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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Kαταρχιν ....το PS3 εχει hdmi 1,3 version δεν εχει το απλο ΗDMI .....τηλεωραση με τετοια θυρα δεν υπαρχει......Παμε παρακατω οχι για να μην συγκρινουμε με το hdmi που θα βγαλει το ΧΒΟΧ......Και δεν ειναι ο ηχος, αυτο φιλαρακο ειναι το λιγοτερο...Μην τα εξισωνουμε ολα οπου μας συμφερει....

και τι σε ενδιαφερει εσενα η 1.3 εκδοση του HDMI?? να εχει Dolby true HD ηχο?? η μηπως να βλεπεις περισσοτερα χρωματα??

κολπα του marketing ειναι αυτα, να μας εχουν να αγοραζουμε TV καθε χρονο..

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το HDMI 1.3 ειναι τελειως απατη και αχρηστο.

ειναι ακριβως τοσο σημαντικο οσο ηταν τα SACD's πριν μερικα χρονια :D :D :D



Petran , den vlepo kamia screen apo Vegas me tin fatsa sou

..I'm too sexy for Las Vegas by far :D (whats your gamertag?)


XCM XFPS 360 Prototype Sample - Keyboard, Mouse and DualShock for 360!


XCM has revealed a final prototype sample of their keyboard and mouse adapter for Xbox 360, it also has support for USB inputs as well as acting as a converter for PS2 dualshock controllers.




Official Website: XCM.cc


ΚΟΛΠΑ του MARKETING πλακα ολοι παρεα μου φαινεται......το hdmi 1.3 εχει απεικονιση σε 48 ΒΙΤ χρωμα....να πω το εξης οτι τηλεωρασεις με 48 βιτ χρωμα δεν υπαρχουν.....ολες ειναι το πολυ μεχρι 12 βιτ.....οι νεες LCD ΟΙ ΟΠΟΙΕΣ UA EXOYN απεικονησει σε 48 βιτ χρωμα θα εχουν και hdmi 1.3....Kατα τα αλλα ειναι αχριστο....καταλαβα οτι εχει το PS3 ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΧΡΙΣΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΜΠΑΖΑ......Παμε για αλλα....

ΚΟΛΠΑ του MARKETING πλακα ολοι παρεα μου φαινεται......το hdmi 1.3 εχει απεικονιση σε 48 ΒΙΤ χρωμα....να πω το εξης οτι τηλεωρασεις με 48 βιτ χρωμα δεν υπαρχουν.....ολες ειναι το πολυ μεχρι 12 βιτ.....οι νεες LCD ΟΙ ΟΠΟΙΕΣ UA EXOYN απεικονησει σε 48 βιτ χρωμα θα εχουν και hdmi 1.3....Kατα τα αλλα ειναι αχριστο....καταλαβα οτι εχει το PS3 ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΧΡΙΣΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΜΠΑΖΑ......Παμε για αλλα....





1) Δεν υπαρχουν tv με 1080p που δεν χρειαζονται να πουλησω το αμαξι μου για να τις παρω,και μιλαμε για 48 bit?? (Και τα 1080p τα υποστηριζει σε games στην ΠΡΑΞΗ το 360 , ενω το ps3 οχι ακομα,ισως στο μελλον)


2) http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=748160




Here is a list of ALL consumer sources that support 36-48 bit color.__________


Here is a list of ALL displays that support 36-48 bit color.__________


Now aren't you even more excited


the encoding of HD DVD and Bluray discs are at 8 bit


3) Ooooooταν και ΑΝ επικρατησουν τα εν λογω προτυπα,θα εχουν περασει τουλαχιστον 5-6 χρονια,οποτε τοτε βλεπουμε.

Αν και εδω που τα λεμε μερικοι δινουν 200 ευρω παραπανω για κατωτερα προϊοντα,να δωσουν 15.000-20.000 ευρω θα κωλοσουν.Αφου ειπαμε Sony hype....

Αντε γεια!


Amazon's 100usd Core Xbox360: Thursday 11am PST


>> As expected the Xbox360 won Amazon's Customer Vote. Thursday 11am PST there will be 1000 Xbox360 Core system available for just 100 USD (instead of 299 USD). Get your browsers ready - it's probably gonna sell out in a matter of seconds:

Each week's winner goes on sale Thursdays at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. Buying will close when available quantities have sold out. Be online, ready and waiting on Amazon.com, the second buying goes live. If you don't have an Amazon.com account already, get one now. We predict that these deals will sell out rapidly.


You won't buy products from Amazon Customers Vote the way you'd ordinarily buy at Amazon.com. We've implemented a special series of screens to ensure we only take as many orders as we can fulfill, and to ensure that each customer buys only one item. You'll be asked to verify your identity, and issued one of a limited number of claim codes that allow you to purchase at the special discounted price.


You must buy via the Amazon Customers Vote page, not the product detail page, in order to buy one of the set-aside items; otherwise, you will not pass through the series of screens in which we issue the claim code, and you will not receive the discount.


100USD Xbox360 Core will be available here at 11am PST Thursday November 23.


More PS3 Exclusives Coming to Xbox 360

>> From joystiq.com:

Koei, long time PlayStation supporter has pulled Fatal Inertia and Blade Storm: The Hundred Years' War from the PS3 exclusive list and plopped them squarely into the Xbox 360 camp. Another PlayStation staple, the Armored Core series, is also coming to the white box in the form of Armored Core 4.


Read More: joystiq.com

το HDMI 1.3 ειναι τελειως απατη και αχρηστο.

ειναι ακριβως τοσο σημαντικο οσο ηταν τα SACD's πριν μερικα χρονια :D :D :D




..I'm too sexy for Las Vegas by far :D (whats your gamertag?)


o mavra eimai re :)


tha ta poume to vradi tet-a tet loipon :) emeis kai ta aytomata mas

Amazon's 100usd Core Xbox360: Thursday 11am PST


>> As expected the Xbox360 won Amazon's Customer Vote. Thursday 11am PST there will be 1000 Xbox360 Core system available for just 100 USD (instead of 299 USD). Get your browsers ready - it's probably gonna sell out in a matter of seconds:



100USD Xbox360 Core will be available here at 11am PST Thursday November 23.


distixos gia emas


I live outside the continental U.S. Can I still buy one of the deals?


None of the candidate items ships internationally. Additionally, a couple of the items only ship to the 48 contiguous states. If you reside in Alaska or Hawaii, click through to the detail page of the item you're interested in to make sure we can get it to you.

o mavra eimai re :)


tha ta poume to vradi tet-a tet loipon :) emeis kai ta aytomata mas


ελα ρε mavro provato!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

σημερα ραντεβου as usual!! ηδη εχω τα καρβουνα ετοιμα και τη ψησταρια περασμενη με λεμονι!:mrgreen:


καλη ιδεα βεβαια να βλεπαμε και lost planet - small arms. we'll see


Xbox 360 Wireless Wheel Claims Pole Position

IGN has reviewed the the Xbox 360 Official wireless steering wheel and rate it as a 9/10. They say there is enough in their to merit the $150 price tag slapped on it.




While the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel is packaged with PGR3 at a hefty $149.99, it feels more like a Forza wheel than a PGR wheel. In other words, it would have come out with Forza Motorsport 2 had that game not been delayed to "sometime in 2007." That insight is neither here nor there, but if you're thinking about getting Forza 2, this wheel, was designed and tested with that game in mind.


Still, this sturdy, smartly designed wireless wheel is worth the relatively high price tag. It is shipping within the first year of the system, which means it will eventually support all sorts of upcoming racing games -- and that means the investment will pay off mightily down the road. If you're serious about racing, this is your wheel.



Read More: IGN

ελα ρε mavro provato!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

σημερα ραντεβου as usual!! ηδη εχω τα καρβουνα ετοιμα και τη ψησταρια περασμενη με λεμονι!:mrgreen:


καλη ιδεα βεβαια να βλεπαμε και lost planet - small arms. we'll see


koita petre...eidika gia sena foresa tis GOW-Mpotes moy , leo na tis testaro pali simera sto sverko sou :) :)


ego epeksa ligo xtes to lost planet, leei all den exei invites se friends sto demo opote tha thelei pedema an vrethoun polla atoma mazi



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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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