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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Halo 3 lacks depth (of field)


Bungie's latest Halo 3 update reveals that the developer has been toying with depth-of-field effects, but has ultimately decided not to make a big deal of them for gameplay reasons.



"We do have depth of field in the game, but right now, it's only being used (with any great visibility) in the UI [user interface] and in cinematics - because one of Halo's key functions is the idea of long distance combat," the developer writes.


"If something is out of focus for the game engine, that doesn't mean the player wasn't trying to focus on it."


"Depth of field" is an effect that puts things at a certain distance in sharp focus while others around it blur. It's used quite often in film and photography, and its use has become more prevalent in games as developers enjoy processing headroom. See Wikipedia for a fuller explanation and examples.


"We would never implement something in multiplayer that artificially obscured the playerʼs ability to decide what he or she was seeing," the team adds this week.


"There are borderline cases though. When you run around in a dark area - the bunker in High Ground for example, and then dash into the sunlight - your 'eyes' will adjust to the glare with a subtle blow out of the sky compared to the rock and dirt directly ahead of you."


Also in this week's update there's news of other graphical improvements, how the game ensures weapon visibility, and yet more immutable excitement about the mute function, which now lets you cut people off in "less than a second".


Sadly though there's no further word on the timing of the Halo 3 multiplayer beta, invites for which have more or less dried up. Expect to hear more on that as we move into spring.


Epic denies Gears 2 report


Epic Games has poured cold water on reports that Gears of War 2 was quietly confirmed at the Game Developers Conference last week.



Designer Cliff Bleszinski gave a presentation at GDC, during which he reportedly confirmed that Epic does "intend to do a sequel".


But it sounds like our old friend Internet Reports was getting a bit ahead of himself, because Epic veepee Mark Rein soon popped up on the game's official forum to deny it. "Cliff didn't confirm anything of the sort," he wrote.


In other words, you'll have to wait a bit longer for official confirmation of the inevitable sequel. Epic has previously said that it hopes the game will develop into a lucrative series.


Indeed, Rein himself has helped the speculation along, responding cryptically to claims that the game will develop into a trilogy. "Gears is a trilogy? If we can keep making quality games that fans obviously want then why would we have to stop at three?" he asked his own forum last November.


One thing we did learn about Gears last week was that it's still an industry darling, having bagged three Game Developers Choice Awards including Best Game.

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Δε ξέρω για το lip-synch (δεν έχω προσέξει να μην υπάρχει συνχρονισμός) αλλά για το facial animation γενικότερα υποτίθεται ότι είναι κάτι που έχουν δώσει πολύ βάση και φαίνεται αυτό σε όσα βιντεάκια έχω δει.


Αλήθεια σε ποιό βιντεάκι αναφέρεσαι? Link?


ΥΓ. Απαράδεκτες φωνές? Δηλαδή?


Edit: Ok ξαναείδα το τελευταίο βιντεάκι που λες. Είναι αρκετά παλιό όμως (από Δεκέμβριο). Θα συμφωνίσω όμως μαζί σου για τις φωνές. :P


Ναι, για του Δεκεμβρίου μιλάω. Αν έχεις βρει κανένα νεώτερο δώσε link. Το lip-synch είναι συγχρονισμένο, αλλά το animation τα χαλάει, οπότε αυτά που λένε δεν κολλάνει στις συγκεκριμένες κινήσεις των χειλιών. Για το facial animation, ο Sheppard μου φαίνεται κολλημένος στην default έκφρασή του (η οποία είναι λες και είναι φυτό) και αλλάζει ελάχιστα, σε σχέση με την ένταση των πραγμάτων που λέει. Γενικά, δεν πείθει καθόλου (πχ. δεν ξέρω αν είναι εφικτό, αλλά θα περίμενα κάτι που να βαδίζει στα βήματα - όχι φυσικά να πλησιάζει σε τεχνική αρτιότητα - του Final Fantasy Spirits Within).


Επαναλαμβάνω, αυτές είναι λεπτομέρειες που όμως λόγω του φωτορεαλισμού και του κινηματογραφικού χαρακτήρα που έχει το παιχνίδι, τονίζονται ιδιαίτερα και χαλάνε την όλη ψευδαίσθηση (τουλάχιστον για μένα)

Είναι όμως - όντως - παλιό το video, ας ελπίζουμε να γίνεται δουλεία πάνω σε αυτά.

Γενικά, δεν πείθει καθόλου (πχ. δεν ξέρω αν είναι εφικτό, αλλά θα περίμενα κάτι που να βαδίζει στα βήματα - όχι φυσικά να πλησιάζει σε τεχνική αρτιότητα - του Final Fantasy Spirits Within).


Μόνο που το Final Fantasy Spirits Within που αναφέρεις είναι ταινία, ενώ οι χαραχτήρες στο Mass Effect που είδες είναι in-game.


Μα δεν κάνω απευθείας σύγκριση, το φέρνω σαν παράδειγμα για την κατεύθυνση την οποία θα περίμενα. Πρόσεξε στο video το πρόσωπο του Sheppard και πες μου ότι βρίσκεις οτιδήποτε φυσικό στην έκφραση του όταν μιλάει, αντάξιο ή ισοδύναμο με το λεπτομερές μοντέλο και τα ευκρινή textures. Είναι πρόβλημα ισοροπίας, ισοροπημένης ανάπτυξης.





Τι ακριβώς δεν κατάλαβες?


Cowabunga! It's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Xbox LIVE Arcade


Everyoneʼs favorite totally tubular turtles bring their radical ninja skills to Xbox LIVE Arcade. The 1989 arcade classic, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” will be available for download beginning Wednesday, March 14 at 0900 GMT (2 a.m. PDT). TMNT will be available worldwide for 400 Microsoft Points.


From the media alert:


True to the original arcade classic, gamers will be able to choose from one of four Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello or Raphael and master their unique ninja weapons and abilities. Gamers will have the unique opportunity to play through the original seven levels alone, or with up to three others co-operatively via Xbox LIVE.



ρε spinnet μου συγκρινεις ΣΕ ΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ την CGI ταινια του sagaguchi με το real-time game στο 360??? πας καλα?????


to epomeno vima einai: divide by zero

ρε spinnet μου συγκρινεις ΣΕ ΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ την CGI ταινια του sagaguchi με το real-time game στο 360??? πας καλα?????


Επειδή βαριέμαι να γράφω τόσο όσο εσύ να διαβάζεις, ξαναδιάβασε το σχετικό post μου. Και χαλάρωσε λίγο.


Colin Mcrae Rally: DIRT Info


- The game Features 3 Levels of Filth; Your Cars get muckier as you stray from the tarmac and drive through muddy fields or dusty Canyons. The Dirt Gradually builds up over three layers until you can't see the liveries anymore.


- 46 Highly detailed Off-road vehicles to choose from.


- Interactive environments. Objects now break into 20-30 different parts and scatter all over the track.


- It's not only possible to crush the entire Front Chassis with a head-on impact; You can actually bend the running gear in a U-Shape around a Lamp-post or a tree.


- Race Modes include: Rally Raid, Rally Cross and Crossover Circuits.


- There is an Online Mode that allows 100 people to compare times while Interacting in a single Xbox live Lobby.




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