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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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sam sam σου εχει πει κανεις οτι ειμαστε τυφλοι??? :D :D :D


Υπαρχει μονο ο τροπος για να αντιγραφεις τα γνησια σε αλλο DVD αλλα δε προκειται ποτε να το παιξει το 360.Αυτο που λες γινεται μονο στο Xbox1 προς το παρον.Ψαξε στο google και θα βρεις.Στο http://www.xbox-scene.com κατι θα εχει επι του θεματος.

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[H] has the scoop that Microsoft will be releasing the big dashboard patch that "fixes" the multitude of early Xbox 360 problems on Monday[/b'] via Live! There's also a report that there will be a Call of Duty 2 360 patch also next week


privateer που το διαβασες αυτο το αρθρο?Μπορεις να μου δωσεις λινκ?


Microsoft admits slow start for Xbox 360 in Japan


Company hopes to revitalize sales with releases of new games; hints unannounced titles to be revealed before E3.


Microsoft's Xbox 360 has been off to a slow start in Japan since its debut on December 10. According to figures from Famitsu, the console sold 62,135 units in its first two days, but only 107,800 units as of January 15. In comparison, the original Xbox reportedly sold 123,929 units in its first three days.


In an interview published in the latest issue of Famitsu, Microsoft Japan Xbox operations chief Yoshihiro Maruyama admitted that the Xbox 360's sales were lower than expectations, but that Microsoft aims to make a comeback with new titles targeted towards Japanese consumers.


"It was a lot more difficult than we had imagined. We couldn't prepare the launch titles that we had promised, and it made an impact," said Maruyama. He went on to explain that the development tools were late for release, and Microsoft will need to strengthen its support toward software makers in the future.


"We also received some criticisms toward our promotions, saying that people don't understand what high definition is. The Xbox 360's main appeal is high definition, but we couldn't successfully convey it [to the general public]," added Maruyama. The Xbox chief explained that Microsoft is still new to the game market and is missing many of the strengths that other more established first party manufacturers have, such as a wide library of well-known game titles, and the faith of consumers that popular games will come out in the future, even if there aren't any titles at launch.


Despite the slow launch, Maruyama says that Microsoft Japan will stay the course. The company will continuously release games that are targeted toward Japanese consumers, which Microsoft believes will help greatly. Maruyama said that Microsoft Japan has more titles than just Ninety-Nine Nights and Blue Dragon in the works, and hinted that they might be announced just before E3




Διαφήμηση του Xbox 360 με Hummer στην UK



Hummer outside the Southampton University Union (UK) earlier this month. He also told us it was pretty popular with the students and that they had to power it from the mains using a long cable!







"We also received some criticisms toward our promotions' date=' saying that people don't understand what high definition is. The Xbox 360's main appeal is high definition, but we couldn't successfully convey it [to the general public']," added Maruyama.


Μαλιστα,δηλαδη στην Ιαπωνια δεν ξερουν τι σημαινει High Definition ακομα...Μαλιστα...


Τη γιαγια μου να ρωτησω,ξερει καλυτερα απο μενα...Ελεος δηλαδη!

re slay eleos den barethikes na grafeis asxhma nea gia to 360. entaxei to katalabame emeis poy phrame 360 eimaste thymata. katanthse bareto.


ε δεν ειναι και ασχημο νεο αυτο...


"....despite the slow launch, Maruyama says that Microsoft Japan will stay the course. The company will continuously release games that are targeted toward Japanese consumers, which Microsoft believes will help greatly. Maruyama said that Microsoft Japan has more titles than just Ninety-Nine Nights and Blue Dragon in the works, and hinted that they might be announced just before E3"


λεει ο ανθρωπας οτι η m$ japan συνεχιζει ακαθεκτη και δεν μασαει.

και παιχνιδακια γιαπωνεζικα θα βγουνε και θα συνεχισουνε να βγαινουνε..

ολο και καποιο απο τα σχιστοματικα games θα αξιζει..οποτε χαμενοι δεν θα βγουμε.


Τη γιαγια μου να ρωτησω' date='ξερει καλυτερα απο μενα...Ελεος δηλαδη![/quote']

An peis sthn giagia soy ti einai mia thleorash ypshlhs orashs, ti tha katalabei?

Kalos h kakos o oros High-def den yparxei sta iaponika, o oros poy xrhsimopoioyn einai High Vision , grapsan oi xazoi high def me Kanji xarakthres kai nomizan oti o kosmos tha to katalabaine, san na grafeis mia agglikh lexh me ellhnikoys xarakthres kai na perimeneis na katalaboyn ti shmainei oi ellhnes.

Epishs pros enhmerosh soy ayta einai ta logia toy afentikoy ths MS sthn Iaponia.

αφου ολες οι hdtv's ασιατικες ειναι ρε!

και το ps3 τι θα λεει? for "high vision" tv's?

Sthn Iaponia pithanotata nai, sto ypoloipo kosmo tha leei HDTV's

re slay eleos den barethikes na grafeis asxhma nea gia to 360. entaxei to katalabame emeis poy phrame 360 eimaste thymata. katanthse bareto.

Δεν υπάρχεις μόνο εσύ στον κόσμο ..παρακαλώ να σεβαστούμε λίγο το topic και να προσπαθούμε να μην σχολιάζουμε με τέτοιο τρόπο.

Εδώ είναι χώρος και για τις θετικές και τις αρνητικές ... υπάρχουν xbox forum που σίγουρα δεν θα έχουν αυτή την "πολιτική" που βαριέσαι .


Μαλιστα' date='δηλαδη στην Ιαπωνια δεν ξερουν τι σημαινει High Definition ακομα...Μαλιστα...

Τη γιαγια μου να ρωτησω,ξερει καλυτερα απο μενα...Ελεος δηλαδη![/quote']

Εντάξη, προσπαθούν και λίγο να εξηγήσουν τα ανεξήγητα οι άνθρωποι της Microsoft ,και πως ενώ έλεγαν ότι μπορούν να πάρουν μεγάλο ποσοστό γιατί θα είναι ιδιέτερα σημαντικό για το μέλλον, πατώνουν κυριολεκτικά.

Πάντως έχουν κάποια βάση πολλά από όσα λένε, και το σίγουρο είναι πως ξέρουν την σημασία της αγοράς , βλέπουν κάποια λάθη τους και δεν τα παρατάνε.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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