privateer Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Worms XBLA
privateer Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Halo 3
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 forza2: τι κανουνε τα παιδια στην turn10? απο οτι φαινεται, τελειοποιησαν το triple-screen racing που ειχαν καθιερωσει απο το forza1. επιπλεον οποιος ειναι αρκετα τυχερος ωστε να μπορει να στησει ενα τετοιο setup, θα χαρει να μαθει οτι πλεον το network code τελειοποιηθηκε και ειναι δυνατο να συχρονιζονται τα 3 xboxακια και να παιζεις και online career κατ'αυτο τον τροπο. (δεν γινοταν στο forza1) κατα τα αλλα, συνεχιζουνε τη δειγματοληψια απο διαφορα αυτοκινητα και τελιοποιουν το game engine. αντε παιδες! τελειωνετε please!!!
nzeppos Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Άντε να βγει το Forza2 για να πάρουμε και τιμονιέρα στο 360 (εκτός πια κι αν καταφέρουν να δουλέψει η G25, εκεί είναι που θα γίνει ο χαμός).
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 ....σε συνεχεια του αρθρου στο IGN στο οποιο λεγονται εκτος των αλλων οτι θα σκασει μυτη το Metal Gear Solid 4 στο 360, καθως και γενικα ενα καρο games απο namco και konami, εχω αυτα εδω τα RUMORS. οταν λεμε rumors, παει να πει οτι ειναι φημες, και οχι τελειωμενα γεγονοτα. το ενδιαφερον ειναι οτι αυτες τις φημες τις διεδωσε σε ενα ασιατικο site για games, ο ιδιος ανθρωπος που ειχε διαρρευσει οτι το Virtua Fighter 5 θα βγει και στο 360 και δεν θα ειναι exclusive ps3. ιδου η μεταφραση, και απο κατω και το link. TK6 Xbox360 will be released in winter 2007, supporting Live. TK6 PS3: release date still unknown. The downloadable TK5/DR is there because of a deal between Namco and Sony that Namco should bring at least one new TK game to PS3 in 2006. It should have been TK6, but due to the development problem and the PS3 shortage, Namco brings TK5/DR so that the contract is not violated. α, και για οσους δεν τα πατε καλα με τα ακρωνυμια, TK6 = TEKKEN 6 επισης, εχουμε νεα ημερομηνια για το GTR στο 360. η ημ/νια ειναι 30/3/07, και συμπιπτει με τις ημ/νιες που ξεραμε απο παλιοτερα. GTR, the racing simulation developed by SimBin Development TEAM AB is finally nearing the finishing line. This one will be crossed on March 30, 2007 for the greatest pleasure of the driver that sleeps in each one of us. This port of GTR 2 from PC will allow us to race with the cars of the seasons 2004 and 2005 and will make it possible to have fun racing on the circuits in a 24-hour Mode. So puth the pedal to the metal because asphalt will burn on Xbox 360. τελος, ειναι ετοιμο το πρωτο DLC (downloadable content) για το BLUE DRAGON 29.12.06 - Mistwalker plans to offer the first batch of downloadable content for their role playing game Blue Dragon in January 2007 in Japan. This was revealed by firm speaker Kensuke Tanaka in the latest Famitsu Xbox 360. A condition for the download is that one must have advanced to a certain level to attain it. He did not,however,disclosed the nature or lenght of the future content. downloads μονο για advanced χαρακτηρες.. κι εμεις ακομα τιποτα... ωραια..
privateer Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Consoles sold in North America ( 1st Nov-Dec 25th) Wii - 1.8M 360 - 2M PS3 - 750k
privateer Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Battlestar Galactica Online confirmed by Vivendi Hot on the heels of the recent Firefly MMO announcement, it appears there's a Battlestar Galactica Online in the works. While little information has been revealed (other than a listing by EB Games/Gamestop and a subsequent confirmation by Vivendi Games to French gaming sites), it seems the game will be exclusive to the Xbox 360. By tacking the word "online" to something, one can only assume we're speaking about an MMO. But I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility that we might see a Battlestar Galactica kart racer. No word on whether Lt. Starbuck will have a pee pee or a vagina. EB Games/Gamestop has listed the game for an October 2007 release. More details and an official announcement are sure to follow shortly.
nyne Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Battlestar Galactica Online confirmed by Vivendi Hot on the heels of the recent Firefly MMO announcement, it appears there's a Battlestar Galactica Online in the works. While little information has been revealed (other than a listing by EB Games/Gamestop and a subsequent confirmation by Vivendi Games to French gaming sites), it seems the game will be exclusive to the Xbox 360. By tacking the word "online" to something, one can only assume we're speaking about an MMO. But I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility that we might see a Battlestar Galactica kart racer. No word on whether Lt. Starbuck will have a pee pee or a vagina. EB Games/Gamestop has listed the game for an October 2007 release. More details and an official announcement are sure to follow shortly. OOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE
1980 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 παιδια αν και προφανως λιγο ασχετο αυτο που θα ρωτησω γιατι δεν γνωριζω με ποιους τροπους μπορω να αποκτησω μια gold membership sto xbox live? απλα εκατσα να παιξω στο gears of war με τον δωρεαν χρονο που δινει και εφαγα το μεγαλυτερο κολημα που εχω φαει ποτε σε παιχνιδι. ελπιζω να μπορεις μεσω πιστωτικης στο live αν και λιγο που το εψαξα δεν βρηκα κατι.
privateer Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Top Xbox Live Games of 2006 2006 Top Xbox 360 Titles (UU's) 1 Gears of War 2 Hexic HD 3 Call of Duty 2 4 Ghost Recon 3 5 Oblivion 6 PGR3 7 Perfect Dark Zero 8 Call Of Duty 3 9 UNO 10 EA SPORTS™ Fight Night Round 3 11 Saints Row 12 Geometry Wars Evolved 13 DEAD OR ALIVE 4 14 Texas Hold 'em 15 Madden NFL 07 16 DEAD RISING 17 Need for Speed™ Most Wanted 18 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas 19 BFMC 20 Splinter Cell Double Agent 2006 Top Arcade Titles (Purchased) 1 UNO 2 Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting 3 Geometry Wars Evolved 4 Marble Blast Ultra 5 PAC-MAN 6 DOOM 7 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 8 GALAGA 9 Gauntlet 10 Frogger 11 Bankshot Billiards 2 12 SmashTV 13 Contra 14 Zuma 15 Texas Hold 'em 16 Bejeweled 2 17 Feeding Frenzy 18 Small Arms 19 Cloning Clyde 20 LUMINES LIVE! 2006 Top Original Xbox Titles 1 Halo 2 2 Battlefield 2: MC 3 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2 4 Madden NFL 2006 5 Counter-Strike 6 Splinter Cell Chaos 7 Forza Motorsport 8 Call of Duty 2 9 Ghost Recon 2 10 PGR 2 11 Rainbow Six 3 12 NFS Most Wanted 13 Ghost Recon 2: SS 14 Rainbow Six 3 BA 15 Ghost Recon AW 16 Far Cry Instincts 17 Madden NFL 07 18 Conker: Live Reloaded 19 Tony Hawk Am Wasteland 20 RS 4: Lockdown
HomoR Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Ego exo tin eulogi aporia.. An se auto to FPS360 sindesis tin logitech g25 tin vlepi kanonika? Pantos an ginei kati kai douleui sto 360 8a klapsoun poly arcade racers..idetera sto GTR pou 8a klapsoun etsi kai allios... Gia na sas do eki na kanete xronous me gel stis mparieres kai diafora alla tragika:)
p3tran Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 HD DVD Encryption Hacked, Xbox 360 Player Utilized From muslix64I was not aware of anyone having done th I was not aware of anyone having done that, so I did. Have a look. The AACS copy protection system is realy Unbreakable! The program is a simple implementation of the aacs crypto protocol freely available on the net. No reverse engineering! Stay tuned for source code soon! Merry Christmas everyone! ρε το μαγκιτη το muslix.. το σπασιμο του hd dvd format ισως αποδειχτει σημαντικο χαρτι στον πολεμο των media.
nzeppos Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Αρχίσανε τα όργανα για τα καλά δηλαδή. Ορίστε κι ένα αναλυτικό και κατατοπιστικό review για το XFPS. Διαβάστε όσο αντέχετε... Allowing the use of a keyboard and mouse (or a Dual Shock) on the Xbox 360, the XFPS has created quite a stir here at 360 Fanboy. Hailed by PC using FPS fans as a godsend and decried by proponents of an equal playing field, it's a potentially controversial piece of hardware. When it comes to first person shooters, the advantages of a mouse and keyboard over a control pad cannot be denied, but is it fair for certain 360 players to have a distinct advantage over others? It's an interesting question, but ultimately the answer lies in how well the XFPS actually performs. We put the unit through its paces and see what it's worth. Setting up the XFPS isn't difficult at all. Just plug it into your 360, attach a wired controller, mouse, and keyboard to the XFPS, and turn on your 360. Once enabled, the XFPS has a standard keyboard and mouse layout, or you can choose to map buttons yourself. To map buttons, you need only tap the program button, the button you want to map on the 360 controller, and the corresponding button on the keyboard or mouse. For example, to map the shoot command to your left mouse button: tap the program button, pull the right trigger on your control, and click the left mouse button. Done. The XFPS only has two USB slots and the controller takes up one of those, so we're not really sure how you program your mouse and keyboard if they're both USB, though it is possible to use the default scheme. To use a Dual Shock (even a PS1 Dual Shock will work) all you have to do is plug it in. The Dual Shock simply mimics the layout of the 360 controller (minus the guide button). Now for the test. We used three games: Gears of War (duh), Halo 2, and Rainbow Six 3: Vegas (demo version). Gears of War did not work well at all with the XFPS. Foregoing accuracy for now, let's focus on one thing: Gears was designed from the ground up as a 360 title. For instance, the "roadie run" uses the A button, which requires you to take your thumb off the right stick. To compensate for this, rotation control moves to the left stick during the roadie run. If you're using a keyboard however, you're stuck holding down a key and manipulating the WASD keys. It's awkward and in no way superior to a pad. Things like this make playing Gears a chore. Halo 2 played the best of the three games. It seems like the default keyboard layout was designed with Halo 2 in mind. Again though, issues pop up. For example, you won't be sneaking much, because keyboards have no analog support. Vegas, again, has similar issues. Of course, we're sure PC diehards could live with these issues as long as they get their accurate mouse aiming. It's a shame, then, that aiming with the mouse is nigh impossible. Put simply, the mouse aiming sucks, no matter what sensitivity you choose in the game. It's jerky, and minute corrections -- the kind you need to make headshots -- don't work at all. Games that have multiple degrees of sensitivity -- like Vegas and Halo -- work somewhat better, but games with only low, medium, and high settings don't work nearly as well. By the time we popped in Vegas -- a game where every shot counts --it became readily apparent that the XFPS was not the solution that FPS players were looking for. There's always the chance that it might work better with a different mouse, but we doubt it. The simple truth is that 360 games were designed for analog sticks, and trying to emulate those with a mouse doesn't work -- at least not with the XFPS. Also worth mentioning, there seemed to be a slight delay between button presses and the corresponding game action. Again, this is a huge no-no for pro FPS players. Last, but definitely not least, we were completely unable to use our headset while using our XFPS. We plugged the headset into the XFPS connected controller and the headset simply wasn't recognized. This issue might be averted if you have a wireless headset -- they connect to the 360 itself, not the controller -- but we didn't have one to test. Before you stop reading this, it's not all bad. As a Dual Shock adapter, the XFPS positively excels. We played through a level of Assault Heroes and had no problems with it whatsoever. The d-pad worked well for Pac-Man, too, and it might improve your Street Fighter prowess if you were raised on Playstation. Hell, it even makes a decent controller for Gears. There are no obvious deficiencies of any kind actually -- apart from the lack of voice, of course. So, if you prefer Dual Shock (why?), the XFPS is a great adapter. It's easily the best feature of the XFPS. So, final thoughts. The XFPS is a non-choice if you want to enjoy FPS games as they are on the PC; 360 games just weren't designed for it. There is no voice support -- a problem for all those team oriented FPS games you want to play. Sorry, FPS fanboys, the XFPS is not your dream device. As a Dual Shock adapter, on the other hand, the XFPS is fantastic. Still, $80 is pretty steep if all you're after is a Dual Shock adapter. However, if Team Xtender wanted to release a cheaper version that only supported the Dual Shock (and the SEGA Saturn pad while they're at it), we'd buy it. As it stands, the XFPS offers not much bang for an awful lot of bucks. από
p3tran Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 GamesCentral: PS3 Blu Ray vs Xbox 360 HD DVD vs DVD bluray hd dvd dvd Overall this test was to see what next gen game system player is superior, and based on these tests, I would have to say that the 360 add on is the clear winner. Movies on the Blu Ray do look great, but with color levels that are more even allowing for greater levels of clarity, HD DVD just looks better, even over component cables. When it comes to the format war, I would prefer the winner to be HD DVD, as I feel that they have more of an understanding of what consumers (and movie geeks) are looking for in a "next gen" format. I respect that Blu Ray looks and sounds great, but to me HD DVD feels more next gen with not only the great picture and sound, but also things like IME and U Control. Sony's half assed attempt to match this with the shoddy Blu Wizard almost feels like a joke, and I am almost insulted as a hardcore movie fan. If you have a PS3, I would hesitate before buying the 360 add-on, but only for a second. If you are a movie fan, then you owe it to yourself to check out the other side and make your own decision on who you are going to back in the war.
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