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Defender on Live Arcade

Defender will be this Wednesday's Xbox Live Arcade release, Microsoft's announced.


Midway's classic shoot-'em-up will feature classic and enhanced graphics options, offline and Xbox Live multiplayer including co-operative modes, as well as the requisite online leaderboards and unlockable achievements.


The game will sell for 400 Microsoft points (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.65), with a trial version to download if you're not sure about whether you can be bothered with it.


Those of you who normally stay glued to your screens for the 8am GMT launch time might want to sit tight though, with MS bloggers admitting that it might be a little while before it's there.



Gamerscoreblog, which carries the Defender announcement, said "this one's coming hot out of cert [the certification process], and we're still aiming to bring it to you on Wednesday".


"However it's probably not going to hit at our traditional time of 0800 GMT, but our team is working really hard to get it to you as early as possible on Wednesday."


At the time of writing the game had yet to appear on Xbox Live Marketplace

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Microsoft to Dominate Through 2011?

One analyst believes Xbox 360 will reign supreme.


Yoshiyuki Kinoshita, a research analyst for Merrill Lynch's Japan branch, believes the Xbox 360 will rule the console roost for the next five years. A report in the International Business Times holds some surprising predictions for the future of the three next-gen consoles.


"The winner in the next-generation console battle is likely to be the Xbox 360, which is the leader in North America, the world's biggest market," said Kinoshita.


Merrill Lynch forecasts that in 2011, the 360 will hold a 39% share of the international market, with PS3 at 34% and the Wii trailing with a respectable 27%. This would make for a stark turn as the PS2 has enjoyed a 69% share of the worldwide market.


Microsoft's weak spot remains Japan. According to the report, Sony will continue to own the land of the rising sun with a 57% market share, while Wii follows with a 39% share. No share numbers for the Xbox 360 were offered, which seems about right for Microsoft's future in Japan.


As for North America, which has grown to become the most significant territory for console and software sales, Merrill Lynch predicts Microsoft will have a profound lead by 2011. The firm reports Microsoft will have hold of 50% of the North America market while Sony is expected to have just a 27% share. Nintendo follows closely behind with a 23% hold in North America.


No numbers were provided for Europe, but it is believed the fight between Sony and Microsoft will be fierce. With the delay of the PS3 until at least March in Europe, the door is open for Microsoft to lay claim as the next-gen leader.


Halo 3 Commercial!


Now to the business at hand – Thereʼs some juicy Halo information to absorb and process. First up is the announcement of an exclusive worldwide Halo 3 TV commercial set to air during Monday Night Football on December 4th. Naturally we donʼt want to spoil the fun but we did want to clear the air on a few points up front to set your expectations appropriately. As the press release mentions, this ad will feature CG scenes that are being built by a 3rd party agency (known as Digital Domain). Now you may be thinking to yourself – “CG!? But Bungie doesnʼt do CG!” – and you would be correct… until now.


For the purposes of this holiday commercial and knowing the tight timeline with which it had to come together we decided a long time ago that utilizing real, final, actual gameplay just wasnʼt the right thing to do. As you know, weʼre very protective of our baby and we will only show it when we feel itʼs ready to be shown (and even then itʼs sometimes pried from our protective fingers). We all agreed that a cooler thing to do would be to move as far away from gameplay-style footage as possible, and make something more movie-like. Let our fans see what the Halo universe looks like in a photo-realistic fashion.


We didnʼt want folks to think we were trying to pull the wool over their eyes, when we had such a great opportunity to do something cool and worthwhile.


Now donʼt get me wrong – just because this ad isnʼt gameplay doesnʼt mean itʼs not really cool. In fact, we provided the folks at Digital Domain with all of our new in-game models and assets. They then polished them up to movie CGI standards, animated them and rendered them to a degree of stunning beauty. There will be a lot to like in this ad and weʼre happy with how itʼs turning out. Just because youʼre seeing a kind of “real-life” representation of Halo 3 doesnʼt mean you arenʼt seeing real gameplay elements from Halo 3.


Of course youʼll also hear Halo 3 as well, with new music composed by our own Marty OʼDonnell. Weʼll leave it at that for now. After the commercial airs on television, it will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace in full 720p glory for you to dissect and discuss.


Shortly after the commercial airs, weʼll be treating our fans to the next installment in our “making of” documentary series on Xbox Live Marketplace. This next “VIDOC” is going to give some new insights into elements of the campaign and will peel back the curtain on a certain prominent character in Halo 3. Weʼll talk more about this in the coming week

xrest to CMR sto 360 pote vgainei?

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