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Makari na kaneis la8os! :evil:


Pote den kanw la8os :mrgreen:


Game Features:

Offline Players: 1-2

System Link

Online Multiplayer: 1-8

Online Cooperative: 2

Downloadable Content

Online Leaderboards

Clan Support

EDTV 480p Support

HDTV 720p Support

HDTV 1080i Support

Dolby 5.1 In-Game

Xbox 360 Exclusive


FIFA 07 Update

Throw your weight around with next-gen physics and momentum.


October 11, 2006 - FIFA 07 Update

Throw your weight around with next-gen physics and momentum. Quick gameplay impressions.


People are going to hate FIFA 07 at first.


At first.


It seems very similar to recent soccer games -- same camera angles, same control setup, same commentary and crowd noise. It just feels so damned different. Goal scorers in Winning Eleven and EA's 2006 FIFA World Cup are going to feel lost and inept after the first several blank sheets on semi-pro difficulty (that's the easy one).


But then you'll start to get it. Then you'll start to score and maybe, just maybe, you'll begin to appreciate some of the changes EA is making with its soccer franchise. It's not there yet, but FIFA 07 is a good first step toward a new brand of soccer, a next-gen experience.


The demo is already out on Xbox Live marketplace, and many of you probably have already noticed that FIFA 07 on the 360 is a slow game of soccer. After blasting through the current-generation version, sprint button permanently held down, FIFA 360 was a wake-up call. The players just move much more slowly, thanks to a new physics system similar to NBA Live 07. Players now have weight and have to plant their feet before making strong cuts. As a result, you'll find yourself slowing the game down and using the sprint button less, which results in a much more tactical experience than FIFA current-gen and, in some ways, than Winning Eleven.




With the game slowed down, offense is all about probing the defense, creating space for players, triggering runs, making timely crosses and building an attack. Whereas in other games an attack may consist of three or four passes and a quick shot, FIFA 07 demands eight, nine or ten passes, a defensive breakdown and a stroke of luck to score goals. That's not to say that a quick counter isn't effective. It is. But if the numbers aren't in your favor, you'll find it much more effective to pass back to a midfielder or even a fullback and have him bring the ball up and push the attack forward.


The system really shines on defense. Defenders will strafe side to side naturally, and a touch of the A button will apply pressure to the ball carrier. It's important to wait until you have an angle at the ball -- coming through from behind or the sides will often result in a whistle.




Where the new weight system hurts is in ball handling on the offensive end. Trying to make subtle cuts around defenders is impossible. Instead, you'll plant your foot, shift your weight; plant your foot, shift your weight; plant your foot, shift your weight. It feels like you're running in quicksand, and there must be a happy medium in there where subtle changes in direction don't result in a long planting animation.


Probably the thing FIFA 07 does best on the pitch is triggered runs and through balls. Through ball passes on the Y button are nowhere near as effective as in, say, FIFA World Cup, where you could carve through the defense like a warm knife through butter. In that game, you could simply hit the Y button and the forward would magically know where the ball was going before it was even kicked, a magical telepathic bond that was heretofore reserved to the Olsen twins. In 07, you pull the left trigger and trigger the run. Then, at just the right moment, you place the ball between the defense and lead your striker to a one-on-one with the keeper. Pass too early and the ball will be taken by the defense. Pass too late and the striker will sprint right into an offsides whistle.




Past WE and FIFA games have included triggered runs before, but no system has been so finely implemented.


The ball physics are also a treat as the ball is completely removed from the player models. As a result, you'll see traps fly every which way, deflections off the backs of some players, off the faces of others. It's a bit sloppier than past soccer titles if only because it's more realistic.




While we've all come to know and master past FIFA titles and Winning Eleven titles, FIFA 07 offers a different gameplay experience. And because it's different, a lot of fans are not going to like this game while they learn a new way to play soccer. For the first few games, I couldn't stand it. But, step by step, as I experimented with the new momentum and physics and learned to probe the defense and work on long possessions, I'm starting to enjoy FIFA next-gen. It's not even close to EA's best effort, but it is a refreshing and solid foundation for the future of FIFA soccer.


We will have more next week as we explore Manager Mode and get even deeper in FIFA 07.


Microsoft opens Xbox Live Marketplace to web-browsing

No PC downloads allowed, but Xbox 360 owners can now view listings over the web


Microsoft has launched a website that allows gamers to explore Xbox Live Marketplace without having to turn on their Xbox 360.

Xbox Live Pipeline allows anybody to browse the listings for demos, trailers, themes and other downloadable content.

Although it's impossible to buy content using the web service, it's likely to prove popular with gamers frustrated by the console's own rather clunky browsing interface.


As well as listing all the service's content, Microsoft also uses it to push Xbox 360-related wares through an "Editor's Choice" panel, where new releases like the Xbox Live Vision camera are promoted next to adverts telling you where you can buy Microsoft points.


There are some drawbacks though. There is currently no way to list content by the date it was added, making it difficult to establish what's new, while the demos page also includes Xbox Live Arcade titles, cluttering the listing.


As with the console's own interface, which receives biannual upgrades, Microsoft is expected to refine Pipeline as consumers offer feedback.

It's also possible that the Pipeline service will one day allow PC owners to download software as well as browsing it - Microsoft has made a big show in recent months of its intention to offer cross-platform gaming experiences between Xbox 360, PC and mobile, under a campaign called "Live Anywhere".


EA to stump up USD $20,000 prize for FIFA tournament

First time cash prize for FIFA Interactive World Cup


Electronic Arts' FIFA Interactive World Cup is to receive a boost with a USD $20,000 (EUR 15,900) cash prize going to the winner - the first time the company has offered a financial incentive to consumers to enter the annual competition.


A series of qualifying matches will be held across the globe in locations such as Brazil, Denmark, Spain and Germany, with the final held in Amsterdam on December 9th.


"We're really excited to be part of the FIFA Interactive World Cup 2006 exclusively bringing next-generation high-definition football gaming action to players across the globe with FIFA 07," said Richard Teversham, head of marketing at Xbox Europe.


"It's great to be hosting the connected gaming tournaments on Xbox Live giving our three million members worldwide the chance be part of this great competition and take on their friends," he added.


Εμένα πάλι γιατί η 360 έκδοση του FIFA 07 μου φαίνεται χειρότερη σε όλα εκτός από τα γραφικά (σε σχέση με του PC εννοείται). Αυτά τα next gen gameplay κόλπα πολύ μούφα μου φαίνονται. Πότε είπαμε βγαίνει το FIFA 08? :)

Εμένα πάλι γιατί η 360 έκδοση του FIFA 07 μου φαίνεται χειρότερη σε όλα εκτός από τα γραφικά (σε σχέση με του PC εννοείται). Αυτά τα next gen gameplay κόλπα πολύ μούφα μου φαίνονται. Πότε είπαμε βγαίνει το FIFA 08? :)


Κατσε ρε αδερφε να δουμε το full game και ΥΣΤΕΡΑ αποφασιζουμε!


Παιδιά ένα θα πω ακόμα για το Fifa07 και τέλος. ΤΑ ΔΙΚΤΥΑ του τέρματος. Όταν έβαλα goal για πρώτη φορά έπαθα πλάκα. Απο τσιμέντο είναι... Μόλις είδα το replay του goal έπαθα κρίση. Είναι τα ίδια απο το Fifa97 για SNES!!!! Έλεος πια για ποια γραφικά μιλάμε και για ποιο ρεαλισμό;

Παιδιά ένα θα πω ακόμα για το Fifa07 και τέλος. ΤΑ ΔΙΚΤΥΑ του τέρματος. Όταν έβαλα goal για πρώτη φορά έπαθα πλάκα. Απο τσιμέντο είναι... Μόλις είδα το replay του goal έπαθα κρίση. Είναι τα ίδια απο το Fifa97 για SNES!!!! Έλεος πια για ποια γραφικά μιλάμε και για ποιο ρεαλισμό;
ap olo to game t a dyxtia eides??????

Το Fifa κρίνοντας απο το demo μόνο, έβαλε μια βάση για να κάνει κάτι πολύ καλό αλλά δεν είναι ακόμα εκεί. Πιθανώς να υπάρχει κάποια βελτίωση στο full release και αν και το Online είναι όσο καλό υπόσχεται με τετρακίνηση και διπλό διαφορικό, αξίζει μακράν. Αλλά ρε παιδιά αν δεν παίξουμε και τα 2 φουλ απόφαση δεν βγαίνει, ούτε απο βίντεο ούτε βέβαια απο το αν έχουν βάλει αθερινόδιχτα ή συρματοπλέγματα στο τέρμα.

Το Fifa κρίνοντας απο το demo μόνο, έβαλε μια βάση για να κάνει κάτι πολύ καλό αλλά δεν είναι ακόμα εκεί. Πιθανώς να υπάρχει κάποια βελτίωση στο full release και αν και το Online είναι όσο καλό υπόσχεται με τετρακίνηση και διπλό διαφορικό, αξίζει μακράν. Αλλά ρε παιδιά αν δεν παίξουμε και τα 2 φουλ απόφαση δεν βγαίνει, ούτε απο βίντεο ούτε βέβαια απο το αν έχουν βάλει αθερινόδιχτα ή συρματοπλέγματα στο τέρμα.
Kai gia na matheis kala ena podosfairaki thelei kai 2-3 vdomades toulaxiston ;)

De mathainetai kati neo se mia - dyo meres. Poso mallon kati san to Fifa07 pou exei teleiws alli filosofia apo to Pes/We pou paizoume...


re paidia ti paizei me to play.com poio poli sinferei na paroume ta paixnidia apo ekei me 60 euro anti gia 65 70 pou tha exoun edw, ase pou exei to nba2k7 45 euro.psonizei kaneis apo ekei?poso kairo kanoun na ta steiloun.oso gia to PRO6 exei release date 27/10 oxi 20 pou akouse kapoios.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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