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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Fight Night Round 3 Xbox360 Gameplay Footage


1up has posted some supposed gameplay footage from the Xbox360 version of Fight Night Round 3. The footage definitely looks like it is from an early build, as there is no heads up display or stats on screen. The gameplay looks like the standard FN gameplay, and the graphics, well, let's just say I am almost convinced that is too good to be real time. Then again when all you have to render is a ring and two fighters, you can spend a lot of CPU power on just those models. Check it out.





  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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Έχει είσοδο composite αλλά δυστυχώς είναι μόνο για 576i ανάλυση. Όταν γυρνάω τον διακόπτη στο HDTV τα παίζει τελίως και δείχνει ένα περίεργο σήμα χωρίς να βλέπεις κάτι πρακτικά. Χρειάζομαι το VGA γιατί η native ανάλυση είναι 1366Χ768 που υποστηρίζεται από το καλώδιο. Στο πλαίσιο έχω κάνει προπαραγγελία και μου είπαν και εμένα για 6 (καλά στις 6 δεν είναι αργία??). Θα το ψάξω και λίγο αύριο αλλά από ότι έχω καταλάβει δεν έχει έρθει καθόλου ακόμα.


apoti fainetai irthe to karabi apti persia k eferan konsoles.xthes opou mpika eixa 360 konsoles.bebaia auto pou moukane entipwsei itan oti eixan mono core system.kanena magazi den eixe premium


xronia pola kai kali xronia se olous.

distixos gia mena den efige kala to 05 afou xtes to apogeyma mou xalase to 360. etsi ksafnika. piga meta apo 2 sxedon imeres na pekso kai to mixanima oute kan anavei kanena fotaki tou! tipota, oute foni oute akroasi. Mono to fotaki sto trofodotiko einai anikto kai xromatos kitrinou.Estila kai ena mail stin microsoft kai mou len oti prepi na paro til kapou sto eksoteriko.Kala edo stin ellada den iparxi kana tilephono? (pira to tilephono pou lei sto http://www.xbox.gr kai mou lei o ote oti ayto to tilephono den xrisimopoieitai)


Super φορητό το Revolution. Αν πραγματικά έχει αυτές τις διαστάσεις, μπράβο στη Nintendo. XBOX και PS3 φαίνονται πραγματικά τεράστια μπροστά του. Πέρα απο αυτό, εγώ προσωπικά περιμένω με μεγαλύτερη αγωνία το Revolution απ'οτι το PS3. Αν και δεν θα έχει τα προηγμένα χαρακτηριστικά των άλλων 2, πιστεύω οτι θα τα πάει πολύ καλά και θα είναι αυτό το "κάτι" που έλειπε τόσα χρόνια απο τις κονσόλες της Nintendo.


Xbox Live Scores Lost?!


We've received an email from Steddy claiming that all the High Score tables for Xbox Live have been deleted and reset today, at least in the UK where Steddy hails from. If this is true, this could either be a horrendous blunder on Microsoft's part, or a New Year tradition we can come to expect every January 1st. If you have anything to add to this developing story, please leave a comment or visit the 360Updates Forums and tell us your findings on the breaking news.


Update: So far the comments verify this story and many scores were lost system wide.


Breakthrough On Kiosk Disk - Flash


Illicitx and other warm-hearted users from Xbox-scene forums have made some great progress on making Xbox 360 running 3rd party swf files. According to his description, the reason why others failed to run 3rd party is due to a wrong compression method. The Xbox 360 requires v6/7 flash Zlib compression for the swf files to run. The resolution of the swf should be 1280*720@60fps, flash version 6 or 7. Animations are working.


After this great finding, he managed to replace HexicDeluxe.swf with a signed replacement HexicDeluxe.swf with a digital clock and a button example.


The digital clock has not been released yet, but you can play with the button example [here]. Note that the key mapping is not the same with the PC keyboard, quite some keys cannot be accepted and displayed.


Other details of the flash player in Xbox360 by Kanderson:

The 360 Flash Player (xex) is extremely unstable, and seems to be unfinished as to date.

Some of the game functions refer to XENON, which would also point to the dev status of the player and the game.

The player plays Flash 6, but not all seems to be implemented; the 6 event system, and Object.registerclass (which is needed to code in the 6 style OOP way) don't work. Events need to be set like you should set them in Flash 5. (on a movieclip, using onClipEvent([event])).

fsCommands do work, but are unstable, and can cause crashes. fscommand("exec", ".\bla\device\file.xex"); does not work.

Strangely enough hexic shows getURL being implemented for not only the "hacky" way of calling fscommands, hexic also uses a "real" getURL to go to the shop webpage. We've tried to do this, resulting in Arakon's 360 disconnecting from xbox live upon calling the command. This might point to the implementation of a webbrowser (!!!) either in the current 360, or in the XENON dev boxes.

Animation works like it should, and judging by the game HEXIC, it runs extremely fast on the 360)

There are some strange properties set on _root, supposedly for live support.


Great job buds! And thanks to Shannon for the news heads-up! =D


A week ago, in the series of articles at PC Watch, Hiroshige Goto had this article titled "The Rushed Xbox 360 And The Lost Xbox 1.5 Plan."




Basically it's a technical postmortem of the Xbox 360 launch, but he reveals some new info he got from insiders, and here's my summary.


1. The lost Xbox 1.5 plan


Microsoft had actually planned to release an updated version of Xbox, called Xbox 1.5, shortly after the original Xbox 1, and before the real next-generation Xbox. This Xbox 1.5 has the full hardware backward compatibility with Xbox 1, and has a better CPU/GPU. It can run both Xbox 1 softwares and better looking Xbox 1.5 softwares. Basically it breaks the 5-year cycle of game console and runs away from the competition by the absolute power. Goto heard of this Xbox 1.5 from various sources, and one of them was people in the CPU industry not at all related to the games industry. Goto suggests it's likely that MS was seeking a CPU supplier.


Goto also writes back then he was confused by the info that what's thought to be Xbox 1.5 would be the next-gen Xbox 2 rather than a mere upgraded version, so now he seem to have another evidence that what's called Xbox 1.5 and the actual Xbox 360 are 2 different things. But he doesn't know the reason why Xbox 1.5 was ditched and speculates because of this fluctuation Microsoft couldn't get enough design time for Xbox 360.


IBM disclosed at FPF 2005 that the Xbox 360 CPU development including silicon manufacturing only took 24 months, which is unusually short for CPU developement and almost rivals with a GPU development schedule. According to Goto it means Microsoft had a basic design database for the Xbox 360 CPU before going to IBM.


2. Too optimistic heat estimation


Goto thinks while it seems the PS3 case was designed after Cell was completed, the design of the Xbox 360 case had to be done before silicon validation. At E3, he heard from a Microsoft insider that they hesitated to make the PSU external, as seen in the back panel of the mockup unit at E3. The ugly PSU will stay for a while as the symbol of the rushed design until the chip set is shrinked and the PSU becomes internal.


3. The 2-core plan for the Xbox 360 CPU


He heard from game developers that devkits based on the actual Xbox 360 design had various problems such as units under the target clockspeed, and other problems not related to the clockspeed. Considering the transistor size and the frequency, the biggest heat source is the 3.2Ghz 3-core CPU. According to what Goto heard from a Microsoft insider, there was actually a plan about a 2-core version and they tried to lower the clockspeed too. But the Microsoft insider told him that eventually there had been a reason that it has to be both 3-core and 3.2Ghz. Goto doesn't know the exact reason, but he speculates it's to run games and other services simultaneously.


Μιας και το πρόβλημά μου απασχολεί κι άλλους ας το γράψω εδώ:


Όπως είχα αναφέρει και σε προηγούμενα posts έχω αγοράσει το xbox μαζί με το καλώδιο HD. Η τηλεόρασή μου (LG 32'' LCD TV) έχει είσοδο για component μόνο σε 576i ενώ παίρνει VGA σήμα από είσοδο DVI (με κατάλληλο DVI καλώδιο) μέχρι 1360Χ768. Έψαξα απεγνωσμένα να βρω καλώδιο VGA αλλά δεν υπάρχει πουθενά. Οπότε άρχισα να πειραματίζομαι με το καλώδιο HD. Το HD και γενικά το xbox βγάζει αναλογικό σήμα. Το VGA είναι πάλι αναλογικό σήμα. Οπότε η δοκιμή που έκανα (και είδα ότι σε κάποιον άλλον παίζει κανονικά) ήταν να βάλω έναν adaptor και να κάνω το σήμα από component σε VGA. Τελικά αυτή η λύση δεν δούλεψε.


Διαβάζοντας και σε άλλα forums βλέπω ότι πολλές τηλεοράσεις παρόλο που έχουν DVI ή ακόμα και VGA δεν υποστηρίζουν τα formats του xbox. Οπότε σκέφτομαι ότι ίσως και το VGA καλώδιο τελικά να μην παίξει.


Έχει κανένας καμία ιδέα για το αν μπορεί το component να μετατραπεί σε VGA και να παίζει? Το καλώδιο VGA για το xbox έχει καμία ουσιαστική διαφορά στη λειτουργία εκτός από τη διαφορά στα βύσματα? Αναλογικά δεν είναι και τα δύο σήματα?






p.s. Χρόνια πολλά και από εμένα


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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