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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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to game den einai apo ta pio anamenomena gia ta grafika tou, einai epeidi einai sinexeia tou system shock


To game είναι από τα πιο αναμενόμενα και για τα γραφικά του και την ατμόσφαιρα που δημιουργεί, και γιατί είναι πνευματικός απόγονος του system shock και γενικά γιατί είναι παιχνιδάρα. Θυμίζω ότι πέρσι στην Ε3 έκανε πάταγο και για πολλούς ήταν Game of the Show μπροστά από Gears of War και Spore.


"I think itʼs going to be about 40 hours or so for the main story, so itʼs going to be a good-sized BioWare RPG just for the core part. Off the beaten path, thereʼs probably another 20 or 30 hours or so of stuff, or more, depending on how much you do and what order you do it in and all of that. Itʼs this non-linear exploration of uncharted worlds."


Χμμ... 60-70 ώρες και άμα το ξεζουμίσεις ίσως και περισσότερο. Ίσως μετά το ξαναπαίξεις σε "dark side". Ήθελα όμως παραπάνω :(

Το καλό είναι που δεν είναι linear.


TWO WORLDS- Multiplayer


Revised Multiplayer information.



After the last Press-Release there were many misunderstandings. To clarify it all, we asked ZuxxeZ for more details on the MP.


Here are the facts:


1. The Multiplayer consists of multiple servers distributed across the whole world. Joining a Server, you will launch in a city and talk with other gamers. Up to 8 players can group and solve quests together. This is valid for both PC and the Xbox 360 users.


2. Currently PC and Xbox 360 Owners cannot play together. It *can* be that in the future Windows Vista and Xbox 360 Users can join together in one game via Xbox Live.


3. You will not have to pay a monthly fee, not on PC and not on the Xbox 360.






Dissecting the Next Iteration of Winning Eleven

What's brilliant, what's missing and what's next?


Todd Zuniga: Winning Eleven Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 -- quite a title, length-wise! That mixes both the European title and the Japanese title into one lengthy titled package: why the change?


Colin Ferris: We felt a need to differentiate from the Winning Eleven product released in Japan, for a couple reasons. First, they release in the early summer with a much different product -- mostly based on the Japanese and Korean leagues. Second, Pro Evolution Soccer is so successful in Europe and with soccer fans worldwide, so we wanted US fans to know that they were getting the best of the best. And finally, we were rapidly approaching Winning Eleven 11 and Winning Eleven 12, which just gets confusing.


As for the title length, don't forget that Winning Eleven 8 was officially titled 'World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International,' just most people didn't use the full title.

TZ:The game's making its Xbox 360 debut, which is thrilling for lots of hardcore soccer fans -- what were you able to do with the extra development time, as this released three months after FIFA 07?


CF:We were focused on giving the best soccer experience on the next-gen and building a whole new game engine from the ground up. This is not simply a port of our PS2 version -- we wanted to start over for this generation.


TZ:In terms of beating the competition, what's the WEPES2007 development team most proud of in this installment?


CF:The team loves what we've been able to accomplish on the 360. In fact, all the screens and videos we have used for marketing the 360 version have been created using the in-game engine. There's no need to touch up the video when it looks this good.


TZ:For years FIFA has always had the licensing edge over you guys, and while they have my favorite team (Chelsea) and you guys sort of do (North London Blue, right?) you guys win out on number of teams: 179 to 154. Plus, you did include Zinedine Zidane, even though he retired after the World Cup (I'm overjoyed about this, as I'm a France fan, by the way). The biggest win, though, in my eyes, was the inclusion of all of the World Cup teams -- while FIFA left eight of those teams out. So, I'm guessing you guys sit around playing Angola versus Iran, high-fiving how you -- at least mildly -- beat FIFA at their own game, yeah?


CF:We work hard on including the licenses for the teams we know our fans want. We are very happy with the licensing successes we've had in recent years.


TZ:Speaking of licenses, one massive gripe I have to call out is the lack of the USA National team license (meaning the players all have goofy names) for a US release! What gives?


CF:As with all sports games, licensing is always difficult. In the case of soccer, you have the leagues, the teams, and the team's sponsors all to deal with. Do we get everything we want? Absolutely not, otherwise every single team in the world would be in the game. However, we are very focused on increasing the presence of North American teams in the game. Personally, the addition of Argentina in WE: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 is one of my favorite new teams to play with.


TZ:As for gameplay, that's always been where Winning Eleven shines with fantastic control. I noticed that the ball played a lot looser on the 360, which was far more realistic, and truly separated players like Ronaldhino from, say, Claudio Reyna. When games go to a new generation of consoles, everyone throws around "built from the ground up" -- but is that what's happened here?


CF:We truly did build the 360 version from the ground up. I'll repeat: this is not a port of the PS2 game. Besides amazing graphics, the next generation of consoles allows us to get more realistic in terms of physics and gameplay. In order to take full advantage of new features in coming versions for next generation, the development team felt the need to start over and not burden themselves with code designed for the last generation. Pro Evolution Soccer is the best soccer series in the world, and you don't keep that position without planning for the future. We always plan on how to make the game bigger and better for our fans.

TZ:Gripe Alert: in the 360 version the player's hair and jerseys have no life to them -- the shirts don't move -- the players have used some serious hairspray to get that helmet-like hold. In FIFA 07, they've got this cloth and hair technology nailed. It only shows up in close-ups, but this is what the next-gen tech offers, and it didn't happen for you guys this year. Why not?


CF:While the potential for such features is there and we always look to incorporate as many beautiful graphical touches as we can in the game, the designers are focused on one thing: the gameplay. When playing a soccer game, what's more important: smooth and realistic gameplay or making sure the jersey and hair flop properly in the closeups? I'll pick gameplay any day of the week.


TZ:Your PS2 version of this game is simply better than ever, hence my 9.5 score on 1up. Plus, the new International Challenge is brilliant! Can you talk about the future of the series on PS2 -- is this the swan song?


CF:While not the swan song, we definitely didn't want the PS2 version to be lost in all the next-generation hype. Every year we try out new features, the best of which get incorporated into future versions. International Challenge is a mode that the designers have been thinking about for a long time, we're glad you like it. The PS2 has been the core platform for Pro Evolution Soccer for many years and we have built quite a following for it. We're not ready to leave those fans yet.

TZ:Speaking of the Sony, what's the plan for PS3 -- is 2008 going to be the Winning Eleven PES debut, or should we expect a 2007 version?


CF:WE: PES 2007 will not be released on the PS3, but Konami does support all the next generation consoles. You'll have to wait and see for future announcements.


TZ:Okay, there are 32 stadiums on PS2, only eight on 360. The editing of team names, and player's physical characteristics isn't available on next-gen. And there's no way to save my wonder-stunner goals. That's some serious strippage. Instead of asking why, can you promise me that not only will I be able to save my best goals in the 2008 version of the game, but that I'll be able to put them online for other people to ogle?


CF:What I can promise is that the current 360 version is our first step into the next-generation. Think of it as the first stone in our next-generation foundation. Now that we've accomplished bringing the award-winning soccer gameplay to the next-generation, we have the best base on which to make the game bigger and better every year.


TZ:Alright, it's no fun to end on a serious note in terms of the 360 (especially as I love the game--gave it an 8.0 on 1up/EGM), so I'll end on a life and death note: Who's going to win the Premiership title in real life, Chelsea or Manchester United, and why?


CF:Even though they lost a great game to Arsenal a couple weeks ago, I'm going to have to place my bet on Manchester United. With the lead they have and the solid play they ve been showing, I think its Man U's title to lose. In the end, I just want a good end to the season and to be able to watch at least the finals on an HD TV in the US. One can always dream...


New Halo 3 alpha Screenshots









"Decorators" are things like ferns, plants, flowers, rocks, pebbles, dust - 3D stuff that turns say, ground textures into believeably 3D ground. Valhalla, the big tree filled level, for example, is absolutely festoooned in ground cover now.


In the case of the shots here, it's all missing, because the Alpha build is very, very old.

And not designed to be screenshotted. But rather to simply test networking and be enjoyable enough to keep folks testing networking.


Shivering Isles to get 250 Gamerscore boost




Last week the policy for Gamerscore and Achievements was standardized to make sure that gamers got a full 1000 points per retail game, with downloadable content able to bring in an extra 250 points. In Episode 2 of our podcast we mentioned Shivering Isles being a fine example of giving Achievements on top of the game's original 1000. Well, now it's official, Oblivion's Shivering Isles expansion will have an additional 10 Achievements worth 250 Gamerscore bringing it to a total of 1250. This marks the first game to have more than 1000 available Gamerscore, and hopefully will set the proper standard for other developers to follow. So, with the promise of more Achievements, are you more interested in getting the Shivering Isles expansion, or does it even matter?


Star Wars Force Unleased (360/PS3)


μεταφραση απο Γερμανικα στο NEOGAF


The American Game Informer has new details to the Actiongame star Wars: Force Unleashed (PS3, Xbox 360), which develops with LucasArts


- history plays between star Wars episode III and episode IV Darth Vader recognized that the Emporer had clean-put in, when it pulled into on the dark side of power. Vader knows however that it is too late, to turn around. The only possibility is to destroy the Imperator with another apprentice: This role takes over the player. The action builds Wars episode V on the dialogue from star - The Empire Strikes back up, when Vader said to hatch that he than the Imperator become stronger and could him fall. - the play uses the ' Euphoria engine ' and DMM: DMM is an engine, by which everything receives its completely individual characteristics in the play.


Example you hurls a Stormtrooper with ' Force Push ' into a tree. The tree breaks either in two halves or splinters. If it were a steel wall, then it could leave a dent.


Instead of the developers having to program and animate different conditions of damage, the play calculates these via DMM in real time. - at the beginning one is controlled a trained Sith, that the majority of the forces of power (Force speed, Force Push, Force Lightning, etc.). In the play process will one ever stronger, learns new forces and becomes even more powerful than the Emperor. - the abilities of powers are unbelievably represented:


With the use of ' Force Push ' it looks, as if someone is hit by a cannon ball - for the power forces there is an energy border. Some abilities like e.g.. ' Repulsion ' need a few seconds, before they are available. ' Force Push ' is available against it in unlimited number. - the control pattern follows psi Ops. - history turns around the apprentice, who hunts the remaining Jedi and than Vader becomes stronger.


In a duel one kaempt against Shaak Ti: It created it in ' episode III ' to escape during execution of the order 66 from the Jedi temple living. In StarWars: Force Unleashed has it several Rancors under their control: A Rancor was to be seen e.g. in episode VI in the prison of Jabba the Hutt, for the hunt for hatch Skywalker made. The Rancor can eat the player. But with the help of power the player the Rancor can zerfetzen from the inside out. - there history between the two motion picture films acts, is the end actually already given. The developers stress however that it will probably give alternative end. - Vader will be probably also playable. - one works at multi-player modes. -


StarWars: Force Unleashed looks like a combination of Ninja Gaiden, God OF was, The matrix, 300 and star Wars. - the release: November 2007 (the USA)


kilik einai alpha build.


In the case of the shots here, it's all missing, because the Alpha build is very, very old.

And not designed to be screenshotted. But rather to simply test networking and be enjoyable enough to keep folks testing networking.


basika akri egw de bgazw gia arithmo pwligonwn se montela,giati de deixnei k kanena se swsti optiki gwneia.alla parolauta se alpha build ta paixnidia einai se olous tous tomeis prwima

pera apo auta proswpiki ektimisei einai oti to halo3 tha einai ena poli omorfo paixnidi,alla oxi na peftoun sagonia opws sto gow.oi tomeis pou tha epiketronwntai stin bungie einai to AI,posotita antipalwn etc


Halo 3 gets 'mute idiot' button

Bungie's latest Halo 3 update introduces a rather intriguing new function bound to the back button of the Xbox 360 pad. It sounds excellent.



Or rather, it'll refine the excellence of sound - by eliminating the sort of "vocal buttmunches" who help ensure the truth of the following equation: "Teenagers, plus anonymity, plus microphone = idiot."


The "A-Hole Button" as they're calling it brings up a score list with everyone's tag on it. By using the right stick, you can quickly select whichever player is smack-talking you into a stupor, and you won't hear from them again.


"Any muted player you have selected in your Xbox Live account overrides Halo 3's new system, but that should actually enhance the choice of maroons you're editing out of your gameplay. Best of all, it means fewer wasted or frustrating gameplay sessions," Bungie's Frank O'Connor notes.


"We're doing our best to come up with lots of smart solutions for stuff like this, but honestly, we can't be parents to some of these poltroons. We're much more concerned with giving you guys the tools you need to silence them."


It's also worth checking out this week's update for more hints about weapons, along with some comments on actress Jen Taylor's visit to the studio to record Cortana's Halo 3 dialogue.


"There's a lot more drama and a lot less technical jargon this time around. I actually just finished a couple of lines that nearly had me in tears. For an actor, more drama is always good," she notes.


Halo 3 Interview




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