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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Κλασικά Σάββατο όπως έχω ξαναπεί γύρισα από τα παρεάκια μου τα οποία έχουν Χ360. Είχαμε "αποκτήσει" το NBA 2K7 και αμέσως τους άφησα να ψάχνουν κάτι HD videos των 300-ιων (η νέα ταινία με τους 300 του Λεωνίδα) και έκατσα να παίζω. Το έχω ξαναπεί και συνεχίζω να το πιστεύω,ο μόνος λόγος (για μένα) που αξίζει το Χ360 είναι το NBA 2K7. Τι κι αν φαίνεται το aliasing,τι κι αν έχει "γλιστρήματα" που κάνουν μπαμ,τι κι αν οι επαφές δεν είναι top notch,τι κι αν μερικές φορές λόγω των κινήσεων γίνονται βήματα τα οποία δεν σφυρίζονται,τι κι αν η άμυνα δεν πείθει μερικές φορές και το γενικό στιλ αρκετές φορές σου δίνει την αίσθηση ότι κάτι λείπει.....το παιχνίδι μετράει άσχημα. Έτσι και βγει κάνα 2Κ8 το οποίο θα διορθώνει τα παραπάνω προβλήματα (και κυρίως τις επαφές των χεριών με την μπάλα και τα γλιστρήματα) τότε παίζει φάση να την αγοράσω χωρίς σκέψη την κονσόλα που θα το έχει,είτε λέγεται X360,είτε PS3........είτε Phantom :D


το μονο "ΦΑΝΤΟΜ" εισαι εσυ ρε παλιοpcακια jon.

"αξιζει μονο για το 2κ7" <--- ουτε τρολ να ησουνα δηλαδη!! :D :D

αει τραβα παρε ενα 360 και ασε τις θεωριτικες χαζαμαρες λεμε!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

Μωρέ και μόνο το 2k7 να είχε πάλι θα άξιζε. Όμως έχει κι άλλα πολλά παιχνίδια που είναι αξιόλογα (και δεν υπάρχουν και σε PC). Και τα καλύτερα βεβαίως βεβαίως έρχονται...


(μόνο που αργούν λιγάκι)


Sto Guitar hero mazi me tin ki8ara sou dinoun kai tin stoli tou Rocka? Mipws dinoun autokolita taouaz? Rwtaw epeidi skeftomai na to agorasw giati apo oti diabasa kapws etsi 3ekinise kai o Hendrix....


To CmR deixnei na einai tromero!!!! AN exei kai kalo on line tote bgainei ektos sinagwnismou (a 3exasa iparxei kai to xtreme ) Opote opoio mazepsei twn perissotero kosmo sto live 8a agorasw k gw....


john2gr oute egw poli asxoloumai me to 360 (to gamescore mou oute 800 den exei ftasei) alla protimw to PC... OMWS to 360 an den exeis kalo (panakribo) PC einai monodromos.... Twra an exei skasei mia mikri periousia gia PC, nta3ei, katse kai proskinato kai min agoraseis xbox....... alla an telika pareis 360 o Petran 8a se nikaei se ola ta paixnidia!!!!!!


το guitar hero ειναι παραγγελιά για σενα ρε παλιοτρολ νο.2 wolfidi!! :D :D :D

ειναι επισης η μοναδικη σου ευκαιρια να με κερδισεις σε κατι! hehehe

το ξερατε οτι την εταιρεια και το game την εχει ελληνας? (ελληνο-κατι τελος παντων..)


Parakalw ta meloi tou forum na paramenoun sta palisia tou 8ematos pou sizitame!!!

Petran pote 8a pai3oume CoD? e e? (kai as exw kai lag)


Pantws to CmR 2005 eixe ena terastio meionektima (la8os kat eme).... sto MP eixe mono ghost cars... autos itan kai o logos pou den asxoli8ika!!! Diladi oute ena klisimataki den mporouses na kaneis oute na akoumpiseis ligoulaki ton antipalo (me tin orofi sou) Akou ekei..... Ghost Car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elpzw na min epanalif8ei.....


χαχα τι λες ρε πελατη jonh? :D :D χρονια πολλα by the way!


εχεις αργησει χαρακτηριστικα, και πλεον παντα θα εισαι παγκιτης οταν μιλας με dream team :D :D :D :D


The HD-DVD Addon has sold 150,000


From Wallstreet journal:


About 695,000 consumers own either a Blu-ray or an HD-DVD player, according to Tom Adams of Adams Media Research in Carmel, Calif. But only about 25,000 have purchased stand-alone Blu-ray players. Another 400,000 consumers have Blu-ray because they bought a Sony PS3 game console. Meanwhile, about 120,000 or so have a stand-alone HD-DVD player while about 150,000 have an HD-DVD upgrade kit for their Xbox 360 game consoles, Mr. Adams says. He adds that those numbers are well in excess of the 300,000 DVD-player sales in 1997, when that technology rolled out.
Parakalw ta meloi tou forum na paramenoun sta palisia tou 8ematos pou sizitame!!!

Petran pote 8a pai3oume CoD? e e? (kai as exw kai lag)


Pantws to CmR 2005 eixe ena terastio meionektima (la8os kat eme).... sto MP eixe mono ghost cars... autos itan kai o logos pou den asxoli8ika!!! Diladi oute ena klisimataki den mporouses na kaneis oute na akoumpiseis ligoulaki ton antipalo (me tin orofi sou) Akou ekei..... Ghost Car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elpzw na min epanalif8ei.....


Epidi to CMR2005 eixe na kani me tin morfi agonon rally (point to point) gia na krati8ei konta stin pragmatikotita eixe ta ghost car..

Auto pou les esi ginonte stous agones rally cross oi opioi ginonte se kyklikes pistes oi opies exoune diafores epifanies.

Teitous agones 8a vris sto toca 3,rally trophy,rally cross championship...kai 8a exi kai to kai cmr-dirt.


Συμφωνώ κι εγώ με τη online λογική των McRae να γίνεται η σύγκριση σε επίπεδο χρόνων και όχι πραγματικών μονομαχιών στο δρόμο. Ή είναι rally ή δεν είναι. Τα γραφικά του είναι εξωπραγματικά, δεν νομίζω να έχει ξαναδει κανένας τέτοιο πράγμα. Μένει μόνο το θέμα του ρεαλισμού (το σημαντικότερο δηλαδή...). Περιμένουμε τα πρώτα video και demo.


Homor katalabainw giati to ekanan etsi. Ta exw kai ta 3 paixnidia pou aneferes!!! Omws 8a itan poli wraio na mporoun na pai3oume CmR xwris ghost cars


To Rally Trophy einai apisteuto paixnidi epeidi eixe poli realistiko gameplay alla eixe kai ama3ia pou goustarw perissotero apo polla kainourgia... to eixa liwsei otan eixe bgei,


to toca 3 den mou arese giati exw ta GTR pou einai poli kalitera


kai to cross Champ itan moufa apo polles apopseis....


Fantastite CmR na trexeis se steni pista kai na min blepeis apo tin skoni tou mprostinou kai na prospa8is na breis ligo xwro na peraseis .... To Xpand rally eixe kalo MP me 4 paiktes tautoxrona xwris ghost cars!!!! Mporousan na to exoun san epilogi xwris na apokleisoun ta ghost car


Bebaia edw einai topic gia to 360..... loipon.....


Gates at CES: Microsoft No. 1 in gaming

In his keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show, Bill Gates said that he expected Microsoft to overtake Sony as the leader in videogame consoles.

January 7 2007: 11:19 PM EST


LAS VEGAS (Reuters) -- Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates on Sunday called the early success of its Xbox 360 game console a role-reversing change of fortune for the software giant looking to overtake market leader Sony Corp.


Gates also announced Microsoft would offer an Xbox 360 that doubles as a set-top box for its fledgling Internet television (IPTV) service, or a "living room device that does it all."



The Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStation 3 console and Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s Wii game machine are locked in a battle for leadership in the $30 billion global videogame market. Sony and Nintendo came out with their offerings in November, a year after Microsoft introduced the successor to the first Xbox.


Having beaten its target to ship more than 10 million units by year-end, Microsoft (Charts) said Sony (Charts), which dominated the last generation of consoles with its PlayStation 2, is the one playing catch-up.


"It's a complete reversal of last time," Gates said in an interview ahead of his keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. "Last time, we tried coming in a year late with a big, clunky box that cost more and having less titles. We tried that and it's not that much fun."


Sony has had an iron grip on the videogame console market with its two previous PlayStation models - combined unit sales of which have hit more than 200 million globally - but its launch of the PS3 was beset by delays.


Earlier, Sony said it met its goal of shipping 1 million PS3 consoles to North America by the end of 2006, but did so by diverting some units earmarked for Japanese consumers.


The PS3 retails for as much as $600 in the United States versus about $400 for the Xbox 360 and $250 for the Wii.


Despite the price tag, Sony said it reached the 1-million-unit shipment mark for North America faster than it did with previous PlayStation consoles.


The Xbox 360 is increasingly becoming a main component of Microsoft's plan to take control of the digital living room.


The console's online marketplace allows users to buy TV shows and movies and it can also grab content on PCs around the home and put it on the living room display. Microsoft now wants to take it one step further with the IPTV service.


"People are underestimating the importance of the announcement that the videogame is the set-top box and the set-top box is the videogame," Gates said. "There's the living room device that does it all."


IPTV carriers, such as AT&T (Charts), will be able to offer the new set-top box in the 2007 holiday season to customers who want to play videogames and watch TV from the Web of a quality on par with cable or satellite.


Update:CES 2007: Keynote Speech Highlights

Xbox hardware sells more than projected, Xbox Live Subscriptions reach 5 million and more.


Microsoft Chairman and Founder Bill Gates opened up this year's Consumer Electronics Show by highlighting new advances in Windows Vista, introducing the Windows Home Server, and giving a brief progress report on Xbox 360. The show was broadcast live via streaming video at Microsoft's site.


After demoing new features on Vista and introducing Windows Home Servers, Gates brought on Microsoft executive Robbie Bach, who covered the gamut of Microsoft's entertainment arms which reach from cell phones to PC and Xbox 360.


Bach revealed that 10.4 million Xbox 360s were sold worldwide in 13 months, 400,000 more units than projected. A total of 5 million Xbox Live users are now subscribed to Xbox Live -- with a majority of users being new Xbox users. And Epic's Gears of War has reached worldwide success, selling 2.7 million units in the first eight weeks.

Bach referred to Gears of War as a Halo-like franchise. He said we'll see more of it in the future, referring to the second and third chapters to appear in years to come ("It's an evergreen property we'll see for a long time."). And he said that 160 total Xbox 360 games have shipped in 37 countries to date, with 140 more games are slated to ship, for a total of 300 games by year's end 2007.


Using a demo of Uno, Bach explained Windows Vista will enable Xbox 360 and PC gamers to connect using the Xbox 360 dashboard interface to talk to and play one another. While not demonstrated, Shadow Run is one of Microsoft's first cross-platform games to enable players on both systems to engage. Live Vista's cross-system feature will roll out in summer 2007.


Finally, Bach and his henchfolk demoed the IP TV, which enables gamers to watch TV via their Xbox 360. Microsoft's ambitious multimedia effort basically looks to circumvent traditional TV, enabling users to see TV via Microsoft's Xbox Live service.


IP TV features include instant channel changing and improved channel browsing by permitting users to preview another show in the lower left hand corner of their screen while watching something else. Users can also watch the same TV show online while chatting with each other. IP TV will roll out by holiday 2007.


Neither Gates nor Bach mentioned any word of Zune's potential gaming interactivity to the Xbox 360 or PC. Also, nothing was mentioned about the Xbox 360 v2.0 (see "Xbox 360 v.2 Photo and Details Leaked").


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