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Gears of War Patch Coming Next Monday, Annex Revealed


Last week, Epic announced that a title update was coming soon as it was going through the certification process. Additionally, they revealed that the update will include a brand new multiplayer gametype called Annex.


Today, an update to the Gears of War web site that was meant to go live next week has revealed that the next title update for the game will arrive next monday. Additionaly, the leak has revealed what Annex is all about.


The update will fix a bunch of glitches, including 720p for VGA users running at 1280x1024, and it will also fix some issues found in Assassination:


Before the update, the Assassination leader had to unlock map-spawned weapons by picking them up and dropping them. Now, all weapons are available to all players from the beginning.

Before the update, you could kill a leader in Assassination using the same rules as in Warzone. Now, you kill leaders as in Execution.



Below is the information regarding the new game type:




Objective: Capture and hold key locations to collect enough points to win the round.


Description: In Annex, you win by keeping control over key map locations, or objectives, long enough to collect a winning number of points. Every map has two to five identified objectives available for capture, with one objective active at a time. Objectives are based on map weapon-spawn locations and have a potential value of 60 points toward either teamʼs score. Teams collect those points by maintaining ownership of an objective until all its 60 points have been distributed. Every second that a team controls an objective, the team gets one point. When an objective falls to zero points, the next objective is selected at random.


On the HUD, the current objective appears below the team scores at top left. This indicator contains several pieces of relevant information. The weapon icon inside the circle indicates which weapon-spawn location is being used as the objective. The compass along the outer edge of the circle shows the relative direction to the objective. The number inside the circle indicates how many points remain at that objective and the background icon color indicates which team currently controls it. No color means the objective awaits capture, a red icon means the Locust Horde hold the objective and a blue icon means the COG hold it. When the icon in the indicator circle fills, the corresponding team's score also changes color, the team begins collecting points from the objective, and the point value of the objective drops.


On the map, a projected ring marks the physical location and boundaries of the objective in the world. The ring's color indicates the current captor: White means neutral, blue COG, and red Locust. To capture an objective, players must stand inside the glowing ring uncontested for a short period of time. How long depends on how many teammates stand in the ring at once. One player can capture an objective in eight seconds, two players in four seconds, three players in two seconds, and four players in one second. Once a team takes an objective, they are not required to remain inside the ring to maintain ownership. The captured objective's points drain until an opposing team member enters the ring, or until its points fall to zero.


Round scores can be set as low as 120 points or as high as 480 points. The first team to reach the target score wins the round.


Respawns: Infinite, wave-based every 15 seconds.




* Selected Map: Which map or series of maps to use.

* Number of Rounds: Number of rounds required to win the match.

* Bleed-out Duration: Amount of time before a player dies while DBNO.

* Round Score: Number of points required to win a round.

* Friendly Fire: In a player match, whether teammates can damage each other.

* Private Slots: In a player match, number of player slots reserved for friend invites.

* Weapons Swapped: In a player match, whether the person who sets up the match can determine whether weapons that appear in the maps are replaced or removed.





* Annex became available as a Gears of War multiplayer game mode in the April 9 update.

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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Δλδ. σαν Capture the Flag ένα πράγμα.

Κρίμα πάντως εγώ περίμενα (και περιμένω ακόμα) ένα σκέτο Deathmatch mode και καινούργιες πίστες για τα υπάρχοντα mode. Ίδωμεν...

Για το 2007 έχουμε και λέμε:

-Forza 2

-Burnout 5




-Full auto 2


Μιλάμε για τον παράδεισο κάθε racing fan gamer. Πόρωση...


E kairos itane..pros8ese kai to GTR kai to XPAND RALLY XTREME

Για το 2007 έχουμε και λέμε:

-Forza 2

-Burnout 5




-Full auto 2




Μιλάμε για τον παράδεισο κάθε racing fan gamer. Πόρωση...



μιας και αναφερθηκε το xpand rally.. ενα παλιο video


2 erwtiseis..


1) NBA 2k8?????????

2) Pro Evolution Soccer 7?????????



poli pithanon na to exete dei idi imeromnia kikloforia kai kala einai stis

Release Date: 2/06/2007


exei kai ena mikro videaki!


File mou auto einai to pro pou idi kukloforei.. H amerikaniki ekdosi..

:razz: O mihran eipe to 7.. Auto einai to 6!!


DMC4 scans and infos


new scans and many many infos^^



* Series staples remain intact - everything running at constant 60fps.

* Attention paid to every detail in the game is staggering.

* Characters are a lot more expressive in-game.

*New characters can be unlocked after clearing the game.

* High-definition graphics everywhere you look.

* Environments look so in touch with the DMC universe.

* Environmental destruction during battles such as the Variel boss battle are unparalleled with anything ever seen in the series.

* The game will have a crisp and responsive feel when playing.

* The game feels like a PS3 game more than anything else. (Don't kill the messenger here)


*When asked about the development cost, he said that they are 'making it to the point where we don't exceed the break point of what we can handle as a budget and still have the game be profitable.' He said the game is not twice as expensive as DMC1.

* The camera is much more cinematic now.

* Vehicles can be seen strewn across Fortuna. Cars and vans will be on the side of the roads etc.

* 16x9 aspect ratio. The camera will play a big part.

* More meaning and justification to the cutscenes and flow of the storyline.

* Same graphics engine as Dead Rising will be used to give the basic support to the graphics and appearance of everything. They initially looked at the types of middleware available, but they realized they couldn't do some of the things that they wanted to do. He said that most devs say, "We have this engine, we have this middleware. What can we make with it?" However, Capcom's development starts with, "We have this game, what do we need to make it?"

* Yuji Shimomura will be directing the cutscenes etc. again. He will ensure that the cutscenes will look much more action-packed and more stylish than ever. He understands the universe and Dante so will be able to make the cutscenes suit them.

*Johnny Young Bosch (the Power Ranger, Adam Park) is providing the motion-capture and and voice for Nero.

*When asked if Clover's departure from Capcom affected the game, and he said that the people who left are ones that wanted to move on to different projects. The people that are working on DMC4 are the ones that really want to make DMC4.

*The snow level that was in the E3 2005 trailer is in the game



* Nero's Devil Bringer is natural and not difficult to use.

* Dante's animations and expressions will be in the same cool tone as before.



* Dante plays totally different to Nero. He also has the four basic styles from Devil May Cry 3 returning - Swordsmaster, Gunslinger, Royal Guard and Trickster. The core animations still look the same from Devil May Cry 3 but everything has been upgraded to look more natural and enhanced, as expected of next-gen by the gamers. He's as responsive as ever. Much more like DMC3 Dante than DMC1 Dante in terms of mobility.


Some of Nero's moves list given in PSM:

Charge Shot - Hold square to charge, then release to fire

"As well as shooting bullets in rapid succession, you can charge up your gun for a slower, but more powerful shot."

Exceed - Pull L2 to charge the EX-guage

"Revving your EX-guage like a motorcycle handle, you can build up to three levels of extra power for your moves."

Streak - While holding R1, press the left stick towards the enemy + triangle

"Streak is a powerful forward strike"

High Roller - While holding R1, press the left stick away from the enemy + triangle

Air juggle

Hell Bound - Face the Grim Grip and press R1+Circle

"Think of this as a a grappling hook-like move that you can use to reach far away platforms - but only if there is a globe to catch.

Buster - Press circle near an enemy

"This attack can be performed after you catch an enemy. Best used at the end of a combo, since it doesn't work well with juggleing.

Snatch - While facing an enemy, press R1+circle

Used to grab enemies in the air or on the ground


* Vergil was a subject that was avoided as it was reiterated that Dante was one of the main focuses of this game. Vergil was still not confirmed to be in the game though yet it wasn't said that he won't be. Who knows. They have no interest in making a Vergil spin-off game either.




* Variel will be extremely detailed with his battlefield being an epic scrap. Destructible environments will have a place in this battle as Variel destroys everything to get to you.

* The Frosts will be difficult enemies to destroy. They can disappear and reappear. Plus they can attack you in groups.

μιας και αναφερθηκε το xpand rally.. ενα παλιο video




Το Xpand Rally Extreme πρόκειται για πατάτα από το demo της PC version. Χίλιες φορές Colin :D


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