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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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44.000 τελικα λενε τα τελευταια στοιχεια για την πρωτη μερα.. και ακομα μαζευουνε data..



παρτε και μερικες ακομα φωτογραφιες:








με τετοια realtime γραφικα, καταλαβαινει κανεις οτι δεν ειναι παραλογο αυτο που λεω εγω και ο privat33r και αρκετοι αλλοι, οτι πλεον τα CG cut scenes ειναι περιττα..


το θεμα ειναι οτι ο sakaguchi ετσι θελει, και ο bill gates δεν του χαλαει χατηρι...

και γιατι να του χαλασει αλλωστε??


το blue dragon φαινεται πως ειναι TOP old school j-rpg,

οι γιαπωνεζοι που το εχουνε ηδη (παρα-)μιλανε για μια καλοδουλεμενη και high-tech μειξη απο FFV-FFVII-DQ-chrono trigger-grandia-dragonball.


ετοιμαζει επισης το καταπληκτικο Lost Odyssey, εχει δηλωσει το blue dragon 2, καθως και το Cry-on.


λογικο ειναι η m$ να μην του χαλαει χατηρι. το επομενο game του θα μπορουσε να βγει και σε 15 dvd!! :D




επισης για οσους ανησυχουν για το μεγεθος, καποιοι εχουνε συμληρωσει 19 ωρες και ειναι ακομα στο 1o dvdακι. ;)


να και ενα βιντεακι απο το promotion που εχει στησει η m$ σε κεντρικο κυριλε σημειο της πολης, οπου οι περαστικοι πανε και τους δημιουργει τεραστια σκια α-λα blue dragon



makari na evgazan ekdosi me aglikous ipotitlous kai na kratousan tis giaponezikes fwnes.vlepontas ta video den mporw na katalavw pws autoi oi xazoxaroumenoi antrwpoi einai ikanoi gia toso megala pragmata.kai den milaw mono gia videogames.


Gears patch before Christmas


Epic Games' Mark Rein hopes we'll see a little "housekeeping" patch for Gears of War before the end of the year.


"The first update we do will be some housekeeping to take care of a few things we need to adjust. We hope to have that in the pipeline before too long," he told Planet Gears of War.


"Unfortunately the certification group at Microsoft shuts down relatively early in December so we're racing against the clock to try to get it finished and certified for release through the Xbox Live update system."



Rein also confirmed that the patch would sort out the bug that results in a squished image on non-widescreen VGA monitors.


"We're also fixing a few minor problems and making a few small changes and improvements," he added.


"I don't want to go into too many details because we have not finalized the update but once we know what made it in, and passed certification, we'll put some news up on our forum which I'm sure will start other passionate threads about what we have/have not gotten around to so far. There is more to come for this game in the future."


Rein also revisited the recurring rumours that Gears will make it to PC some day.


"There's nothing to announce at this time. We've said all along that, at some point in the future, we could adapt Gears of Wars for PC," he said.


"Based on past experience we've learned that it takes approximately five years for an [operating system] to fully take hold among the gaming population.


"So unless it takes us five years to bring Gears of War to Windows, we certainly expect to keep supporting Windows XP users."


Trailer: Mass Effect


Name: Mass Effect Demo Walkthrough Trailer (480p/720p)

Price: Free

Available in: All Xbox Live regions

Dash Details: A walk through video of the X06 demo presented by Casey Hudson, project director for Mass Effect.

Trailer: Mass Effect


Name: Mass Effect Demo Walkthrough Trailer (480p/720p)

Price: Free

Available in: All Xbox Live regions

Dash Details: A walk through video of the X06 demo presented by Casey Hudson, project director for Mass Effect.


elpizw na to eidate....osoi den to eidate trexte na to katebasete..thewrw oti auto to paixnidi mporei aneta na ginei metro sigkriseis gia ta epomena rpg.episis pisteuw oti to gow kseperastike se grafika,mias k to grafiko style pou xreisimopoiei to mass einai poli kalitero apo to gow.entaksei to mass paizei nanai k to kalitero game tou 2007 k paei legontas..o xeirismos fanike apisteutos me strategy stoixeia,kalipsi style gow k de simazeuetai..pragmatika ena aristourgima dimiourgias...


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