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Worms XBLA complete


Worms HD for XBLA done, waiting on MS to be released

Posted in Games, Xbox Live Arcade, Rumors by Nino on November 8th, 2006 at 1:11

ILoveXbla.com found some interesting news on Team17 fansite Dream17 concerning a rumored Xbox Live Arcade port of good old Worms. Apparently the guy that runs Dream17 bumped into Worms producer Martyn Brown during the 2006 London Games Festival back in October and Brown told him that “Worms HD is now complete, and itʼs just a matter of Microsoft releasing it”. Bombs away!



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Call of Duty 3 Review


8.5 Presentation

The in-engine cut scenes are done well enough, but why canʼt you skip them? The extras are appreciated.

9.0 Graphics

This game oozes detail. Combine this with insane amounts of on-screen activity and youʼre transported into WWII.

9.0 Sound

Music from the period mixes with a dramatic score and unbelievably atmospheric sounds of battle to make excellent audio.

8.5 Gameplay

It wasnʼt broken so they didnʼt fix it. The campaign additions are welcome, but donʼt significantly add to the experience. The online features are exactly what the series needed.

9.0 Lasting Appeal

24 players online with multiple vehicles and character classes. This should be a heavily played online game this holiday season.



(out of 10 / not an average)


Players fight as the Americans, British, Canadians, and Polish. That's right - you have the honor of joining a Polish armored division as they roll their tanks across enemy lines. Canada and Poland are two forces that have yet to be represented in a WWII game and their inclusion is refreshing.


na dw pote tha aksiwthoun na baloun k tin ellada mesa se ww2 game.ti douleia exoun oi polonoi pou xasan apo ton hitler mesa se 1 bdomada k ti oi kanadoi.toulaxiston emeis simeiwsame tin prwti niki kata tou aksona,k i antistasi itan apo ta pio lambra paradeigmata,me spoudaia kiolas gegonota.bazoun tous aniparktous mesa.katse na tous steilw ena mail..



na dw pote tha aksiwthoun na baloun k tin ellada mesa se ww2 game.ti douleia exoun oi polonoi pou xasan apo ton hitler mesa se 1 bdomada k ti oi kanadoi.toulaxiston emeis simeiwsame tin prwti niki kata tou aksona,k i antistasi itan apo ta pio lambra paradeigmata,me spoudaia kiolas gegonota.bazoun tous aniparktous mesa.katse na tous steilw ena mail..
lol mia xara 8a tan na xe thn krhth :P h na bgaine paixnidi opw sto mod tote me thn apobash sthn normandia pou na eixe thn maxh ths krhths.

πωπω... η φαση με τους γερμανους αλεξιπτωτιστες να σφαγιαζονται απο τους κρητικους με τα τσεκουρια και τα ξιναρια πριν ακομα πατησουν εδαφος θα ηταν οτι καλυτερο και πιο εμπνευσμενο εχει υπαρξει σε war game μεχρι σημερα!!


αλλα αμφιβαλλω αν η μαγκια του Ελληνα χωραει μεσα στο 360, ή σε οποιαδηποτε κονσολα 8)

αυτα ειναι next-next-next-gen κολπα 8)


Arcade: Contra


The following content is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace for all Xbox Live members:


Name: Contra

Price: 400 Points

Available in: All Xbox Live regions.

Dash Details: [ESRB: E10+ (EVERYONE 10+) ANIMATED BLOOD, MILD VIOLENCE] Single Player, Live Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Download Contra for free today and relive the fun of this arcade classic! Destroy Red Falcon and save the world from the alien menace. Buy the full version to unlock the entire game and play online with your friends!


MS denies bigger HDD again



Microsoft has once again denied that it's doing a high capacity Xbox 360 hard disk.


Last month the company claimed that sightings of a 100GB hard disk in Korea had "been misleading", but its latest response comes after more convincing photographs of an Xbox 360 hard disk claiming to have 70GB of free space began circulating.


The company's announcement that TV and film content will be released through Xbox 360 has also increased speculation that a bigger hard disk is on the horizon.


High definition film rental files will occupy over a quarter of the space on the 360's existing hard disk, Microsoft admitted this week, even though they will delete themselves promptly within 24 hours of viewing.



A Microsoft spokesperson admitted that a larger hard disk "is always a possibility".


"The device is modular and there's the possibility that different hard drives will be available in the future. To reiterate, we have no plans to announce such an accessory in the near future," the spokesperson added - with the emphasis presumably on "near".




3-4 fores deny exei kanei se ena koino mistiko..


οντως το κοντρα ειναι φοβερο ειδικα διπλο.το επαιζα πιτσιρικας στο nes και αργοτερα στο gameboy και τωρα στα mame:mrgreen:


Rumor: MS to release 80, 100, 160 and 200GB HD for 360


A gaming blog is claiming that a trusted mole has relayed to them that MS will release a 80GB and 100GB Xbox 360 Hard Drive and potentially 160GB and 200GB versions in the future.



On the hard drive:
They are going to announce and release 80GB or 100GB hard drives, but not sure yet which one but possibly both. As well as the future 160GB and 200GB options.

HDMI cables and prices should follow this hard drive news. Expect a $69.99 price.

Game price drops:
The Outfit for the 360 is dropping to $10 at Best Buy “FOR SURE.” Itʼs also a solid rumor that many will drop to $15 and $20 through the holidays. Madden 06, PDZ, THUG, King Kong, NHL06, Ridge Racer (already is) and most dated sports games.


News Source: Destructoid


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