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Gears of War Chainsawed in Germany


From ve3d.ign.com:

I just received a release from Microsoft's German PR firm that will undoubtedly annoy a lot of people. Why? Because it says Gears of War is no longer being released in Germany.


So basically, the situation is similar to the one experienced by Capcom when Dead Rising was due for release over here - the game was rejected a rating by the USK ratings board. This means that Microsoft wouldn't be able to advertise the game and that shops wouldn't be able to put the game on their shelves - if you wanted to buy Gears of War you'd have to ask the cashier for it and then be slipped a copy in a brown paper bag.


Following the ratings decision Microsoft explored the possibility of creating a version that could acquire a rating, but unfortunately this was incompatible with other versions released around the world when played on Xbox Live, so now Microsoft has decided to just not release the game, period. Germans still wishing to play Gears of War will likely have to import it from Austria, or the UK.

Read More: ve3d.ign.com
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HEXUS preview Gears Of War


Itʼs a tough job but someoneʼs got to do it. We set off to a swanky London penthouse to play one of the most anticipated games of 2006, the third-person tactical shooter, Gears of War. Weʼd heard mixed previews, mainly revolving around a dodgy control system, but weʼd been looking forward to the game for so long that we werenʼt going to be phased by the hollers of discontent from a minority. Weʼve seen plenty of trailers to know that Gears of War would look great and seen in-game footage which had blew us away, but itʼs easy to be deceived with the publisherʼs hype when we hadnʼt seen it with our own eyes. We were excited, but also cautious just in case Gears of War didnʼt quite live up to our expectations.


From the moment that we clutched the 360 controller in our sweaty palms and witnessed the first 30 seconds of the multiplayer map called Gridlock we were quite literally stunned. I exchanged a few glances with the HEXUS.gaming Editor Nick Haywood which was enough to tell the story. We didnʼt have to say anything; it was the language of the gamer, the twinkle in his eye, and his ever widening smile that told me that he was thinking exactly what I was thinking. It was a moment where I just wanted to lay bare my inner emotions and shout at the top of my voice. It was moment that defied all logic as I struggled to come to terms with how the first moments of a videogame had messed with my soul. I literally took up position behind the cover of a car and sat there shaking my head in disbelief, frozen with awe, but occasionally brave enough to take a few pot-shots at an enemy on the far side of the map. As a person whoʼs been gaming for 18 years, playing Gears of War is undoubtedly the highest Iʼve ever felt. Forget drugs and alcohol, everything you need to get that adrenaline pumping is coming our way in November.


A bit of background first… Gears of War thrusts gamers into humankindʼs epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde. In this third-person tactical action/horror game, players live and breathe the role of Marcus Fenix. A disgraced former war hero, Marcus seeks personal redemption as he leads his fire team against an onslaught of merciless warrior fiends.


Gears of War is so good that weʼve been on a come-down since we had to leave it behind. Itʼs all weʼve been thinking about ever since and weʼre in no doubt that itʼs shaping up to be one of the greatest games of all time and one that should inspire other developers to follow suit. The era of next-gen shooters is upon us and youʼd be foolish if you didnʼt want to be part of it. ʽEmergence Dayʼ is on November 17th and it shouldnʼt be missed.

Καλά κανένας δεν λέει τίποτα που βγαίνει 17 Νοέμβρη το παιχνίδι?Πρέπει να στείλουμε ένα mail στον γραφικό εκείνο που το φτιάχνει(πως τον λένε Cliff?) να το αναφέρουμε.Γουστάρω πάντως μάχες με τους ανάρχες για ένα gears of war.Α και ον τόπικ στο νέο egm γράφει ότι ετοιμάζεται next gen DESERT STRIKE(yeah baby) και πως είναι στα σχέδια keyboard και mouse για το 360(και επικείμενη κυκλοφορία του wow).

Τουλάχστον ELLADA μέχρι τώρα δεν έχουμε κάποια απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας ενός τίτλου.
kala rwta tous dysthxeis idiokthtes internet cafe pou ekleisan ta magazia tous kai phgan aytoforo otan te8hke se isxh aytos o nomos.... Mhn milhsoume gia to to na paizeis arcade games e3i8w8hke me ta froutakia kai apagoreythke....


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