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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Μάλιστα! Κάτι τέτοιο πρέπει να είναι ουσιαστικά και το καλώδιο VGA. Μπορεί να πάρω και αυτό τελικά. Τώρα διάβασα ότι η τηλεόραση υποστηρίζει RGB σήμα στην είσοδο SCART οπότε πήρα ένα scart που έχει 3 εισόδους. Μπορεί να ταιριάζει και αυτό. Μιλάμε ότι το xbox παίζει καλύτερα σε μία CRT 14άρα παρά στην LCD 32 με αυτήν την ανάλυση που το έχω τώρα. Τα γράμματα διαβάζονται πολύ δύσκολα ενώ για παράδειγμα το τάβλι στο arcade δεν μπορείς με τίποτα να το παίξεις.

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

Αλλο το RGB αλλο το Component σημα.Θα δεις καλυτερη εικονα με το RGB αλλα δεν φτανεις το Component σημα.


Σημερα δημοσιευσαμε τον οδηγο για το πως θα μπειτε Xbox Live με το Xbox360,μπορειτε να τον δειτε εδω:



Δηλαδή όταν λέει ότι παίρνει RGB στο SCART δεν σημαίνει ότι παίρνει και component?


Ωραίος ο οδηγός! Η θύρα 3074 που χρησιμοποιείται? Την έχω κλειστή εγώ αλλά παίζω κανονικά.


Οχι...Ειναι αλλα τα "σηματα" του ενος,αλλα του αλλου.Δεν θα βλεπεις High Definition.


Μπορεις να μας πεις ακριβως τι αναλυσεις σηκωνει η τηλεοραση σου?

Αν εχεις msn,βαλε με : [email protected] να τα πουμε απο εκει.Σιγουρα υπαρχει λυση στο θεμα σου.


Mod Chip for the Xbox 360 Already Being Tested




Could it be true? Could there already be a mod chip for the Xbox 360? Microsoft has stated repeatedly that they have built extra security measures into their new console, but it would appear that the hacking community has already been hard at work! Infinity Mods has announced that they now have a mod chip for the Xbox 360 and they are testing it now. They are expecting to finish testing and start sales in a mere 2 weeks!


No word at this time what functionality we can expect from this new mod chip, but I am sure that the info will be forthcoming soon. We will keep you updated as new information becomes available



Thanks to Jeff and Tom for the heads up!


Υποστηρίζει όλες τις αναλύσεις από 640Χ480 μέχρι 1360Χ768 αλλά στην VGA είσοδο. Λογικά με το VGA καλώδιο θα είμαι ok αλλά έλα που δεν υπάρχει πουθενά εδώ και δύο εβδομάδες που το ψάχνω......


Gates to announce HD-DVD Enabled 360 at CES?



Seems like those quick withdrawals of admission on the part of Microsoft last year regarding the possibility of an HD-DVD enabled Xbox 360 were a little premature, if CNN Money's sources are to be believed.


According to the source, Microsoft is expected to make a slew of announcements at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show which kicks off this week in Las Vegas. Bill Gates, the keynote speaker at this year's CES, is expected to reveal more information on the rumored HD-DVD upgrade to the 360 on Wednesday.


"Microsoft is also expected to make several announcements at CES, but will mainly use the show as the chance to talk about Vista, its first upgrade to its Windows operating system in five years. Gates has used past keynotes at CES to announce new products, including the Xbox 360. Richard Doherty, an analyst with research firm Envisioneering Group, said that while he thinks Gates' main message will concern Vista, he also thinks Gates will talk about HD-DVD as part of Xbox 360."


PC Version Of The Outfit To Look Worse Than Xbox360


According to a developer interview on Worthplaying conducted a few days ago, The Outfit, the third person game being developed for XBox360 and PC, is a graphical powerhouse. The platforms were running neck in neck until the team turned on the graphical effects like heat shimmer, then the Xbox360 pulled ahead. This will surely create some PC Vs. Xbox360 discussions.


Up until a couple months ago, we had a PC version of the game that ran in parallel to our 360 version (mostly used for testing purposes). But now that we have a lot of the wizbang graphical features in on the 360 only (MSAA, depth of field, heat shimmer, etc.), the PC version looks like the ugly step child. The 360 is much more powerful than your average PC, so wed have to make a lot of sacrifices to get the game going again on that platform.






Καλή χρονιά σε όλους.

Αν και είμαι με backup 56κ (σε καμιά εβδομάδα θα ενεργοποιηθεί η καινούργια 512 ) βρήκα αυτά τα τελευταία screen shots από του Grand Raid Offroad από το xboxyde και τα έκανα upload γιατί μου άρεσαν αρκετά.


17py2.th.jpg 26ot.th.jpg 33fi.th.jpg 43wf.th.jpg 52rr.th.jpg


Κάποια scans από το famitsu που έχω μαζέψει θα τα βάλω μόλις ετοιμαστεί η "πραγματική" σύνδεση :)


Δεν ειναι και οτι πιο ομορφο,αλλα για μερικους μπορει να αποτελεσει καλη λυση αν το μηχανημα τους υπερθερμενεται...


Δειτε λιγο αυτον τον οδηγο για το πως να καρφωσετε ενα "ψυγειο" στο Xbox360 σας!




The Xbox 360 And Japanese Nationalism


There has been a lot of coverage recently about the failure of the Japanese Xbox 360. And those reports are very true. It is one of the weakest system launches in Japanese history, only topped perhaps by the Japanese launch of the Atari Jaguar. In my town there is only 1 game store that carries the 360. They were given 12 launch units by Microsoft and at the end of launch day they had sold only 1, and that was to one of the employees.


These articles are, of course, making the rounds of gaming sites. The comments I read on these sites often make me sick to my stomach. People are saying that the Xbox is not selling because the Japanese people are Xenophobic and will never buy foreign electronics. I have even read a few comments that say and I quote “Those Japs would never buy an American game system because they are still bitter about Hiroshima”.


Ok, first of all, those “Japs” are friends of mine. And I resent the slur. This isn’t even the worst comment I have heard on this issue. But the others are too vulgar or racist for me to repeat here. Why is there all this hate? Because the Japanese are not forking over thousands of yen blindly, that makes them xenophobic? I guess so. And now I will tell you what else these bitter, nationalistic Japanese are buying.


They are buying iPods like crazy. Japanese Apple stores sell more iPods per store than Apple stores in America. But wait! Apple is based in California. How can this be? Why aren’t they proudly buying their own, Japanese, Sony Mp3 players? Because Apple makes a good product that is in tune with what Japanese consumers like.


Starbucks is huge in Japan. These are everywhere. In just a few years Starbucks has made itself a fixture in Japan. They are always crowded with people. Japan had tons of it’s own coffee houses before Starbucks, but this was a company who adapted well to the Japanese market and was therefore embraced.


McDonalds. McDonalds can’t be doing well in Japan can it? The Hamburger and fries is clearly a western meal. Wouldn’t the Japanese shun it? No. McDonalds owns fast food in Japan. Japan has their own domestic burger chains like Mos Burger, Freshness Burger, etc. but they all bow before McDonalds. McDonalds knew that some of its tastes would not appeal to the Japanese so they changed their menus. Along with the standard Big Macs and fries they also have Teriyaki burgers, fried shrimp burgers, and other things for the Japanese pallet. They didn’t force the American tastes on the Japanese and thus, they thrived. Now look at the Japanese Xbox 360 launch lineup. First person Shooters, sports and car games. Games that sell really well in America but other than the car games are not to the Japanese taste.


Had they launched with RPGs, simulation games, party games, gambling games and fighters, they might have done a whole lot better. McDonalds changed their company for the Japanese taste. Microsoft tried to change the Japanese taste for their company.


But let’s keep going. Japanese people love Levis jeans and still pay a premium price for them. They also can’t get enough Coca-Cola. How can this be? All the major Japanese drink makers, Kirin, Asahi, suntory, etc. all make their own brands of cola. Why don’t the Japanese buy those? And, you know, support their country? Because the truth of the matter is, Japanese people love foreign goods. They buy clothes from France, handbags from Italy, Swiss watches, etc. and the very fact that these things are foreign makes them cool.


I will go on. Western Music in Japan sells almost as well as Japanese music. Let’s think about this for a second. Music in languages most Japanese people cannot understand sells nearly as well as music in their own language. Now go to Tower Records in say, for example, Mississippi. What percent of that music (not counting classical) is foreign? In Japan, even in my small town, I can buy albums by little known American bands and indie groups. But, in America, I can’t buy anything from the Japanese top 10.


Yeah, I’m going to keep going. Go to any cinema in Japan and you will see that 4 out of 5 movies playing there are not Japanese. And most of those are from America. The American movie “The Last Samurai” made more money in Japan, than any Japanese produced Samurai movie. Also one of the highest grossing movies of all time in Japan was Pearl Harbor. Yeah, Pearl Harbor.


Ok, now I will take it even one step further. How can Japan hate the American company Microsoft when all of their computers use Microsoft Windows? When all the businesses use Word, and Excel and PowerPoint? Ok, these are the industry standard and sometimes they have no choice, but why on earth is the most used chat program in Japan MSN Messenger? The Japanese don’t hate Microsoft; they just dislike the Xbox 360. They still feel bad about the original Xbox, which never delivered enough of the type of games they wanted. A system that never matched the Japanese tastes for design, marketing or games. After a time Microsoft of Japan started releasing a series of games called the Xbox World Collection. These games are simply American games put on region 2 discs. They have not been translated in any way. The only Japanese part of the game is the box and manual. I love these since I speak English and have bough quite a few of them. But how many Japanese gamers are going to buy the Buffy The Vampire Slayer game (which is one of the titles in the Xbox World Collection) when it is entirely in English? Not a lot. And many saw this lack of effort as a slap in the face.


And then, this year, Microsoft releases this new system with only 6 launch titles. And backwards compatibility with less than 20 original Xbox games. That is an insult. And these internet commenters have the audacity to say that the Japanese people aren’t giving an American company a chance. I think it is more of an American company not giving the Japanese a chance.


Ok, now everyone grab your Xbox controller, and turn it around. Mine says “Made in China” OK, now the Sony controller from my slim line PlayStation 2. Hmm… “Made in China”. It has been years since the PlayStation was even made in Japan.


Is Japan without racism? Not in any way. There is racism everywhere and Japan is no exception, in fact I would go as far as to say there is more racism in Japan than many other countries. But to say that this is the reason why Xbox is not selling is ignorant. Sure there are some hold-outs who will never buy American products, just like the Americans who would rather die than buy a foreign car. But in both cases they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Don’t blame the Japanese people for not buying a product that was not designed for them. It would be stupid of them to buy something that offers nothing they are interested in just for the sake of helping an American company. Give the Japanese gamers a product that meets their needs and wants and you will have another iPod on you hands.


As it stands, there are some very promising games coming up for the 360 by Japanese developers. But it might be too late, the Japanese already see the system as a failure. They should have delayed the launch until they had a strong launch lineup rather than have an early but weak launch. I spent a year of my life living in Nagasaki, Japan (before moving to Oita) and I was absolutely shocked by the amount of American goods on sale and how well they were received. If a product meets the needs and desires of the Japanese they will not care so much where it’s made. It’s happened before, it will happen again.


Αρκετά καλό άρθρο... θα ήθελα μόνο να κάνω μία διόρθωση: τα launch titles της Ιαπωνίας ήταν διαφορετικά από της Αμερικής και της Ευρώπης, ειδικά επειδή η Microsoft καταλαβαίνει πως το Ιαπωνικό κοινό δεν μπορεί να εκτιμήσει ένα FPS, όσο καλό κι αν είναι. Εξ' ου και οι τίτλοι τύπου Every Party και Ridge Racer 6 (αντί για PDZ και Project Gotham 3 που είναι πιο "δυτικοί" τίτλοι) στο Ιαπωνικό launch.


Αίτια της αποτυχίας του launch κατ' εμέ; Πρώτον, η μη διάθεση του Dead Or Alive 4 που περίμεναν οι περισσότεροι υποψήφιοι αγοραστές του 360, και δεύτερον, το... τροφοδοτικό, που πιάνει αρκετό πολύτιμό χώρο στα μικροσκοπικά διαμερίσματα του Τόκυο :)


Bill Gates Announces External HD DVD Drive for Xbox 360


Highlighting key consumer products such as Xbox 360™ and offering the first broad demonstration of the consumer features of Windows Vista™, Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates showed how the company is delivering on its vision for a digital lifestyle where devices, services and applications work together seamlessly. In his 10th annual keynote address at the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Gates demonstrated how Microsoft® Windows Vista, Xbox 360, new mobile devices and the emerging wave of software-based services will deliver more connected and richly personalized experiences for consumers.


In his keynote, Gates said that the consumer electronics industry is poised to deliver a quantum leap forward in rich, interactive, high-definition experiences.



“Technology has revolutionized how we listen to music, watch TV, play games, communicate, and manage and share personal information,” he said. “In the years ahead, further exciting innovations will unify the software, hardware and services in people’s lives, offering them even richer, more engaging and deeply connected experiences.”


Just a month after the global launch of the new Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, Gates discussed the product’s strong momentum in delivering high-definition hardware, games and digital entertainment experiences. Xbox 360 is on track to be the fastest-selling video game console ever, forecast to ship between 4.5 million and 5.5 million units worldwide by the end of June 2006.


Gates noted that Xbox 360 has also become a powerful application for high-definition television, adding that nine out of 10 Xbox 360 owners currently own or intend to purchase a high-definition television set.* He announced that more than 50 new high-definition Xbox 360™ games will be available by June 2006.


HD DVD for Xbox 360



Building on Xbox 360 leadership in high-definition experiences, the company announced plans to deliver a new Xbox 360 external HD DVD drive in 2006. The new drive will offer millions of Xbox 360 owners the ability to easily enjoy HD DVD movies and will provide consumers with even more choices for experiencing high-definition content, in either physical or digital form.


Using Xbox 360 and the Xbox Live service today, consumers are already able to access high-definition entertainment such as Xbox Live Arcade titles, game demos and high-definition movie trailers. Consumers can also use their Xbox 360 system to access high-definition television and movies from their Windows XP-based Media Center PC.


Gates’ keynote also showcased the momentum behind Xbox Live, announcing that more than half of all Xbox 360 owners are already connected to the online games and entertainment service, which boasts a worldwide community of more than 2 million members.


He demonstrated Electronic Arts Inc.’s forthcoming EA SPORTS™ “Fight Night Round 3,” scheduled to be available in February 2006, and announced that a free, playable high-definition demo of the game is now available at the Xbox Live Marketplace, a one-stop digital download center where consumers can access high-definition games, music and movie content from leading industry partners.




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