through, the team hopes to prevent the player from feeling like they keep doing more of the same. Other levels include a flotilla in which the player will hop from boat to boat fighting enemies, an opulent restaurant, a seaside hangar that’s absolutely crowded with catwalks and storage crates, and an outdoor market filled with civilians.




















ενα rolling demo του Stranglehold (διαφορετικο απο τα σκαναρισμενα σκιτσα), εχει το xbox360 world αυτου του μηνα στο dvd του. :mrgreen:




αρκετα εντυπωσιακο, ο τυπος στο σκηνικο πεταει τα οπλα του μολις αδειαζουνε και βγαζει απο τα σακακια και τις τσεπες του αρκετα ζευγαρια οπλα.(!!)




..καθαριζοντας βεβαια οτι κινειται με τροπο τσακι τσαν on steroids 8)




το stranglehold μαζι με το scarface, το saints row και το apb αποτελουνε τιτλους, που αν και "παρομοιοι" δεν νομιζω οτι θα μου ξεφυγει κανενας :-D 8)


στο ιδιο dvd εχει κατι γιαπωνεζικες διαφημισεις. αυτες του gotham και του n3 πολυ καλες! :))))))))


p.s. xrest ειναι της midway το stranglehold ;)


ps2. privateer εισαι στο live?


@priv: ακαδημαϊκο ενδιαφερον δηλαδη? και πως αντεχεις?


@gordon freeman: ουτε εσυ?



@ababapanos: try this




Today, we bring you a video that compares the water as seen on Far Cry Instincts PREDATOR on the Xbox 360 and Far Cry for the PC, with Ultra High settings applied for both water and lighting.


Believe it or not, the water looks considerably better on the Xbox 360 as a result of the new filters and shaders written exclusively for this version. Ubisoft Montreal has applied an oceanographic algorithm for the waves only found on the Xbox 360 adaptation of Far Cry.


Did we mention that the game always runs at 60 frames per second?

Show this video to your PC gamer friends and tell them no PC game can do this:




Μού φαίνεται ή υπάρχει ενα διαρκές άγχος για να αποδειχτεί οτι το xbox είναι καλύτερο απο ένα pc? Επίσης με το far cry δεν έγινε κάτι το ιδιαίτερο..Απλώς μπήκαν νέα εφέ και τροποποιήθηκαν οι shaders όπως διαβάζω παραπάνω για να γίνει καλύτερο στο xbox...Τι σας κάνει να πιστεύετε οτι δεν μπορεί να γίνει το ίδιο και στο pc ? Ασχέτως αν δεν θα το κάνει η ubisoft...

Μού φαίνεται ή υπάρχει ενα διαρκές άγχος για να αποδειχτεί οτι το xbox είναι καλύτερο απο ένα pc? Επίσης με το far cry δεν έγινε κάτι το ιδιαίτερο..Απλώς μπήκαν νέα εφέ και τροποποιήθηκαν οι shaders όπως διαβάζω παραπάνω για να γίνει καλύτερο στο xbox...Τι σας κάνει να πιστεύετε οτι δεν μπορεί να γίνει το ίδιο και στο pc ? Ασχέτως αν δεν θα το κάνει η ubisoft...

simfwnw k epauksanw.allwste to far cry einai 1,5 years old.profanws mporei na to kanei,opws k polla mporei na kanei to pc alla de kathontai na programmatisoun.

episis to 360 safws k einai kalitero apo ena pc auti ti stigmi gia logous pouxoun analithei.bebaia mi ksexnas ti tha xreiazetai ena pc gia na treksei to far cry tou 360 opws einai

Μού φαίνεται ή υπάρχει ενα διαρκές άγχος για να αποδειχτεί οτι το xbox είναι καλύτερο απο ένα pc? Επίσης με το far cry δεν έγινε κάτι το ιδιαίτερο..Απλώς μπήκαν νέα εφέ και τροποποιήθηκαν οι shaders όπως διαβάζω παραπάνω για να γίνει καλύτερο στο xbox...Τι σας κάνει να πιστεύετε οτι δεν μπορεί να γίνει το ίδιο και στο pc ? Ασχέτως αν δεν θα το κάνει η ubisoft...


Μπα κανένα άγχος...πάντα θα υπάρχει σύγκριση του PC με τις κονσόλες...

@gordon freeman: ουτε εσυ?

Εγώ έχω αλλά δεν έχω μπει ακόμα στο LIVE

Πιστεύω μέχρι την επόμενη εβδομάδα να έχω μπεί.

Μού φαίνεται ή υπάρχει ενα διαρκές άγχος για να αποδειχτεί οτι το xbox είναι καλύτερο απο ένα pc?

Όχι δεν προσπαθούμε να αποδείξουμε το αυταπόδεικτο.

Το άγχος εντοπίζεται σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό στους PC gamers :)

Απλά κάποιος από την crytech έβγαλε αυτό το συγκρητικό για να δείξει ότι έχει βελτιώσει το παιχνίδι σε σχέση με το pc και δεν πασάρει μία από τα ίδια.

Σε τελική ανάλυση όπως είπε και ο bourdoulas πάντα γινόντουσαν και θα γίνονται τέτοιες συγκρίσεις.




Στην Ευρώπη το έχουν για 30 Μαρτίου. Για να δούμε.


3 Βιντεάκια με gameplayfootage μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ :


και πρώτες εντυπώσεις εδώ:

















Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

Making the Ghosts --interview with Ubisoft's character artist Pascal Lefort



We are constantly trying to improve the experience for players by giving them the most realistic entertainment experience you could imagine, and in order to do this, attention to detail is crucial. With the power of the Xbox 360 we were able to make the models more realistic and detailed than ever before as we had over 15,000 polygons per Ghost.

If I remember correctly this was about the size of a whole map on an early PS1 game.


...The same process is repeated for the heads of our characters. We use real people in order to give the models a more realistic and human appearance in terms of expressions, hair and detail.


As this is a next-generation title we also wanted to give players the ability to play as the next-generation soldier; not sci-fi but the kind of soldier you will see on the battlefield in the next 10 years. The U.S. military and engineers have completely re-imagined the way we look at our combat forces.
The power of the Xbox 360 doesn't only allow us more detail on models, and weapons but it also gives us the opportunity to use over 1,500 different animations for character movements, which is about double of what is feasible on current-gen FPS games. This means the player can experience many new movements such as the dive, slide and cover positions in a very realistic and fluid manner.









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