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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Τα σπάει...πολύ καλός κλώνος του God Of War....


Καλό είναι, αλλά αυτό το πράγμα να μην μπορείς να ελέγξεις την κάμερα θα έπρεπε να έχει απαγορευθεί εδώ και χρόνια στα παιχνίδια :twisted: Τελευταία ευκαιρία θα δώσω στο Too Human που κι αυτό δεν ελέγχεις την κάμερα, αλλά υποτείθεται είναι ψαγμένα τα πλάνα και τουλάχιστον έχει κάποια καλή χρήση το δεξί thumbstick


Surprise, surprise - Halo 3 Limited Edition 65nm box can get RRoD


Here we have the first ever reports of the Halo Limited Edition Xbox 360 suffering from the dreaded Red Ring of Death. What makes this 'special' is that these systems are supposed to come with the new 65nm CPU / GPU chipset which should in theory help reduce the RRoD problem the Xbox 360 experiences.




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Surprise, surprise - Halo 3 Limited Edition 65nm box can get RRoD


Here we have the first ever reports of the Halo Limited Edition Xbox 360 suffering from the dreaded Red Ring of Death. What makes this 'special' is that these systems are supposed to come with the new 65nm CPU / GPU chipset which should in theory help reduce the RRoD problem the Xbox 360 experiences.




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re den pame kala... diladi nomizoun oti apla me tin egiisi sta 3 xronia , to elisan to thema?


an kai nomizw ta halo3 edition den einai auta pou exoun ton neo epexergasti, ala auta pou ine paketo me to game halo3.


Χωρίς να θέλω να υποστηρίξω την MS... υποτίθεται ότι δεν ξέρουμε ποιά από τα Halo3 XBOX360 είναι όντως με τον επεξεργαστή / GPU στα 65nm και την καινούργια σχεδίαση.

Υποτίθεται πως πρέπει να το ανοίξεις για να δεις τι περιέχει...


Και στο Link που παραθέτει ο φίλος modecris το λέει ότι


these systems are supposed to come with the new 65nm CPU / GPU chipset


Σίγουρα παίζει θέμα που ακόμα δεν το έχουν φτιάξει ... αλλά ας περιμένουμε να δούμε μια πιο εμπεριστατωμένη περίπτωση.


Get Drenched this Wednesday as “Tetris Splash” Comes to Xbox LIVE Arcade!


One of the most popular electronic games of all time – Tetris – is back and returns with enhanced graphics and beautiful aquatic playscapes in “Tetris Splash.” “Tetris Splash” will be available for download on Xbox LIVE Arcade this Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. GMT (2:00 a.m. PDT).




Since its introduction, Tetris has gone from Russian sensation to worldwide phenomenon, attracting more than 60 million enthusiastic players. Thanks to its unique and simple randomness, it's never the same game twice. “Tetris Splash,” developed by Tetris Online Inc., features multiplayer gameplay over Xbox LIVE for up to six players and two player head to head battles, as well as a virtual fish tank that is customizable through gameplay achievements and add-on content.

Καλό είναι, αλλά αυτό το πράγμα να μην μπορείς να ελέγξεις την κάμερα θα έπρεπε να έχει απαγορευθεί εδώ και χρόνια στα παιχνίδια :twisted: Τελευταία ευκαιρία θα δώσω στο Too Human που κι αυτό δεν ελέγχεις την κάμερα, αλλά υποτείθεται είναι ψαγμένα τα πλάνα και τουλάχιστον έχει κάποια καλή χρήση το δεξί thumbstick


Το God Of War έχει ελάχιστα προβλήματα με την κάμερα πάντως. Οπότε... ^^



Συμφωνώ πάντως ότι καλό θα ήταν να υπήρχε σαν επιλογή.


From Chart Track:


Itʼs no surprise that Microsoft and Bungie are No1 in the All Formats Chart with ʽHalo 3ʼ. ʽHalo 3ʼ storms in as the second fastest selling game ever in the UK, behind ʽGrand Theft Auto: San Andreasʼ.


The UKʼs love-affair with Rockstarʼs PS2 San Andreas almost 3 years ago is still the benchmark for week 1 and lifetime sales. However, the PS2 installed base back then was around 6.6m (after 4 years) – Microsoft have to make do with ʽjustʼ 1.4m in less than 2 years. Released on Wednesday 26th September for the first time on Microsoftʼs Xbox 360 format, ʽHalo 3ʼ was bought by 1 in 3 Xbox 360 owners in its first week, whereas 1 in 6 Xbox owners bought ʽHalo 2ʼ and back in PS2ʼs heyday (week 44 2004) 1 in 10 PS2 owners bought ʽSan Andreasʼ. Although ʽHalo 3ʼ had a headstart on San Andreas with 4 days of sales in its first week rather than San Andreasʼ 2 days, the launch is still very impressive, helping to more than double the sales of Xbox 360 hardware to the highest level shown this year and even beats Nintendoʼs Wii for the first time since week 13 this year. 68% of Xbox 360 software sales this week were of ʽHalo 3ʼ (compared to 56% of PS2 software for San Andreasʼ launch), pushing Microsoftʼs format to its highest sales week ever (comfortably beating week 51 2006 which was the previous highest).


ʽHalo 3ʼ is not the only massive game to be launched this week: EAʼs ʽFIFA 08ʼ kicks off at No2 in the All Formats Chart with the biggest opening week of any FIFA game. The PS2 version accounts for 44% of sales, the Xbox 360 version 26%, 20% on PS3 and 10% across the remaining formats (PSP, Wii, PC and DS). The Xbox 360 version of ʽFIFA 08ʼ is the third fastest selling Xbox 360 game in the UK, behind ʽHalo 3ʼ and ʽGears of Warʼ. 83% of all Xbox 360 software sales were for ʽHalo 3ʼ and ʽFIFA 08ʼ.


There are a total of 7 new games in this weekʼs All Formats Top 40 released by 5 different publishers – Microsoft, EA, THQ, Sega and Activision. The next highest new entry is THQʼs ʽJuiced 2: Hot Import Nightsʼ at No5, then ʽSega Rallyʼ at No7 and EAʼs ʽSkateʼ on Xbox 360 at No11. Activisionʼs PC-only ʽQuake Wars: Enemy Territoryʼ can only manage No16, while THQʼs ʽRatatouilleʼ sneaks in at No39 in anticipation of the filmʼs UK release on October 12th.




Halo 3 = second fastest selling game of all time, after San Andreas

360 hardware sales more than double, 360 > Wii

1.4 million 360s sold in UK

360 has highest software sales week ever

FIFA 08 is 3rd fastest selling 360 game

Biggest opening week of any FIFA game

By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Joystick.com. Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go.


There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th...


Surprise, surprise - Halo 3 Limited Edition 65nm box can get RRoD


Here we have the first ever reports of the Halo Limited Edition Xbox 360 suffering from the dreaded Red Ring of Death. What makes this 'special' is that these systems are supposed to come with the new 65nm CPU / GPU chipset which should in theory help reduce the RRoD problem the Xbox 360 experiences.




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Πόσο ξύλο πρέπει να φάνε δηλαδή για να καταλάβουν....

Χριστέ απόστολε κ αγ.παντελεήμωνα....


H M$ μου έχει κάνει Cancel το gamertag μου και δεν μπορώ να μπω Live! Επίσης δεν μου αφήνει να κάνω ανανέωση. Το μόνο που μου μένει να κάνω είναι καινούργιο gamertag αλλά έτσι θα χάσω 6405 gamerpoints και 5 Arcade Games.

Έλεος πια ρε M$...

H M$ μου έχει κάνει Cancel το gamertag μου και δεν μπορώ να μπω Live!


Υπάρχει κάποιος συγκεκριμένος λόγος γι αυτό????


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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