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Xbox 360 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Συγγνώμη, έχεις παίξει τη full version του FIFA 07 σε PC? Έχεις παίξει το demo του 360? Αν όχι, πάω πάσο. Αν ναι, τότε μάλλον θα διαπίστωσες ότι δεν έχουν καμία απολύτως σχέση μεταξύ τους. Το 90% των κινήσεων και συνδυασμών κουμπιών στο PC δεν δουλεύει στο 360 ενώ ανακοινώθηκε επίσημα ότι τα frame drops δεν θα υπάρχουν στην full 360 έκδοση. Αν θεωρήσουμε ότι οι εκδόσεις PC-360 θα είναι πανομοιότυπες στο gameplay, τότε βγάζουμε τα συμπεράσματά μας για το πόσο πλήρες είναι το demo. Εκτός πια κι αν η EA Sports δεν θέλει να είναι ίδιες οι εκδόσεις των 2 formats. Εκεί πάλι πάω πάσο...



file nzeppos exw paixei mono sto 360.enoeite file oti to game sto pc einai poli diaforetiko apo to 360 opws to LIVE06 persi.vasika entelws diaforetikh mixani grafikwn alla kai AI(opote allazei automata kai to gameplay ligo) opote tha fenonte sasn dio diaforetika paixnidia.an tapaixnidia itan paromiotipa(sta grafika) tote to paixnidi tha ithele toulaxiston mia 6800ultra gia na trexei kala opote automata i EA xanei to 80%ton pc gamers kati pou den sinferei.twra an esy emathes oti den tha iparxoun frame drops stin teliki ekdosi ti na pw.den katalavainw pws ginetai na exalifthei tetoio provlima se toso ligo xrono.kai den milaw gia frame drops sto fifa milaw kirios gia stathero framerate isws kai 10 15 frames alla stathero.den xekinaei i cutscene apo px 40 kai peftei sta 10.telos pantewn exoume katantisei kourastikoi me auto to thema.


from fifa forums:


Quote:Originally Posted by EAUK_Sentience


Guys, I've had this clarified, FIFA 07 does not in fact include skill moves or tricks, the big focus this year has instead been on a very responsive player control and core animation system which I think you've all seen in the demo. The fully loose ball physics have also meant many more basic animations are required to respond to this which is one reason why it has not been possible to put in more specialised trick animations.


There's also been a strong focus on the way players react to one another, so if you send a wing back on a player run a midfield player will drop back and defend in his place. There are lots of little things like that which go on all over the pitch, that's one of the important details that has been a big focus for FIFA 07 on next-gen.


As the official FIFA 07 forum we always do our utmost to provide accurate information to you, unfortunately this was a rare instance that slipped through the cracks as a result of a miscommunication. Sorry for any disappointment here however we will definitely pass on how much you guys all want to see tricks and skill moves in next-gen FIFA.


Κάθησα και διάβασα όλα τα threads, στο εν λόγω forum, που αναφέρονται στην έλλειψη skills/moves και δεν έβγαλα άκρη. To post ενός EA admin που ανέφερε ο privateer είναι και το μόνο που διαφωτίζει κάπως την κατάσταση. Aπό την άλλη υπάρχουν άλλα 10+ ενεργά threads που προσπαθούν να καταλήξουν (χωρίς επιτυχία) στο αν το παιχνίδι θα έχει skills στις next-gen εκδόσεις.


Οπότε μάλλον κρατάμε μια πισινή να δούμε τι θα γίνει στο τέλος. Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι αν γίνει αυτό που φοβόμαστε θα είναι μεγάλο κάζο. Εγώ τουλάχιστον δεν πρόκειται να ασχοληθώ καθόλου με το 360 Fifa αν δεν έχει skills.



Ultimate MK3 XBLA next month


Reports in Americaland pin Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3's Xbox Live Arcade release date down a bit better than we had before; according to GameSpot, Midway says it will join the Arcade line-up in November.


There it'll do battle, of course, with Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, which remains among the ten most popular Live Arcade titles available - although Midway will presumably be hoping for a slightly better reaction to its online versus mode than Ca--pco--m-go--t-fo--r-its.


UMK3 is hardly the only Midway game on the way to Live Arcade in the future, incidentally - with the publisher having already pledged the likes of Paperboy and Defender, following releases of Gauntlet, Joust and Smash TV earlier in the console's lifespan.



Superman Returns Demo coming for XBL


While attending the EA Community Day for Superman Returns, TalkXbox has received word that Tiburon is planning on a demo of the game through Xbox Live. No guarantee as of yet on if it will be up prior to its release date, but we are crossing our fingers that it makes it out on the Xbox Live Marketplace in the near future.


Gears Of War Demo in 2 days (?)


Gears of War just got all viral on us. People who subscribed to the game's official site received an email this morning with a cryptic message and even more cryptic link.


The message seems to be a bit of coalition propaganda, but a dozen of the words in the paragraph are hyperlinks to the same page. The links all point to a sub-page of the Gears of War site called 48HrsExclusiveAccess. The page first shows a little black and white security video of Marcus Fenix in a prison cell and then goes black. You're give three matches to light and explore a wall on the page. If you click on any of the four messages you find there you get to see four different videos showing backstory and some gameplay.


More interesting is the fact that the dozen words that are hyperlinks in the email form the sentence: Marcus Fenix has been located. You have 48 hours to mobilize.


The question is what does that mean. It could mean that the linked page is only around for 48 hours or, let's hold our breath, that we will be perhaps getting a demo of Gears of War in two days.


Go, rend the site, let us know what you come up with. The full email is on the jump.





Apo pou os pou simperanan aytoi oti mporei na vgei demo se 48 den to katalavaino katholoy!!! eidika de, otan oi idioi oi dimioyrgoi exoun pei kateksakoloythisi oti DEN prokeitai na vgei demo prin tin kikloforia. Min trelenomaste.

Aloste giati na vgaleis demo gia ena game pou exei to megalitero hype toy 2006 otan ola ta previews kai ta hands-on to imnoun???


Sega Responds to PSU 360 Concerns

Why charge Gold users $10 a month? What about microtransactions?


After publishing yesterday's story about Sega releasing a week-long open beta test for Phantasy Star Universe on Xbox 360 and confirming they would be charging $10 a month for a GUARDIANS license, we had questions. Namely, given that PSU isn't actually a massively multiplayer online role-playing-game in the same sense as World of Warcraft or EverQuest, where does Sega justify the fee?


This becomes especially confusing when considering Xbox Live Gold users are already paying Microsoft for the ability to participate online. Microsoft always maintained MMOs would be playable to Silver members, but this creates an additional cost hazard for a number of players. Several 1UP readers asked about our insinuation the charge may be unfair, so we tasked Sega with answering for us.


One, we can confirm Xbox 360 users will not be subject to microtransactions. The $10 a month GUARDIAN license provides access to all additional content, which Sega says includes "quests, maps, bosses, enemies, weapons, armor, clothes, Photon Arts, SUV weapons for CAST and Nanoblast attacks for beast characters, My Room items and decor (including holiday themes), and more."


But, why charge in the first place? "With the online mode, we want PSU to be a highly interactive community that is constantly evolving and adapting to player participation. The GUARDIANS License at $9.99 per month covers upkeep of the servers, as well as a robust plan for regular monthly content updates," said Sega of America Product Manager Ben Harrison to 1UP.


There always exists the possibility that the additional fee will limit player addiction habits, or force them to remain offline. Harrison doesn't see this as a concern. "We do not expect the fee to affect retention rates among players, as the online multiplayer experience complements the single player mode which provides over 40 hours of gameplay and is included in the initial purchase price of the game itself," he said. "Gamers are essentially getting a two-for-one deal."


The litmus test will be how many users continue playing PSU past its first month of release. Will you?


Microsoft: Xbox 360 Hack Threatens Entire Game Industry


Microsoft has responded to a new threat of mod chip activity on the Xbox 360, which lets players bypass the console's security system and play bootlegged games.



Hackers have breached the Xbox 360, and modded consoles are growing in popularity


In a follow up to yesterday's story, reported exclusively by GamePro, we reported on the growing practice of modding Xbox 360s to play pirated games. Today, a Microsoft spokesperson sent a statement to GamePro explaining the company's position.


"The health of the video game business depends on customers paying for the genuine products and services they receive, both from manufacturers and the local companies that support them," the statement reads.


"Microsoft will continue to employ and bolster its anti-piracy security measures to counter piracy in the gaming industry. Opening an Xbox for modification voids the warranty, and may cause the system to work improperly. Moreover, customers can only enjoy access to the Xbox Live community through the use of a genuine Xbox console."


Thanks to an anonymous source, GamePro can also reveal further information regarding the new Xbox 360 mod chips. The modifications work by flashing the console's DVD drive BIOS with new information. Bootleggers must first download "security sectors" from a pirating tools site, merge them with copied game data, and burn the hacked game to a dual-layer DVD using a special process and a specific program before the game will function in the Xbox 360....and even then, it requires a specific model of DVD burner to work.


Due to the somewhat complex copying process, some enterprising pirates have taken to selling copied games for as low as $10 on popular online auction sites. The mod chips themselves are also available for as little as $30.


Piracy costs the video game industry untold millions each year, and the Xbox 360's standard DVD format makes it more vulnerable to such hacks than the more exotic Blu-ray format used by the upcoming PlayStation 3.




PES 6 gameplay videos





kathara kai mono vlepwntas to gameplay , einai sigoura mia veltiwmeni ekdosi tou PES5.

Dld i mpala stis sentres pairnei diaforetiki troxia , me faltsa kai allazontas taxytita otan peftei. Sigoura poio realistiko.

Stis kontres kai sta collision twn paixtwn pali einai poly pio random ta pramata ap'oti sto PES5.

De kserw an auto einai to olo "next-gen" gameplay pou mporoun na kanoun , alla toulaxiston fainetai kalytero apo to PES5.


15 meres einai , ante na doume... :)



sto video Pro_Evolution_Soccer_6_3.wmv deite to monokomato sto 6:00'.

Makari na ginontai syxna auta kai oxi ekeines oi ksenerwtes kefalies pou kanei synexeia eksw apo tin perioxi...

Genikotera pantws paratirwntas to video vlepeis 5-6 nea animations. Elpizw na exei ki alla. :D


Παιδιά το pes6 για 360 θα κυκλοφορήσει / παραληφθεί 20/10, ίσως και λίγο νωρίτερα. μίλαγα πριν λίγο με τον αντιπρόσωπο και τη Δευτέρα ίσως ξέρω σιγουρα.


Το fifa 26/10 στα μαγαζιά.


Τα σκιλ στο Fifa 1000% δεν θα υπάρχουν, αν και εμένα δεν με χαλάει τόσο πολύ είναι απογοήτευση.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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