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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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  • Απαντ. 14,1k
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den to pistevw:-D to paixnidi "VROMAEI" final fnatasy 7 proton i mousiki pou eimai sigouros oti ipirxe sxedon autousia kai sto ff7 kai deuteron i skinothesia tis kameras ekei pou katevenontas ton lofo grafei to logotipo blue dragon einai les kai evlepa final fantasy.teleiwse auto to paixnidi tha afisei epoxi gia emena einai to kalitero paixnidi tou 360 mazi me to gow me diafora.telika i dream team twn jananezwn doulepse.





nomizw oti tha vgei kai sto ps3.egw sou to eixa xanapei petran i konami gnwrize oti to ps3 tha paei apo marti meria stin europi gia auto kai sinfonise gia apoklistiko pse6 sto xbox360.enw apo pisw idi etoimaze to winning eleven x.olo auti i apoklistikotita itan mia apati.to winning eleven 10 i x exei opws oloi kseroume vgei sto ps2, opote auto pistevw einai mono kai mono gia tous japan xboxakides alla kai to ps3 den nomizw na vgei sto ps2.


αντε να δουμε ποτε θα βγει λοιπον. και μετα κανουμε απολογισμο για το ποσο καιρο ητανε αποκλειστικο στο 360, και αν αξιζε να τονιστει αυτο απο την m$ ή οχι...

eimai anamesa stin agora tou Splinter Cell Double Agent kai Call Of Dutty 3!


Poio apo ta 2 tha mou protinate?


Κι εγώ το CoD3 θα πρότεινα. Τα τέλειωσα και τα δύο παιχνίδια που προανέφερες. Αν και ευχαριστήθηκα περισσότερο το SC: DA, από την στιγμή που τελείωσε πήγε στο ράφι, δεν είχε νόημα να το ξαναπαίξω. Το online του δεν μου άρεσε ιδιαίτερα, είχε περίεργη λογική.


Από την άλλη στο CoD3 ξέρεις τι να περιμένεις.


Όλα αυτά βέβαια με την προϋπόθεση ότι ασχολείσαι με το xbox live. Διαφορετικά νομίζω ότι είναι πραγματικά 50-50, ανάλογα και με ποιο είδος σου αρέσει περισσότερο. Γιατί και τα δύο είναι κορυφή στο είδος τους και μάλλον οι καλύτεροι τίτλοι της σειράς τους.


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ολα τα στρινγκ για παρτυ σας κουφαλες! :D ;)



** EDIT: μην κανετε το auto-update μεχρι να βγαλετε λεφτα:evil: :)


Aussies Get Halo 3 Commercial

And the chance to win a spot in the beta test!


If you're anything like us, you're salivating over the prospect of new information about Halo 3. It's not even due out until next year, but already the hype caravan is trundling steadily down the road.


Today, Microsoft has announced that a never-before-seen trailer will be hitting the internet and Xbox Live Marketplace from December 5. See Master Chief as you have never seen him before in the exclusive showing of the new Halo 3 ad. Sixty seconds of tantalising new Halo 3 goodness awaits. What ever you do, don't miss it.


Building up to the launch of Halo 3 next year, you'll see new footage from the Halo 3 universe and learn more about the man behind the MJOLNIR armour. Soon the Covenant will learn what it means for humankind to make its last stand.


To celebrate the airing of this new TV commercial Microsoft is giving 10 extremely lucky Australians the chance to take part in the Halo 3 Xbox Live multiplayer public beta. If your entry is judged to one of the 10 best you will get the chance to be playing a pre-release Halo 3 multiplayer edition and your feedback may help shape the final version of the game.


Visit the official page to enter the competition and view the trailer.


There have been a few reports on the internet this morning which suggests Alan Wake will be released in 2008. We arenʼt sure if this will turn out to be true but itʼs likely as the US Official Xbox Magazine seems confident about it.




“Alan Wake” is a psychological action thriller from Remedy, the legendary and renowned developers of highly successful action titles. In this exciting new title exclusively for Windows and Xbox 360, gamers assume the role of Alan Wake, a best-selling suspense author who escapes to a small town to recover from the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée.




Most Wanted Charts from Famitsu


1. (1 / 1) Final Fantasy XIII PS3 Square Enix 2.131

2. (2 / 3) Blue Dragon Xbox 360 Microsoft 1.723

3. (3 / 2) Biohazard 5 PS3 Capcom 1.526

4. (4 / 4) Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 Konami 1.458

5. (5 / 8) Zelda The Twilight Princess Wii Nintendo 1.304

6. (6 / 5) Summon Night 4 PS2 Banpresto 938

7. (7 / 9) Yakuza 2 [Ryuu ga Gotoku 2] PS2 Sega 806

8. (9 / 7) Seiken Densetsu 4 PS2 Square Enix 694

9. (8 / 6) Tales of Destiny PS2 Bandai Namco 684

10. (11/22) Lost Odyssey Xbox 360 Microsoft 625

11. (12/11) Super Robot Taisen: Original Generations PS2 Banpresto 567

12. (15/17) Fushigi no Dungeon: Furai no Shiren DS NDS Sega 551

13. (19/18) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd PSP Capcom 535

14. (14/12) Final Fantasy VI Advance GBA Square Enix 523

15. (20/14) Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii Nintendo 519

16. (13/13) Gyakuten Saiban 4 NDS Capcom 488

17. (16/15) Dragon Quest Monster: Joker NDS Square Enix 473

18. (17/16) Higurashi no Naku Kei ni Matsuri NDS Alchemist 466

19. (28/27) Gran Turismo HD PS3 Sony 440

20. (22/24) Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Capcom 371


to resident evil 5 anaferete ws ps3 titlos.giati?



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Blue Dragon achievements list:


# 1. Successful Back Attack - Successfully pull off a back attack (5 points)

# 2. 100 Back Attacks - Successfully pull off 100 back attacks (30 points)

# 3. Successful Simultaneous Encounter - Successfully pull off a simultaneous encounter (5 points)

# 4. Simultaneous Encounter, Over 10 Parties - Successfully pull off over 10 parties of simultaneous encounters and defeat all the monsters (30 points)

# 5. 100 Monster Fights - Set up over 100 monster fights (30 points)

# 6. Rare Monster "Ousama Unchi-kun" - Defeat Ousama Unchikun (30 points)

# 7. Rare Monster "Golden Unchi-Snake" - Defeat Golden Unchi-Snake (30 points)

# 8. Rare Monster "Gold Mecha Robo" - Defeat Gold Mecha Robo (30 points)

# 9. Mechat Shooting, ST1, Perfect - Clear Mechat shooting with no damage (30 points)

# 10. Wagon Defense, Perfect - Clear wagon defense with no damage (30 points)

# 11. Dragon, 1 Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of one category for Dragon (30 points)

# 12. Minotaur, 1 Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of one category for Minotaur (30 points)

# 13. Phoenix, 1 Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of one category for Phoenix (30 points)

# 14. Dragon, All Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of all categories for Dragon (50 points)

# 15. Minotaur, All Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of all categories for Minotaur (50 points)

# 16. Phoenix, All Category Rank MAX - Max out the rank of all categories for Phoenix (50 points)

# 17. All Characters Level MAX - Get all characters to level 99 (50 points)

# 18. Rare Item "Ultimate Weapon Bracelet" - Find the rare item Ultimate Weapon Bracelet (10 points)

# 19. Rare Item "Ultimate Conflict Necklace" - Find the rare item Ultimate Conflict Necklace (10 points)

# 20. Rare Item "Dragon Bracelet" - Find the rare item Dragon Bracelet (10 points)

# 21. All Warp Clip Set - Activate all warp monuments (25 points)

# 22. All Barriers Released - Release all barriers (25 points)

# 23. Monster Dictionary Complete - Complete all entries in the monster dictionary (25 points)

# 24. Item Dictionary Complete - Complete all entries in the item dictionary (25 points)

# 25. 1,000,000 Gold Accumulated - Accumulate 1,000,000 gold (25 points)


Halo 3 Beta Registration Open

It's time to enlist.


The much anticipated Halo 3 multiplayer beta is now open for sign-ups. Those eager to play Halo 3 next spring can go to halo3.com and register for the chance at selection. If you are not chosen, don't cry. There will be other opportunities to enter the spring beta.


To be considered for the beta, you must have an Xbox 360 with a hard drive, a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription and a Microsoft.NET Passport account with your gamertag linked. Registration is only open to those over 17 and living in the U.S. or Canada.

Good luck.




Analysts: November Sales Up Twelve Percent

Also expecting 23 games with more than 100k in sales.


In the latest of their monthly predictions, Wedbush Morgan Securities indicated that they expect to see sales up 12%. Additionally, the firm expects to see 23 games sell more than 100k copies during the month of November.


Wedbush Morgan expects Xbox 360 sales for the month of November to be around 750k units with an additional 1.5-2M units being sold in December. According to current NPD figures, that would almost double the Xbox 360's installed base in North America over the two-month span (Wedbush Morgan estimates that the system has sold 2.9M units up to the present).


WMS expects Gears of War, The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy XII, Need for Speed: Carbon and Call of Duty 3 to push software sales for the month of November.


Halo 3 Controller Evolved


The nervous stares that greeted us when we arrived at Bungie were due, in part, to the changes Bungie is making to the Halo 3 control scheme.


Reload has been remapped off of the X-button and onto the respective bumpers. When dual-wielding, RB reloads the right weapon while LB reloads the left weapon. Similarly, RB replaces the X-button as the action button. Boarding vehicles, picking up weapons, everything the X-button used to do is now done on RB. At first, this change felt a bit iffy. There were a handful of times early in the day when I was gunned down while standing over a sniper rifle mashing X to pick it up.


After stumbling around like a newb, the controls started to stick. Having the reload right near the trigger frees up key real estate on the Xbox controller. With reload and fire being fingered by the index finger (in a classic control scheme) players can still look using the right stick, while reloading. Topically, this may seem like a small change, but it will lead to more flexibility in what players can accomplish in the midst of battle.


Bungie has freed up the X button on the controller for an unannounced feature that may appear in Halo 3 -- this build is a pre-Alpha build and it is entirely possible that the feature could ultimately be scrapped (but we doubt it will disappear). Bungie staffer Brian Jarrard said that the guys didn't even have to "activate their X buttons" to beat us in the next-gen Humpday Challenge -- what kind of feature would you activate?


merika stoixeia gia to traileraki tou Halo3.o master chief trexei sto trailer.mipws lew mipws to apenergopoihmeno x button exei na kanei me tin prosthiki auti?

k ena deutero stoixeio einai oti kata pasa pithanotita tha prostethoun k shields grenades,eikazw..


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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