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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


1. 1UP: Hollywood Surprised By Xbox Video Marketplace

Box office bombs become profitable via 360, thanks to HD.


η υπηρεσια XBOX VIDEO MARKETPLACE φερνει καλα αποτελεσματα σε σημειο που το hollywood να το χαρακτηριζει "the only successfull movie service in 2006"




2. o muslix64, αυτος που βρηκε τροπο να σπασει το hddvd, μιλαει και λεει λεπτομεριες στο doom9.org

εξηγει τι ακριβως εχει κανει, και πως βλεπει μια p2p κοινοτητα να εχει προσβαση σε ολες τις HD ταινιες.


στο τελος, λεει και αυτο:


Ok, here it is, BackupHDDVD V1.00!


What's new in this version?


- Volume key support

- Partial resume of an interrupted decryption session

- New file format and file name for key database file.


The key database file is now KEYDB.cfg


You can download it here:






File name: BackupHDDVDV100.zip

File size: 22,429 bytes

SHA1 hash: 0d938a376133dfaf78ec47e6d41201d553a6bb81


με γεια! ;)

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Lost Planet: Extreme Condition



Varied and fun gameplay

Great enemy design

Incredible boss battles

Mechs are easy and fun to operate

Online is a dream

Graphics are beautiful

Voice acting doesnʼt suck

Story is interesting and coherent

Great innovation in several areas like health management


Little nags here and there I mentioned above





einai poli mikro to paixnidi.sto hard m pire 8 wres.fantazomai sto normal thanai

kammia wra mikrotero.bebaia ebgale k tin extreme diskolia twra


Battlestar Galactica MMO X360 exclusive (?)


Whether you are a fan of the original 1978 series or prefer the updated "Battlestar Galactica," you'll be glad to hear that Vivendi Games are developing a new game based around the universe.


The game is tentatively named Battlestar Galactica Online and is described as having a focus for the "online masses." Although this doesn't specifically mean it is going to be an MMO title, it does suggest just that.


Trying to guess what the game is going to be also gets a little more murky when you find out it is coming to Xbox 360 only--there's a planned release date of October 2007. That gives little time for a fully fledged MMO title development, and not releasing an MMO on PC as well also limits a company's market greatly. That information is taken from an EB Games listing page, however, so it could be well off the mark.


The details are thin on the ground at the moment, so we'll just have to wait and see what Vivendi Games makes public. If this does turn out to be an Xbox exclusive, then I would bet it isn't an MMO, and the online section just means there will be a big focus on the Xbox Live community and multiplayer, much as Test Drive has done.



goux goux...........

esy o apo panw

stin pista 10 pws ebgales to boss [lost planet]


Loipon trws ta xeria tu sthn arxh (blepeis oti spane) meta bgazei ena kokino karubalo ekei pu htan ta xeria tu to baras kai xanei kapoia energeia.Meta prepei na tu ta xanaspaseis kai thn wra pu benun mesa sthn trypa prepei na bgeis apo to oxhma kai na beis mesa sthn trypa kai na tu spasis mia blakeis pu exei.Ayto tha to kaneis kai sta 2 xeria.Meta ton baras sto kefali pu bgainei apo to kedro...;-)


NPD Clarifies Erroneous Media Reports


Hardware sales figures falsely attributed to NPD


Today a number of popular gaming websites reported on a video segment from CNBC, which talks about the video game industry and holiday sales. The gaming sites claimed that from November through the December holiday period that 2 million Xbox 360s were sold, followed by 1.8 million Wiis and 750,000 PS3s. These figures, however, were falsely attributed to The NPD Group.


NPD's David Riley informed GameDaily BIZ, "Recent media reports erroneously cited The NPD Group as having provided to CNBC December '06 retail sales for the video game industry. Although the specific CNBC segment included NPD's November '06 console hardware install base sales figures, there were no sales figures or forecasts from NPD for December 2006. NPD's December/Year-End sales data will become available Jan 11."


Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays: No Game This Week


We got word today that there won't be a new Xbox Live Arcade game launching this week. The Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays program will resume next week.


Rumor has it that the first Xbox Live Arcade game to launch in 2007 will be Team17's Worms. We expect to learn more about it at next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.




Θεωρώ δεδομένο ότι κάποια στιγμή το Crysis θα βγει και στις next gen consoles (μιας και όπως και να το κάνουμε.......ΕΑ είναι αυτή,αν δει επιτυχία στο PC είναι περίπου σίγουρο ότι θα πάει να το πλασάρει και στις κονσόλες). Το ζητούμενο είναι το πότε θα βγει στις κονσόλες και τι θυσίες θα πρέπει να κάνουν για να τρέχει κομπλέ,αργά ή γρήγορα πάντως θα πάψει να είναι PC exclusive το Crysis

Θεωρώ δεδομένο ότι κάποια στιγμή το Crysis θα βγει και στις next gen consoles (μιας και όπως και να το κάνουμε.......ΕΑ είναι αυτή,αν δει επιτυχία στο PC είναι περίπου σίγουρο ότι θα πάει να το πλασάρει και στις κονσόλες). Το ζητούμενο είναι το πότε θα βγει στις κονσόλες και τι θυσίες θα πρέπει να κάνουν για να τρέχει κομπλέ,αργά ή γρήγορα πάντως θα πάψει να είναι PC exclusive το Crysis


opws exw xanapei einai sto xeri tis microsoft na vgei sto xbox.mia thisia tha einai ta 30FPS kai liges akoma edw kai ekei den nomizw oti to teliko apotelesma tha diaferei poli apo to pc.sto ps3 nomizw oti einai diskolo na trexei me tin 256RAM.


Ubisoft has confirmed that the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 will land on March 9th 2007. The Playstation 3 version is set to launch with the console when it arrives in Europe this Spring

Microsoft Announces Two Additional Paths of Entry to Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta



oι πρωτοι 13.000? :D οποτε οι τρεις τροποι ειναι βασικα ο εξης ενας...


καλα, μιλαμε το crackdown θα σκισει απο πωλησεις! μεχρι και ο blackjim θα το παρει :-o :-) :D :razz:


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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