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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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apo oti katalava to ingame einai ta teleytea 3 sec pou pidaei kato apo ton vraxo


The CG was created by Hollywood FX house, Digital Domain, using assets supplied by Bungie. We're very excited about the way they've managed to capture the Chief and other elements and clues from the Halo universe. What are those? You'll have to tune in to find out.

The CG was created by Hollywood FX house, Digital Domain, using assets supplied by Bungie. We're very excited about the way they've managed to capture the Chief and other elements and clues from the Halo universe. What are those? You'll have to tune in to find out.


The ad was created by McCann Worldgroup San Francisco and it includes a mixture of live action and computer generated animation.


kai an prosexeis apo to 51 kai meta allazei kai i kamera, kai ksexorizei oti einai ingame...mallon


epitrepse mou na amfiballw oti einai mia mixi ingame-cg.tha elega elements of live action.tpt parapanw.m kanei to using assets by bungie.allwste i poiotita tou ftanei auti tou trailer tou Halo Wars..eidika o master chief


δεν εχει πουθενα ingame ρε παιδες!!!

διαφημιση ειναι σε παναμερικανικη κλιμακα.

reminder για το ποιος ειναι ο αρχηγος.... 8)



η M$ και η Bungie εχουνε βαρεθει να το λενε...

"featuring live actors and CG quality graphics from the leading hollywood FX company Digital Domain κλπ κλπ"


για σκεφτειτε ομως να λεγανε τιποτα τετοια:


"- κ. bill gates, ειστε σοβαροι τωρα? ειναι ingame αυτο το video?

- ναι, ειναι IN-GAME!! η δυναμη του 360 το παει στην τεταρτη διασταση, οχι σαν το playstation 2.5 "


πλακα δεν θα ειχε?

:D :D :D :D :D


πορωση το βιντεακι.. και μονο 48mb η 720p εκδοση στο xbox live. icon14.gif


den ksero...alla sinexizo na elpizo oti apo to 50 eos to 52 einai in game

eidika ayti i pic exei kati pou mou kanei gia in game





kai kati allo.... ta pedakia stin arxi einai kanonikoi ithopoioi (zontanoi kai oxi cg) i mou fainetai?


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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