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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Grand Theft Auto IV set in New York?


A post in a forum (that has since been removed) that claimed to have insider knowledge on Grand Theft Auto IV has tipped New York as the city of choice.


With both the Xbox 360 and PS3 releases of Grand Theft Auto IV penned in for October this year, the PR machine is already revving its engine. We reported last month that the first ever trailer of the game will be released to the world wide web at the end of this month on March 29.


Will it be set in New York? The rumour apparently came from someone involved in the music soundtrack of the game, that seemed to be going for a NYC feel.


All eyes on March 29 people. You'll find the trailer here on CVG as soon as it goes live.


Rumour details new Crackdown content

New equipment and new agent outfits among additions rumoured for the Xbox 360 game


Rumour claiming to have details on planned new content for Realtime Worlds' Xbox 360 game Crackdown has surfaced on the 'net.


Reported on website msxbox-world.com, the rumour comes via its forum, where a poster says "An un-named source who I have no doubt in trusting has revealed to me that Crackdown is set for some new content."


The poster goes the content "is possibly going to be free" and will include "things like vehicle impounding (taking marked cars back to agency); street racing vs. AI controlled cars, extra equipment, new agent outfits and a number of new mini games."



"The observant amongst you may have noticed some different activities in the game's training videos which look like rampage missions with weapons and vehicles. If all of this stuff becomes available soon and is free of charge then there is certainly a lot of life left in the game for those who have already beaten it", the poster concludes.


Excited fan wish or actually concrete information? We'll contact Microsoft to see what it says (and if it's anything other than "We do not comment on rumour and speculation", we'll eat our pyjamas).

xaxaxa nai re si pest ta...:)

moy to alaksane kai deyteri fora edo kai kairo kai to deytero tora paei na kanei kati kolimata sto game mesa eidika sto graw2. mexri kai alli pasta toy evala kato apo tis psixtres. alla pote tha paei apo to parathiro sto teneke den ksero:):):)


enoeitai oti tha paro allo meta....


psiit kai mena mu kanei kati perierga sto graw2,re les na einai h wra tus pali...Pali kala pu exw brei akrh kai adi na to petaxo tha to sproxo kai tha paro kainurgio muxaxaxaxaxa!Episis skeftomai twra pu tha anixi o kairos na to bgalw exw na aerizetai kai episis na kanei kai filus...

Πρωτη φορα βλεπεις παιδακια-κοριτσακια κλπ σε japan rpg ,Kallair;


den exo provlima me ta baby-face characters. aplws paraeinai paidiko k athwo gia ta gousta mou. :mrgreen:


p.s. exeis dei pote barbie movie pou vazeis sto alter gia na katalaveis ti akrivws lew?:twisted:

psiit kai mena mu kanei kati perierga sto graw2,re les na einai h wra tus pali...Pali kala pu exw brei akrh kai adi na to petaxo tha to sproxo kai tha paro kainurgio muxaxaxaxaxa!Episis skeftomai twra pu tha anixi o kairos na to bgalw exw na aerizetai kai episis na kanei kai filus...


ainte na paroyme kai kainoyrio tha eimaste sigoyroi ???


den exo provlima me ta baby-face characters. aplws paraeinai paidiko k athwo gia ta gousta mou. :mrgreen:


p.s. exeis dei pote barbie movie pou vazeis sto alter gia na katalaveis ti akrivws lew?:twisted:


Και επαναλαμβανω...πρωτη φορα βλεπεις κατι τετοιο σε jap RPG;

Δεν εξεταζω αν σου αρεσουν ή οχι, αλλα εκανες λες και βλεπεις κατι πρωτογνωρο.....


να πουμε και ενα ωραιο νεο, αν δεν εχει γραφτει μεχρι στιγμης:


- After Capcom disbanded Clover Studio, former producers Atsushi Inaba, Hideki Kamiya and Shinji Mikami announced they have established a new development studio called SEEDS, the new studio will be located in Osaka, with 51 staffs members, and the focus will be development new, original software.

Clover vets reunite, form Seeds

Hideki Kamiya, Atsushi Inaba, and Shinji Mikami resurface with new game development studio.



We'll see what sprouts from these seeds.


Shortly after Capcom announced the dismantling of Okami developer Clover last year, it was revealed that two of the studio's big names--Viewtiful Joe producer Atsushi Inaba and Devil May Cry director Hideki Kamiya--had already left the company in search of "fresh challenges."


They appear to have found one, as the pair are listed on the Japanese language site for upstart developer Seeds, along with fellow Clover veteran and Resident Evil creator, Shinji Mikami. While Kamiya and Inaba had left Capcom entirely, Mikami last year was still working for Capcom as a contracted producer.


Viewtiful Joe producer Atsushi Inaba.


According to Seeds' Web site, the studio was formed in August of last year with Inaba as president, and has so far grown to employ 51 people. The group is even looking to expand more, with the site hosting a call for producers and creative talent.


"We are a group of creators who have already created colorful products," the site reads. "Now, standing on new ground, and even as the soil has changed, our passion to pursue new play [fun] hasn't changed. We are challenging ourselves on a global scale to create entertainment products with a new, fresh feeling. We need more seeds."


Clover Studios is expected to be officially dissolved next month(εγινε αυτο). Remaining staff has recently been working on the PAL versions of Okami and God Hand.


oι δημιουργοι του OKAMI, πλεον δουλεουν πανω στο 360, με microsoft πορους κλπ α-λα sacaguchi ;)




που το διάβασες ότι δουλεύουν στο 360? δεν κατάφερα να βρω κάτι συγκεκριμένο, αν έχεις κανένα link πόσταρε το.


όσο για το facial animation που συζητούσαμε νωρίτερα, δες το άρθρο που πόσταρε ο xrest πιο πάνω, είναι σχετικό με αυτό που έλεγα, ότι τα γραφικά έχουν προχωρήσει πολύ και έτσι φαίνονται έντονες παραφωνίες που παλιότερα δεν έπαιζαν τόσο σημαντικό ρόλο (eg. facial animation, lip-synch και animation γενικότερα υστερούν πολύ σε ακρίβεια και λετπομέρεια σε σχέση με την εξέλιξη των μοντέλων και των textures)


"EA Games commented at the Motreal Games Summit last October that animation in video games is lacking terribly (...)In Final Fantasy ΧΙΙΙ, the modeling fidelity was really better than the motion fidelity. In other words, when you looked at the models, they signaled an expectation to the audience that the motion couldn't deliver upon."


Το παράδειγμα που αναφέρει είναι το FF, αλλά το ίδιο ακριβώς ισχύει, κατά τη γνώμη μου, και για το Mass Effect και γενικότερα για όλα τα παιχνίδια που θέλουν να έχουν μια κινηματογραφική αίσθηση αποτυπώνοντας ανθρώπινους χαρακτήρες.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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