p3tran Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 NextGen.biz - Sony Slams Microsoft TV Deals Sony has issued a statement criticizing its rival Microsoft's TV and movies announcement, arguing that it cuts out Core system users, who will not be able to store the content, thereby splitting the user-base. Microsoft's TV and movie downloads are available to owners of the higher-priced (and more popular) version of Xbox 360, but not to Core system owners who do not have a hard drive. A spokesperson for Sony offered, "PlayStation 3's content is designed for everyone to enjoy right out of the box, no matter which configuration you purchase. We would never segregate or shut out any of our consumers from our entertainment experience because they didn't buy the top of the line system. Both PlayStation 3 versions available on November 17 include hard drives for downloading content." We'll have more on this from Microsoft later. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D μιλαμε πρεπει να τα εχουνε χασει στη sony λιγακι, ετσι? μαλλον τους πειραξε κι'ολας η ανακοινωση της m$ για τα downloadable HD movies μεσω του Live δεν εξηγειται αλλιως!! παντως πιστευω πως η m$ θα πρεπει να απαντησει σε αυτες τις ηλιθιοτητες περι διαχωριζμου των πελατων λογω ελλειψης σκληρου δισκου, τονιζοντας πραγματα οπως οτι - ακομα και η "ακριβη"(399) εκδοση του 360 ειναι πολυ φτηνοτερη απο την "φτηνη"(499) εκδοση του ps3, οποτε σε σχεση με το ps3, ολα τα 360 ειναι "φθηνα" - η "φτηνη"(299) εκδοση του 360 αναβαθμιζεται ανα πασα στιγμη σε ακριβη εκδοση, με κοστος που παλι ειναι πολυ πιο κατω (399) απο το φτηνο playstation 3(499). και τελος, για την βαρυγδουπη δηλωση οτι "η Sony δεν ξεχωριζει/απομονωνει τους πελατες της", θα πρεπει ετσι για το γελιο να τους υπενθυμισει καποιος οτι - το 95% των πελατων δεν εχουν HDTV και αυτους τους απομονωνει και τους παρα-απομονωνει αφου δεν μπορουν να χρησιμοποιησουνε το ...bluray :-D :-D noobz οι PRητζηδες στη sony μου φαινεται...
xrest Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 re gmt emena o diskos me problimatizei..de mporousan na baloun toulaxiston 40gigs.an thimaste oi prwtes photos tou 360 itan me 40gigs skliro.pou tha xwresoun ola auta se 13gigs?prepei na bgalei megalitero disko asap
mixalisss Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 an den bariesia katse kai ftiaxe ton esi monos kapou pire to mati mou pou to kanan kai eixe analitikes odigies kaito kaneis k 100gb
p3tran Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 xrest λες να μην το ξερουνε αυτο στην microsoft? τα βγαζουνε λιγα-λιγα τα περιφεριακα για να μην παθουμε αμοκ. ειμαι 100% σιγουρος οτι ο 100ρης δισκος ειναι ετοιμος. τον ειδαμε αλλωστε και στην παρουσιαση του νεου dashboard στην ιαπωνια. αν θυμασαι στα slides ελεγε "70gb free" να ειναι απο devkit αποκλειεται, γιατι κατ'αρχην τα devkits εχουνε 60αρη δισκο, και κατα δευτερον τα devkits εχουνε τετοιο partitioning που στο dashboard και κατα την κανονικη λειτουργεια του 360 βλεπει το default 20gig partition επισης με τις νεες μεθοδες στα compression, θα δουμε νουμερα που μεχρι πριν λιγο καιρο δεν τα φανταζομασταν ευκολα για υψηλες ποιοτητες...
xrest Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 to kserw oti tha to xoun skeftei.alla pes to oti m fainetai arpaxti.giati fobamai na skeftw poso tha exei enas 100gb skliros otan o 20aris exei 100e..
p3tran Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 παντως δεν θα εχει 500ε :D relax ουτε ο 20αρης θα παραμεινει σε αυτη την τιμη. απλα σκεφτονται κι αυτοι τι τους συμφερει, ή καλυτερα πότε τους συμφερει να κανουνε αυτες τις κινησεις. ισως θα περιμενουν πρωτα να περασει η αγοραστικη μανια των γιορτων..
Stormwatch Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 IGN GoW Review 9.4 Closing Comments Gears of War is a must-have game, pure and simple. Epic has effectively created a new gaming universe, and the rich story of planet Sera holds its own with the likes of Hyrule, City 17 and the Mushroom-friggin'-Kingdom. A game so gorgeous, both visually and audibly, that is this fun to play comes along only a handful of times a console generation. There is a healthy learning curve to the cover system, but those who master it will find Epic's twisting and turning and rolling an exciting change-up in the shooter genre, a blend of fast-arcade action and basic, tactical maneuvering. The Insane difficulty level gives Gears legs months after you've finished the relatively-short campaign, and even with a friend it is an impossible, irresistible challenge. Versus is a one-trick pony, consisting of a team deathmatch with three basic variations, but damn, that mode is fun. Downloadable content is on the way, says Epic, but as it stands today, we are left wanting more. Bottom line: Gears of War is the special kind of game that makes you feel like a kid again, a sadistic little bastard obsessed with gore and chainsaws. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/744/744356p1.html
Blackjim Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 poly endiaferwn. Alla ola auta tzampe? me diafimiseis? mipws palia epeisodia? giati ta kainourgia se HD tzampe ... sounds too good too be true...
xrest Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 IGN GoW Review 9.4 Closing Comments Gears of War is a must-have game, pure and simple. Epic has effectively created a new gaming universe, and the rich story of planet Sera holds its own with the likes of Hyrule, City 17 and the Mushroom-friggin'-Kingdom. A game so gorgeous, both visually and audibly, that is this fun to play comes along only a handful of times a console generation. There is a healthy learning curve to the cover system, but those who master it will find Epic's twisting and turning and rolling an exciting change-up in the shooter genre, a blend of fast-arcade action and basic, tactical maneuvering. The Insane difficulty level gives Gears legs months after you've finished the relatively-short campaign, and even with a friend it is an impossible, irresistible challenge. Versus is a one-trick pony, consisting of a team deathmatch with three basic variations, but damn, that mode is fun. Downloadable content is on the way, says Epic, but as it stands today, we are left wanting more. Bottom line: Gears of War is the special kind of game that makes you feel like a kid again, a sadistic little bastard obsessed with gore and chainsaws. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/744/744356p1.html Another Takefrom Erik Brudvig Gears of War is the best looking game I've ever seen. No contest. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can talk about the game. Gears of War may have been built around the campaign mode, but the adversarial multiplayer game is nothing to scoff at. The maximum of eight players split into two teams may be a small number for a modern online shooter, but it works well to keep the action going, especially when your first death means you're out of the game. The rounds move quickly and you never feel like you're just waiting around for the game to end, which takes a big chunk out of the annoyances I've found with some shooters in the past. Gears of War really straddles the line between a tactical shooter and a pure action game by forcing players to think about how they can look for protection while still maintaining a furious pace. That really is where the multiplayer game shines. Trying to plan out your attack and think clearly amidst a hectic battlefield makes for some seriously fun and intense gaming. Then there is the campaign mode. Playing through it co-operatively is a must, especially for those that aren't the most skilled players. The mid-level setting of hardcore is extremely tough, even with another person by your side to revive you every time the Locusts take you down. Forget about playing the game on the Insane. It will tear you to bits. Being able to play the co-op mode in split screen or online is a huge plus, especially considering the lack of offline co-operative play we've seen in some recent Xbox 360 titles. In fact, Gears of War has many of the features gamers have been clamoring for in recent years, straight down to legacy and southpaw control options. There aren't too many things that weren't done amazingly well with Gears of War, but the game isn't perfect. My biggest gripe with Gears of War comes with the A button being used too much. Holding it down will cause you to start sprinting. Tapping it will cause you to take cover on a nearby wall or downed pillar. It is also used to quickly dive to one side, jump over small obstacles, or leap from one level to another. This all works well towards making the game pick-up-and-play friendly, but it also creates some annoyances. Running along and brushing up against an obstacle will suck you into that piece of cover even if you just wanted to run by. It's a minor annoyance, but its still there. The only other real problem with the game is the lack of modes in multiplayer. Each of them essentially boils down to a form of team deathmatch. Even with the minor faults, Gears of War is easily a contender for game of the year. The graphics, sound and presentation are nearly unparalleled. The gameplay is phenomenal and you'd be hard pressed to find a more complete package. Gears of War has shown what Xbox 360 is capable of. Now it remains to be seen what other developers can do to keep up.
xrest Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Saints Row Expands New map pack hits Marketplace today. A new multiplayer map for THQ's pimping 'n' cap-poppin' ganster game Saints Row has just gone up on Marketplace. The download, titled the Industrial Map Pack, includes a "fast-paced level that takes place in an abandoned factory", so expect lots of burnt out buildings, bad-mouthed men in boiler suits and trashed smackheads cowering in the corners. The map can be played in both Gangsta Brawl and Big A$$ Chains multiplayer modes and costs a reasonable 80 Microsoft points, so check it out with your homies now http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/744/744466p1.html
p3tran Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 poly endiaferwn. Alla ola auta tzampe? me diafimiseis?mipws palia epeisodia? giati ta kainourgia se HD tzampe ... sounds too good too be true... σωπα ρε που θα ειναι τσαμπε!! σιγα να μη σε πληρωνουν κιολας για να τα κατεβασεις!! απλα οι τιμες θα ειναι καλες. για HD υπολογιζω καννα 5ε ειναι καλα. θα δειξει ομως..
Blackjim Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 σωπα ρε που θα ειναι τσαμπε!! σιγα να μη σε πληρωνουν κιολας για να τα κατεβασεις!! απλα οι τιμες θα ειναι καλες. για HD υπολογιζω καννα 5ε ειναι καλα. θα δειξει ομως.. loool re pou tha plirwsw 5e gia ena epeisodio!!pas kala? as tis valoun tzampe me diafimiseis. Alliws efxaristw alla de tha parw.
p3tran Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Νοεμβρίου 2006 TV Shows are going to cost 240 MS pts per episode Movie Rental 320pts TV Shows SD Version 240 pts HD Version 240 pts http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/marketplace/moviestv.htm Movie Rental 320pts for SD 480 pts for HD. You get to keep it for 14 days, until you WATCH IT. Then you have it for 24 hours. Batman Forever SD movie 1.3GB HD movie 5.4 GB Official Press Release REDMOND, Wash. — Nov. 6, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced agreements with CBS, MTV Networks, Paramount Pictures, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.), Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment to bring an initial lineup of over 1,000 hours of hit TV shows and movies to Xbox 360™ gamers in the U.S. by the end of the year. Beginning Nov. 22, on its first anniversary, Xbox 360 will be the first gaming console in history to provide standard- and high-definition TV shows and movies direct to gamers in their living rooms. Xbox 360 gamers will have access to the full-length TV shows as download to own and movies as download to rent via Xbox Live®, the worldwide leader in online distribution of high-definition gaming and entertainment content. This announcement brings with it several additional “firsts”: * For the first time, consumers will get an integrated gaming and entertainment experience on a gaming console that includes downloadable high-definition TV shows and movies. This new full-length content adds to the ever expanding number of choices gamers have on their Xbox 360, whether they want to play games or play a movie on a disc or as a download in high definition or standard definition. * For the first time, CBS will deliver high-definition download-to-own TV shows including “CSI,” “Jericho,” “Numb3rs” and re-mastered “Star Trek” episodes – buy them and watch them again and again * For the first time on any platform, NASCAR.COM will deliver download-to-own condensed versions of select NEXTEL Cup races from “Race Rewind". * For the first time, the Ultimate Fighting Championship will make 50 of its most intense fights available for download as well as select episodes from the original season of “The Ultimate Fighter” reality series. "This groundbreaking announcement is a win for everyone,” said Peter Moore, corporate vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. “It connects our partners with one of the most coveted audiences in entertainment today, and provides an even greater value to our Xbox Live community, allowing them to enjoy the games and entertainment they want, when they want it.” The initial line-up of TV shows available for download to own and feature films available for download to rent will include a growing catalogue of popular hits. Examples of content that will be available on the network by the end of year include: * "Robot Chicken” and “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” from Adult Swim * “CSI,” “Survivor” and “Star Trek” from CBS * Emmy and Peabody Award-Winning “South Park” and “Chappelleʼs Show” from COMEDY CENTRAL * “The Real World” and “Pimp My Ride” from MTV * ”Avatar: The Last Airbender” and ”SpongeBob SquarePants” from Nickelodeon * “Skyland” and “The Nicktoons Network Animation Festival” from Nicktoons Network * “Nacho Libre” and “Jackass: The Movie” from Paramount Pictures * “Carpocalypse” and “Raising the Roofs” from Spike TV * “Race Rewind” provided by NASCAR.COM * Select episodes of the original season of “The Ultimate Fighter” reality series and the “UFC: All Access” shows from the UFC * “Breaking Bonaduce” and “Hogan Knows Best” from VH1 * “The Matrix,” “Superman Returns” and “Batman Forever” from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Xbox 360 gamers can access Xbox Live Marketplace with a free Xbox Live Silver subscription and a broadband connection. For more information about the content available on Xbox Live Marketplace visit http://www.xbox.com/marketplaceentertainment
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